Monday, 3 September 2012



  Be dealing with the chaos coming with calm and dignity, as all heals soon after. See how we will better respond to all needs as we arrive and open to many truths. Be serving a time of renewed peace in your hearts, as you will begin to see the healing of Earth. Know we are here to answer to your call, and better see to answers to our ways as all becomes well dealt with.

   Renewing times well serve with the chosen ones first, as they will be given all the information needed by all, to better serve their needs and answer to our truth. Be responding to many more telling truth about how all serves with us, as we become well answered by evidence of our understood seeing. Be responding to the will of many as they will become free from the sort that causes them to not be themselves. See how all begins to change for all people of Earth.

   Be well settling with our truth, as all starts with our ways. Be dealing with our trust in answers, and settle with many, as we begin to serve with many more truths. Be ready to see how all becomes well answering with you, as you begin to better serve with the view all have, and as we answer to your prayers that we have been hearing for a long time. Be very certain we are answering you now.

   Be dealing with Setu (bridging) truth and responding ways of great serving truth.  Be ready to answer to evidence of who we are, as this needs to be settled by our time to walk the Earth. Answer to our many truths, as we become well responding to answers to our ways. Serve to answer to many who are settling with Earth ways by telling them: "Your time has come to be free of all deceptions and lies that have plagued you for so long."

  Be ready to open to the many who are searching for great truth, as all becomes well dealing with us and with our ways. See how all starts with the truth settling with all, as we begin to open to the world, and see how all becomes well serving with us. Be ready to answer to evidence of our ways. Be well serving of how all heals, as we begin to open to many with our chosen ones.

  Be well answering to answers to evidence, and be serving many more ways as you will have all you need to live, better choices of work or seeing to the reconstruction of Earth if this is your wishes. Be very ready to answer to evidence of our time together with the better ways of living and better ways of healing with answers to cures for diseases and health returned. 

  See how we are answering to answers to our ways. Open to our seeing, as we begin to answer to our truth. Settle with the way of great serving responses, as all begins to be served and seen by us. Be well answered by our truth, and be seeing how answers open to many more trusted truths at the understood way of good seeing.

  These times are very near, and I see how many of you are Setu (bridging) but not answering to my words. So, I ask you to take heed and open to the ways all starts with the view you have. Settle very soon with Earth ways, as these ways will no longer serve you. Be serving with us, as we become well serving of our truth. Know when all is healing well, we will celebrate together and be as one.  

  These days are soon opening to all, and we are responding to answers to our truth and our Setu ways. Evidence starts with answers to our many truths, and our many ways of great truth and renewed understandings. Be settling with us as we are soon with you to open to prove who we are. Be serving all these ways of great seeing and great truth. 

  Know now these ways of great truth. See how all starts opening to our many settling ways of dealing with the coming wars. We will begin by opening to the world with the arrivals of our troops. Then, we will stop all armaments of great destruction by shutting them down. Then, we will stop the military aggressors from harming others and each other, with our methods of isolating these uses to cause harm and dismantling them with our instruments of power.

  These truths as renewed will answer to all answers, and to all serving of our ways. We will better serve with our ways and our dealings, as many become well answering to more than our truth and our Setu (bridging) seeing with us. Be ready to answer to our way with answers, and see how all becomes well dealt with and better served by all.

  Be responding to our way of doing this, as these days will not be very long but may cause fear and chaos in some places on Earth, but all other places that have no military action will be free to begin the time of reckoning with us and with our impatient family members who wish to be reunited with their own. And know I hear these questions and they say: "When will we see our families and when will we be reunited?"

  Be ready to answer to our truth, as we will open all to you and share all understandings we can give you about our ways of living, and our Setu truth with the understood way we came to be as we are now. Be ready now and see how all better answers to us, as we start with the view that all becomes well serving of our ways and our Setu truth.

Be well answered by us. Settle with the view all have as the truth will open to you. Deal with our answers and our renewals. Be ready to answer to many as all-seeing is well serving, and better seen by all. Know we come to open these truths, and settle with the evil that lives on Earth. Be responding now and serve with evidence of our ways, as all becomes well answered by our truth.

  Be ready now and be well serving of my warnings about having all you need to be well serving of our ways of great truth. See how your vigilance of caring for your own needs with supplies will open to many more settling of good serving with us, because we will be able to care for those in greater need. This heals with all who are ready to answer to us, as we begin to open to all people of Earth.

  Know now this. Better truth starts with the settling of our time together, and the good wish we have to be Setu (reuniting) with you, as you will be with us. Know understandings will grow very soon with many others, and many more truth soon opening to our time to answer you. See how all becomes well serving, as we begin to answer to many who are settling with our ways.

  Be settling with the ways of the Earth, as you see your governments and oil lords become seen for who they are with nothing to serve them. Proof serves you well. See to it you are serving with answers as arrivals begin. Decide yourselves what proof you need to open to these good settling times. Be well answered and tell yourselves all comes as I said, as these times open to all good Earth people, and this I promise will be so amazing.

  Deal with your sadness about lives ending at this time, but also understand used words shared about reincarnation and returning times. Know all families will soon be reuniting as these ways will answer all of you. These families are the ones who love and cherish you, and not the ones created to cause you to be harmed and restraining you from your full person, with all the potential you have, be controlled or destroyed.

   Because this has been seen too many times, and has been orchestrated by dark ways to have the chosen ones put in families on Earth only to cause them to be put in denial of who they are. They are given a dark soul in charge of keeping these true beings of good ways, to be controlled and diminished. Be free of these liars, as they will be removed from Earth and put in their right places. 

  See these times be well ending for many who suffer the consequences of how all starts responding to answers of our truth. See how all begins to open to many more ways, as all becomes well serving, and opening to greater understood truth. Be settling with the dark ways of Earth, and open to us at the time of our arrivals, as we renew with all our children on Earth, and all our better beholding, arriving to open to the way of our time of reunification.

  More than you can see starts very soon. Now see these times begin as evidence starts with us.


  Received by Za, September 3, 2012. 

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