Wednesday, 20 June 2012



  Be ready and see these times be changing to open to a time of great understandings and better truth. Be well answered by all who are soon ready to open to awareness of many more renewing ways, and be well answered by our time to walk the Earth. The better truths are soon here, and many will start seeing all with healed bodies and better living ways.

  These ways are answering to all who wish to open to us, and heal with us the separation repeated by your rulers. They are now nearing their end of their telling of lies, and they well understand what they have done and what they are responsible for. Be well serving of our truth, as these words I share with you are the words healing you right now. 

  Respond to our arrivals with us, be calm and be ready to meet with your true families. We are waiting to be with you, and with our ways of returning all evidence of truth with the way of great seeings and great Setu (bridging) ways. Be well answered by all who are searching for you. Know that not all beings of our kind on Earth have agreed to be on Earth to help with these understood changing times. Some of our kind were taken against their will and without their knowledge or memories of these events. This healing opens to them and to you, who have suffered greatly to be used as sources of breeding into bloodlines that are not of your choosing a long time ago. 

  See these words answer you, as you will understand why many of you feel you do not belong on Earth, and why you are treated with lives of misery to keep you from discovering your true-self. These times are evidence of ended tyranny over my children, and all over for others who have been taken from their families, and who are now found by us. 

  We did not know the way this came to be until some of our scouts served these understood truths to us. We believed you were all in agreement of the ways of Earth and all truths were known by you, and all settling ways were telling of your alliances. More than I say about this needs to be shared, and these words you will soon hear as you begin to unravel these truths.

  When all started to be seen by us, we needed to make a plan to answer to our return to Earth. These plans were dealing with a need to awaken many of our kind so they could start with our words. Many you call channelers are the ones who open to our telepathic communications because they are of our kind. Many are also parts of the fallen Angels proven by their deceptions and trickery. But many are as we are, and only serve with us. These are my children who were taken because Lucifer needed the holy blood to make more able to do his deeds of technology and science to serve his purposes.

  Now all heals as we are responding back to all offenses and abuses. Understand, we used to be with many other groups of Angels. The non-believers (Apoonancies) were the ones who destroyed these planets near Earth causing a great shift to occur. See this on the Moon base, as this is their place of governance of Earth.

  Now tell yourselves all lies told to you will soon be uncovered, and all truths discovered. Be well awakened by the used (past) understandings with us, and with these demons that we will soon uncover. Be well settling with these ones as they will better see they are only settling with their end of abuses on humans. These ones will soon better understand the responses to their workings.

  Now open to our arrivals. Know all harm heals with us. And know we are settling renewal times as we speak, to better prepare all who will better see these truths, and to share knowledge (onm) with the others who still live in fear of being harmed. Be well serving of our time together and see we are as you are, and we wish to be reunited and opening the way for reunions with family and better ways of living.

  While you are responding to the changes, we will begin evidence of a great projects of cleaning Earth. Some may need to be relocated, some will choose to open to working with the Galactic Federation of Light, and some will remain on Earth to answer to participation in the many shared projects of renewal. Be certain all these ways are of your choice and decision, and you can do all these things if you choose.

  These times of having slave masters telling you what to do are over. Now you will know the truth, and be free to choose your own way with us or with others who follow the Universal Laws. This will answer many, and these times will heal many, as these times begin to be settling with all truths on Earth. Be certain you will heal your broken hearts as you need to with your loved ones long lost through death and separation. 

With these words, I wish to tell you that death is not as you see on Earth. On Earth, the body is used until completion, and then the soul returns to answer to another life. Be renewing this knowledge with us, and see how these ways were manipulated to erase all soul memories, to have another control of your destiny, and outcome of your lives. Renewing with this may be difficult to accept, as you have all accepted the facts of aging and death. Be surprised to know these ways only exists on Earth as you are being used as slaves to serve these demons. Be certain you will soon be free of these many returns to different lives, as the truth will open you to this knowledge.

  Now be ready. All answers you soon and opens to the arrivals in evidence of the time of reckoning, and see all be as I said. Know you are well loved by all who are waiting to see their children return from abuses of Earth lives. Be serving a time of deep meditation, and ready yourselves for our return to Earth as we are the makers of these planets, and are settling with those who have caused us great sadness and heart pain.


Received June 20th, 2012 by Za 

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