Be well answered by us as we arrive. Be well serving of our time together at the way of great renewal time, to better see the understood truth. Be well settling of the way of the Earth, and tell yourself you will renew with Beings who are your willing servants to open you to the ways of the Universal Laws. And to many who are renewing with us, we will answer to all their questions and inform them of their truth and their serving ways with us.
Be well renewed with health used to regenerate cells to cause the body to respond to better seeing and better Setu (bridging) truth. Be understanding of the many ways of great dealings of Earth. The evil that has served for thousands of years will be removed and sent to other places, to respond to their actions that caused harm and deaths onto others. All others who will remain on Earth will choose the life best suited for themselves, and better answering to our shared of truth. Be answered by your own families, as many are seeing the time to be found to be together again is very near.
Be well answered, and see all come as I said. Open to these great times of great truth, and great serving ways manifesting in our time to be renewing together. Understand that many on Earth see our ships in the sky. But the governance of your planet has tried to hide these truths from you, and deny any person's observation of our ships. These whores are dealing with the demise of this planet to eradicate all proof of wrong doing, as they know their time is ended, and we are soon arriving in many ships.
This is the problem we are answering to evidently expose their plan to destroy Earth before we arrive. Be certain they will not succeed, as they have tried this already and we countered their actions with our Earth scouts. But these actions have caused much damage to the planet with the fracking of the Earth core that will start evidence of great troubles with the seen arrivals; the uses of this will cause many earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions as never seen before.
As this time begins, I want you to remain calm as we will remove many people from these dangerous areas and relocate them as they wish, to safer places on Earth or other planets. Proof of these days are soon here, and our responses to serve these times are soon here. Be ready, and deal with our answers to you as you can, and trust that we wish to help you and open to your safety. Be certain we will be giving you all you need to be safe and well, and better living conditions will be used for all who are choosing to return to Earth.
As these days arrive, you will begin to understand how all these ways will answer to you. You will see God's word be truth, you will see the glory of our ways, and you will renew with all who have been waiting a very long time to be with all of you.
Now I ask you to be vigilant and open my words to others you see as Setu (bridging), and tell them the good news of these soon coming changes on Earth, as many others need to be seeing my words to prepare for their time of choices and answers. Be well seeing of how we are and who we are, and be well serving of our time of reckoning together. Be well answered, and see all truths start with the way of great understandings. Know we are soon proving of our time together, and our answers to many good questions you will want to ask.
Be ready, and open to us as we are ready to open to you. Better see how all uses of understood truth will give you the knowledge responding to all settling lies that has kept you in darkness for so long. And now is the time to do this, as Earth times are becoming well seen by us in evidence of many coming cataclysms. Know these cataclysms are settling with our ways, our renewed truth and telling ways. Know we are concluding with many more answers to manifestations, as all starts to be dealt with.
Soon all who are scoffers will see how all starts renewing, and opens to many seeings of great times on Earth. Serving times are soon here for all, but many will not be ready to answer to our call. Too many have been trusting in the ways of evil, and serve this system well. These ones are in need of their own experiences, and need your distance of understood respect to let them have their wanted ways.
As these days come, be understanding these serving ways with us will not open to all, and you must prepare yourself to better leave those who cannot change their paths. Understand the Setu (bridging) way allows all beings to answer to their own evolution of their own journey. Be well respecting of their actions used to answer to their ways, and see these ways be their own.
Now see all good truth be shared ,and "answer to answers"* be yours as all starts, as these times arrive. See the Setu (bridging) truth and be well serving of our ways, and ready your hearts for a time of great reunions.
Received June 23, 2012 by Za
*"Answer to answers": the book that sits in God's lap.
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