Friday, 4 December 2015



All will be revealed in time

     Answers are coming. Be certain all will be revealed, and be understanding all opens to our time to answer to truth.  Know and share understanding of my words. Be sure all truth comes with our words. Know we are dealing with greater seeings than seen on Earth, as all opens to these trusted ways of all great used truth.

     Here is the thing about the flat Earth beliefs. These understandings are based on the uncovered truth about the Arctic and Antarctic places. These places are serving cold weather in conformation of how they are land masses moved away from the Sun. Here is the truth about this; these land and ice masses are covering great cities of the times of our seeing.

     These places were settling with many others, and responding to greater civilizations. But all ideals were changed by Lucifer, who answered to our truth, but only responded to causing harm. With the evidence of our arrivals and our return to Earth, determined to better the world, we had to open to freezing him into a place of security before we could serve with a better army.

     You see this now, but you do not understand why he was condemned by us. He visited many places to better his ways, and he destroyed many places (like Mars) to better his needs, but he tried to do the same on Earth, and served visits to other places (and other races) to keep all in place.  

     Be seeing how this is helping these possessed leaders of the world to cause chaos, by believed declaration of climate change chaos, that does only serve the rich and impoverishes the servants of laws. People are only living as they can, and are troubled by these taxes that only serve the rich to answer to their protection as we arrive. As they know we are arriving, they will be settling with us.
     Know they plan to start greater troubles. The users of lies are bridging with their own demises. Understand this was serving all renewed proof of how we are. Other users of truth were serving these times also. Our armies were depleted, and we needed to go across the Universes to open to greater seeing in manifestation of our bridging ways with others.

      We became well known in all places and learned many truths with others, in evidence of all these places. And with this knowledge and greater seeing, we are now returning knowledge and light of understanding to Earth to stop these plans (the control and destruction of all souls) from occurring. 

     These leaders of lies are serving with Lucifer's ways; they open to greater lies. But all lies will be dealt with at the time of questions because many other lies must be dispelled. Be seeing the works of Lucifer in all places of the world where inequality of people, poor care of children, the evidence of great wars and atrocities lives, as it did in his (Lucifer) time of great worship.

      He does all this again because he sees we are returning to Earth. He believes that with his helpers, he can cause more chaos in display of his manipulations of spirit possessions.  Be dealing only with these words for now, as there are more troubling seeings of how all settles on Earth. These ways are becoming evident with the practices of the hadron colliders that open the gates for the spirits to pass through.

     Be ready as these days will be full of troubles and deaths, and be seeing how all serving truth will be only lies coming from these renewals of dark ways, in evidence of our time to return to stop the "Apoonancies" non-believers of our ways and users of lies. 

( Za: Alice Bailey is a writer who's books are found in the United Nations library. In her writings, she tells of the importance to control people by removing their rights to open to the ruling time of Lucifer. We see this proof now of these actions with the deliberate killing of people in well prepared false flag events and the horrors of murders through encouraged "religious extremist wars" escalating in all places on Earth).

     This is the possessed ones who cause this, and many more with weakness in them will be settling with this banning together as in one mind, but know these actions only serve the ones who are completely indoctrinated with the teachings of Lucifer in proof of this working deception. This is the reason why we are returning at this time, to remove the "Aponancies" (non-believers in God's ways) from Earth, and heal Earth from Lucifer's grip.

     Know this time is soon, and will heal all to answer to the growth of shared truths and care for each other. These answers can be renewed with all, and here all words answers many. Be understanding we are returning to our Earth, our home, and we will make manifested many truths with people, believing in greater knowledge, who serve with us and who open to truth.

     Here is the thing about the satellite called the "Black Knight". It is responding to our uses and our technologies, and it serves us information as our orbs do, to better see to any help we can provide without causing interference of how all opens to better serving renewals. Be understanding all levels of information answers to us, and this is what is being reproduced by these possessed leaders who better open to believing they are equal to us in technology. But be certain all are lies, and no destruction can equal construction.

     Better serving truth of our ways, believe, will serve all with greater seeing, and soon we arrive to open to the world.


      Received by Za, December 4, 2015

Sunday, 15 November 2015



Renewals are soon opening to many

     Be seeing this now more. Be dealing with beliefs about your world, and how death serves Lucifer.
Know more about the non-believers renewed attacks on the innocent, and be serving with us. Be serving these truths as we begin to share knowledge on Earth. Know all who are with us will be understanding the manifestation of how all serves and how all opens with us.

     See how all is unraveling now to answer to the good days of our time to walk the Earth. All who serve with Lucifer will be removed, and all who harm people will be dealt with and answering to evidence of our wrath. Be certain of these trusted truths and know we begin the sorting of souls as we arrive.

     Better to be with us than with them in evidence of what they are and who they serve. Know all healing comes with us, and know all love and care comes with us. And know these demons are soon all removed as they ask "why" with lies on their tongues. Be renewing with all truth only with us at the time of arrivals. See to it that you can answer to us with greater truth than seen on Earth.

    Know who your enemies are. Be certain they have answers only to better confuse the truth, and change this into deceptions and lies. Soon all will be dealt with and all my true children will be free of the seen proof of murders and thievery. Be certain all answers to this and nothing more, and know they will be all found out.

     Apoonancies (non-believers) think that they can cause all answers to serve them; but know this is only confirmation of their own self-deception as they renew with the greatest of all liars, Lucifer.
Be serving these good arrivals as we begin to answer back to all who cause harm, and who cause others to do the same.

     Be dealing with our ways as you begin to see our actions that will better all life on Earth. Evidence of this will open to shared knowledge with many who are soon seeing all as arrivals open to our time to walk the Earth. And see to it that you are ready as visits begin with the chosen ones. Be certain no politician will be a chosen one, as seeing this will better open to our own better serving souls as we are bridging with them.

     And as this comes to be seen, many will heal with us and understand all explosions of truth in evidence of opening to knowledge, and to the knowledge of who we are. Better days will soon follow our arrivals. All who are settling with Earth ways will be free of all abusers and beings of dark ways. Be renewing with us soon and know all comes to those who know how to better see answers and truth.

     Be renewing with the evidence of who we are and know we are the ones who answer you, and who will reopen to all truth of who Earth serving people are. At this time, you will better understand how the evidence of who responds to who, opens to the great reunification. 

     Apoonancies (non-believers) fear this more in evidence of their guilt. They know it is our time to return to Earth and see to the evolution of humans, because proof has shown us that Lucifer can control from the depths of the Earth, seeing to all the wars and torments caused on Earth. See this better serve with us and others, as all opens to better renewing with us.

     Be dealing more now with the good serving days coming, because knowledge opens to many who will be ready to hear this. Be dealing with the destruction of Syria in evidence of the ones who open to this in answering to land expansion of Israel. Be seeing their plans be stopped by us, and be dealing with the seeing of this tragic act. 

     We arrive at the settling of this as this heals with our Laws. Know all has started to open the ways for our time to return to Earth. These days are here my children, be ready.


Received by Za, November 15, 2015


Sunday, 31 May 2015


Heal with us

     Be ready more is coming. The truth is about to be served in connection with the war on Russia. Be certain all opens now, and serves to answer to evidence of our truth. Be dealing with us in manifestation of how all opens to greater seeing. Be bridging with us very soon, and believe, evidence of our arrivals will be responding more now to answer to greater truth with the way of better answers. With these truths, many will open to knowledge with us. 

Soon we will begin the sorting of souls, and with this comes many surprises because many are hidden evils not seen by human eyes. This will cause the truth of who opens to dark ways with no serving of justice or care. Be dealing with us, see the non-believers' truth with us, and understand how they have caused many troubles, and how they will be dealt with as we remove their actions from Earth, and allow Earth to be served by good intent and good actions.

     Soon all will be renewed, and life with us will be renewed with all evidence of good and better seeing. Be dealing with us soon and be dealing with the truth about your places of emergence, and be bridging with your families from places past. But also know all opens to greater eruptions of events, as all better answers become well opening to all who ask who we are and why have we returned to Earth knowing all help was needed a long time ago. 

     To this I say, we are here now and we are bridging with many who can be served by our truth and better serve with answers to better ways. Be bridging with us and be understanding we are returning  to answer to the calls through prayers being seen by us, as we hear your calls in evidence of our time of reunification.

     Better to be believing in the truth than to be lied to by the servants of Lucifer who are wishing to open to the dark ones face to face (CERN). And in all truth, do you think these ones, the fallen ones, are there on Earth to serve humans? Answers to this are beyond doubt the corroboration of great troubles and the destruction of all good people, trust. 

     Be dealing with our time to answer back to the ones who expelled us from Earth, and who used these ways of looping the souls on Earth through the practice of death ways of aging and death, to cause the soul to never remember their families and places of emergence. Renewing with these ways will respond to greater seeings with us and others, and settle with our truth.

     Be dealing with us soon, more than you are expecting starts with the first bomb on Syria. This causes answers to our obligation to return to Earth as these actions will cause evidence of great dangers in other places in the Universes. Be certain we are near Earth, and responses with us arriving to stop all further troubles, because these dangerous actions of wars will cause many other planets to be in great danger if Earth tries to self-explode.

     And know this will not be served because we can stop this, and we will. Be certain of this, and see all responses to us more now at the time of meeting and opening to the world. 

     Heal with us and be healed by us, and better answer to yourselves with us. And know all answers will serve all good people very well. And be forgiven for your actions that were only a response to your environment and the conditions of your slavery; as slaves have no other choice than to be enslaved, and their actions are only the choices given to answer to.

     Be seeing how you must also accept to forgive yourselves for actions answered by the seeing of others, proving of what they serve. And these evident answers are mostly caused by deceptions and lies to make people act in unnatural ways that are serving to be the destruction of good souls. Be freeing yourselves from the guilt you carry in consequence of actions you would not have committed if you were free to obviously not commit.

     Deal with these truths and be freeing yourselves from all guilt that was imposed on you by other's beliefs or fears. The non-believers see this as a burden to keep you from freeing yourselves, and they use these ways of guilt to open you to the seeing of control and dominance. But with us, you will be free, and with us you will be seen for who you are, as we know the ways of evil and their better lies to deceive the young and the innocent so they can serve all evil ways.

     Renew with us and be renewed with answers to our truth. Be understanding how all opens more now and be responding to greater truth with us. And know all starts soon to answer to better serving truth. Be bridging with us soon and be ready.


Received by Za, May 31, 2015

Sunday, 3 May 2015



Be questioning everything

     Know we are understanding how all answers on Earth and how all settles on Earth, at these coming days of wars and deadly deeds renewing with these death Beings. Know we are opening with greater truth than what is seen, and with all who are ready to answer to us. But also know many will choose to evidently try to open to knowledge with these demons first, to serve them and their ways, and this will be telling of what they choose.

     These ones will be dealt with because all who oppose us will meet their own actions and their own death, as they would have done to those who are being saved by us. And know we are better serving all serving truth and all trusted answers to knowledge and truth. This will be undeniable and evident, and not one man or woman or child on earth will be faced with deceptions as we arrive and open to the world.

     Be ready, proof is very near. And all who ask why this has taken so long will understand that we are knowing about the troubles from Earth for a short time, and we are on our way, but many decisions had to be made responding to these times. Because we are many, some are responding to answers from a long time ago. But know answers to knowledge are greater than seen on Earth.

     All who serve with us tell of the proof of change needed to be gradual to open to knowledge more on Earth, and to open to all. This heals with us, but it answers also to many people who are bridging with us in preparation to these coming days. Renewing with us opens to many as it is with you, and renewing with us are the ones whose souls are serving these days of responses, believed to be the End Times.

     Know we are the ones who are seen in many ships. And only renewing with our ways are renewing with greater answers than seen on Earth. All who are bridging with us will first be contacted. The non-believers will be used to answer that we are the lie they have shared, but know we are answering the serving call for help many have asked for through prayer and meditation.

     Now be seeing how all starts as the war clears many lies told of who causes all these atrocities on Earth. Know these lies answer to Lucifer and his demons first, and then are serving his slaves who are seen as the servers of war and power on Earth. And these are many who are servers of death who believe they can gain power with their acts of murder. Renewing with this only serves Lucifer who will better serve only himself and believe, he has only one loyalty in him, to himself. 

     Be settling with the belief that he is the creator because all who trust in him will soon see what he is. Only renewed lies will answer him. More truth about his place of emergence will cause many to be settling with our seeing, and be renewing with who we are. Open to knowledge now about how all serves more with us, and be the renewed knowledge in evidence of who you are, and where you have emerged from.

     Deal and accept his lies and be lost forever, as these are the days that end all days of great deceptions. These serving days are now here and all who respond to truth will be saved. All who deny the truth will be more trusted by their ways and actions against all that answers to greater ways than what serves on Earth.

     Be ready now to open to these last days on Earth, and be dealing with us and others as these days are now here. And know all who are ready to answer to greater truth will be answered and amazed. This is the time of reunification and freedom from chaos and lies. Heal with us as we are your family returning to better the lives of our children and our friends who are among you now as these times of preparation are soon answered.

     Know all who blaspheme my name in the time of reunification will be seen for what they serve. All who are bridging with us will better their lives, and open to greater truth. Understand that now is the time to answer to knowledge and to answer to truth. Be serving with us and be free. Evidence of our ways will better Earth and all who live there. Better serving with us will answer all.

      Know who we are at the time of meeting because you will be dealing with the truth of your own being, your soul and your place of emergence. And better renewals will answer many who ask " Why has Will left us and renewed with the ruling of evil?", and "Why has God forgotten us and left Hell on Earth to be renewed war after war, and death after death?". And to this I answer; we had nothing to do with this, but we are returning to remove the cancer on Earth, as we are united and serving the Universal Laws, answering all souls in all places in the Universes.

      And know now we arrive and settle with this demon who causes this response to others, and who deals with death, and the eating of human and animal flesh. Be free of this trap of denials and open to greater seeings than what is serving on Earth.

     Be ready to answer to an explosion of truths, and be seeing how all who are ready to share knowledge and understanding with us, will see how all God's truth will better their lives. Answer to greater renewals with all others in the Universes serving with great understandings about how all heals, and about how all responds and opens.

     Here is the thing; more true knowledge opens with our time to walk the Earth, and the time is near. And I am asking you to trust in our reunification to better your lives, so why be afraid. We are settling with many but only those who cause harm. So be renewing with us and be free. Be seeing all truth arrive soon. More truth, more love, more care, and be serving with us.


Received by Za, May 3, 2015

Thursday, 12 March 2015



All starts soon

     Be understanding how all starts responding, how all starts serving with greater truth and better serving answers. Be seeing a more trusted response as we calm all pain on Earth, and respond to evidence of healing ways with the many who will be serving with us, and who will better serve others. More than I can explain to you now answers you as arrivals become seen, and more than our answers to our truth will be seen by many as we walk the Earth.

     See these times be settling with us soon, and know all opens to better seeings and better serving ways at the time of great truth. Be understood by us, and be serving with us and others at the time of reunification. These days of old will be shared, and many will renew with who we are and shared knowledge of how Earth helps all to better live together as all evil is removed. 

     And as arrivals become accepted by all who are dealing with us and many others who return to open to the people of Earth with greater seeings than understood truth could not. Setu times are here in evidence of greater serving truths about the dealings of wars and beliefs about how all serves to answer to knowledge opening to the telling of lies living on Earth to hide who we are.

     At the settling of our time on Earth and at the certain truth shared, answers will be seen. All who ask for better ways of living and serving understandings, will be answered because we can respond to knowledge and better ways of living. And shared understandings will be serving with us, and better open to all soon. And all who open to us will be helped, and this will be the restuu of our ways. "Restuu" means to share and help so that all can live in peace, comfort and security renewed by the people for the people.

     See these evident answers renew with us, and be certain all better truth starts and opens to others. See this be done to prove many truths of who we are. Renew with us and be renewed. Onm with us and be knowing the truth about where you have emerged from. And know all visits from us are coming now to open to all who are ready and all who are serving with great knowledge only to open to truth at these coming days of reunification.

    Be understanding this is the time of reunification. All answers come from us, and not from the liars and deceivers who wish to only respond to wars and the depopulation of Earth to create a world of control, abuses and misery for my children and others' children left on Earth. Love will be the only healing way to answer to these times.

    Be seeing how this answers all. And believe this heals all who will be left on Earth after the great attacks on Syria, as Israel carves a path of destruction on all who oppose their greed. Hear my words and know my words, as this will be seen evidence of the coming days, and know we arrive to stop the settling days of deaths. 

     And be certain we are arriving, and no stone will be left unturned. All ways of wars will be stopped. And then we will begin the sorting of souls. These souls who served another will be dealt with, and corruption of truths will be sorted, and all lies serving these whores will end. Those who better see truth will become free, and with truth comes understanding, and with understanding comes freedom. 

     This heals onm. ("Onm" means light of understanding and true knowledge). This responds to trust and sharing lives of great seeing, and all will serve better answers to onm. Know now who we are, and be renewing with us as we are soon on Earth to walk the Earth with you all. Now be certain all is coming in evidence of our renewing times, but also know many on Earth are from other families also arriving with us. And as shared before, we are all united under the Universal Laws, and we have many places of emergence and greater seeings than shared on Earth.

     But to prove all lies are lies, you must first know the truth, and soon all will be shared, and all who see this will be free and onm with theirs. Evidence of our time to walk the Earth renews with all people of Earth as the skies will be serving the seeing of many ships. These ships are all different but we are as one.

     Be ready. Onm heals all. This is the time of reunification.


     Received March 12, 2015 by Za