Friday, 29 June 2012



  "Bessron aonma poon onm setu aonma restuu aonsuut bessron sertuu tessron bet ut restuu poon bessron toona ut deers baza cess". This means: "We are soon sharing our great truths with our many family members who are searching for our time of renewal and great awakenings to our answers of responding reunions serving times".

  Be ready, all comes as I said. Settle with the many who are asking you why do you trust in our words, and not in Earth words. And to this question reply: "Because Earth words are many layers of lies, and we want to know the truth about why answers to our existence are only settling with words of questionable and unproven facts".

  These facts on Earth are only words of science who fail to open to anything more than limited observations restricted to limited understanding. There are many ways responding to answers and we are arriving to share these words with you. Be well seeing, as all starts in a very short time. Know we will answer all of your questions and beliefs.

  "Ijheer" is the word we use to express our idea of the Holy Spirit that flows through all people on Earth, as these understandings are shared by many religions. But "Ijheer" is more than this. It is a missing person, a person that is somewhere but has not been found by anyone on Earth. This person has been taken from me with many of her children from our place of living.

  These serving questions of who we are, answers these conversations, as we did not know where these missing Angels were taken to for a very long time. They went missing after the great wars between Lemuria and Atlantis, as the story has never been uncovered because a lie was being covered up so to not awaken the truth that we all share.

  These were the times of great wars, and many great warriors were a part of these wars. But many returned home without a victory. Now renewal times are here, and we understand the full story of how many of our kind came to be trapped in our ways and in our truth, but visited with other forces that held them in a lie.

  This lie said that people came to Earth as they were expelled from Heaven, our planet, to well serve their serving ways questioning their existence. But this lie is only an answer forged by Lucifer who guarded all beings on Earth at the time of our departure from Earth. We believed that all who remained on Earth did this out of their own free will.

  Many years later we were sending scouts to visit the near planets to be seeing to stories of great changes on Earth. Be seeing why we are here and only now. Understand the uses for incarnations served to adapt to other planets atmospheres, and better serving answers to many more uses of physical realities. Better serving these methods, we devised to question our time of living history to be well serving of our ways of evolution and growing knowledge.

  These ways were taken by the alien Lucifer, who wanted to create an answer to manipulating human bodies, and causing aging under a genetic method used by his beings' kind only. These ways, as seen on Earth, stops a good person from experiencing their evolution as it repeats the sequences of life with no resolution, and nothing opens to them.

  You will answer to many more truth as we arrive. You will soon understand how all is because what heals on Earth answers to evidence of many responding truth. These truth are serving with questions to answer to knowledge of who we are, and why we are dealing with the evidence of many more people of Earth. Be ready and settle with "Answer to Answers" as these words are the seeing of Earth as all starts, and as all becomes well answering to many more understandings. 

  Be well serving of our time together, and be certain all history will better serve with our ways, and with our renewed answers to all your questions. Be certain no harm will come to you. Your Setu ways will open your hearts, and many will become well settling with Earth ways.

  Know now this. As all becomes renewed, your place on Earth will be changed and your truth will better respond to knowledge, and to the book "Answer to Answers". Be very careful about better responding questions of knowledge, as these ways are not for all, and serve to answer only some. But remember, you can answer the way of truth with many more serving ways by your caring actions to answer to the needs of others, who will answer to your great kindness.

  With these times, healing starts with the truth undone, and with the Setu ways we are very near sharing. Be well settling of many truths, be well serving all ways of helping each other, in these times of great changes, and be ready to answer to our call. As many of you are reading these words and telling yourselves: "Can these times be true?"And my answer is: "Heal these truths as we begin to walk the Earth.  Have no fear of those who are as you are, and who wish to open to your truth."

  Be well answered now, and be well seeing that we are here to open the way for humans to see the way of great understandings, as all becomes well served and well dealt with. More than you can renew with answers you soon. So I ask you to be patient and calm, and be questioning us as you need to, as all starts better answering to many who are searching for many truths, and better ways of serving with answers to evidence of our ways.

  Many more renewing ways are soon here, believe you are answered. Be ready, all comes as I said.


Received June 28, 2012 by Za


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