Saturday, 23 June 2012



  Be well seeing the ways of great emanation of truth, as we begin to open to the world. The proof of our truth will answer many on Earth. Our ways of dealing with your questions will serve many understandings, and better open to knowledge settling with facts of truth. Be certain all who are wanting to answer to us will be well received and welcomed by our renewed responses. The time of better truth is now, and all who see how all unravels will soon share understandings renewed by us. 

  Dealing with troubles of health with air pollution and chemtrails will improve in a very short time, as we can reverse these attacks on humans with our technologies. The chemtrails are proof that all on Earth are prisoners of repeated attacks of the method of control of the environment. These chemtrails are causing the birds to and the fish to die, and all the sea mammals to be disoriented.

   Many humans on Earth in places of great population, are feeling tired and ill because of these changing chemicals that serve to answer to manipulations of health and weather. Be seeing how this is meant to stop you from opening to our arrivals, and causing much more harm than the uses of cars. Believe these words, and know we understand the level of denial of imprinted thought onto humans. But try to free yourself of denial, and try to open to our used truth about how all forming of better judgements on Earth are greatly needed.

  With these truths, you will soon find confirmation of answers that will serve to open to our ways, Setu (bridging) ways of great understandings and better seen truth. Respond now to our call, and be well answered by us who are your family and your servants of the Universals Laws. Be well answered by our truth and renew with us as we arrive and renew understandings of how all came to be with us. Well answered truth will better serve you, and well apparent better serving truth will awaken you from the lies you have been imprinted with.

  These lies were put in place to answer to your submission to a system of power and control that only heals with truth. These truths will awaken a renewal of our ways, and open many to our seeings of great understandings. This will open to honored ways of feeling better about who you truly are, as children of the Creator, and not born genetically from apes. These lies were told to you to reduce the belief that you are more than seen. Be settling with this system of demeaning beliefs, as it has evolved to the eradication of people as collateral, secondary and warranted damage of human life, and only that.

  ALL people of all places have a right to be free.  All who oppose these ways are the ones who are needing to be removed, as they are simply destructive and evil, and care not for human life. They are the ones telling you now, that we are as they are, and their attempts to cause fear in people will no longer work, as people of Earth are awakening to all their blatant deceptions.

  Be understanding our ways of truth, and be well serving of our arrivals as all starts to answer back to those who have controlled you for so long, and know we serve to respond to your call for help settling with the proof of our time to walk the Earth. Be understanding that all destruction of Earth, with these answers evidently renewed by these liars, will soon stop as we remove these cancers from Earth, and put them in a place of serving responses to their actions. These are the ways of the Universal Laws, answering to cause and effect, a question of justice and great settling on Earth.

  What is there to live for on Earth? Healing time is coming and needed to answer all of you, as you will soon see this for yourselves. Be well answered by us, and know that many are asking us when will they be able to come to Earth to respond to their own children. They ask me this question every day, and you ask me when will we arrive. This gives me a feeling of great love growing in all of us, and all who are wanting to be reunited ask all these questions. "Arrivals are soon" is my answer, and love will heal our separation and answer many.

  Now see this. Truth awakens to many more truth. As all unravels, you will have answers to many more Setu (bridging) seeings. My scribe wishes me to explain the way of a Setu Being of Light. Understand that you are who you are, and many are serving with the telling of great concluding times on Earth, but they are much more than this. A Setu Being heals all troubles through knowledge and understanding, and opens to answers through experiences lived in many places, as is on Earth with reincarnations.

These experiences serve to show the Setu Being all that heals comes from within, as one learns to answer to these experiences. This is the learning part. Then the Setu Being opens to the balance of heart renewal of trust in oneself; this renews with a new response, and the responses heal to evolve the settling of this experience. As this occurs, the energy field of the body you call chakras* on Earth starts realigning, and answers to knowledge and dealings of used truths of the Universal Laws. These ways open to finding yourself, knowing yourself, and serving your evolution. These ways are our ways of opening to ourselves, and more sharing of this we can open to together, as it is much more than this to answer to on paper or internet.

  Be ready now, all is here and all answers to our time to share knowledge with many of you who are serving the principles of the Universal Laws, by being yourselves and serving with us. These ways are called the Setu Way and serve to answer to great truth. All who are reading these words found these words, because you are ready to answer to yourselves and the way of the Universal Laws.

  Be well serving now of your true self. Respond to us, and to our call as we are soon there with you as the time opens to our time together.  Be well aware of the question that will arise as we are sharing our spiritual ways of healing, and discover your own way of healing yourselves as we begin to reunite with all our children. Be visited soon by the first arrivals, and know all others searching for family members will follow soon after.

  Be ready, and see all come as I said.


  Received June 22, 2012  by Za

* Chakra: each of the seven centers of spiritual energy and power of the human body.

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