Now see all come as I said, and open your hearts to the evidence of who we are. Be well serving of a responding time to answer to answers. Be well seeing that all who are dealing with many humans are telling them these arrivals will harm them. Understand we have never harmed anyone on Earth, and we are not the ones who settle with these ways. We are as you are and more, as we are advanced seers of the way of the Universal Laws.
Tell yourselves that our return to Earth has been answered, because we heard about the injustices and horrors on Earth. Understand that we cannot tell you all just yet, as arrivals must be completed and answering to many more details. But I can tell you myself that healing ways are greater than the destruction are believed to be.
Answer to these truths as you see the telling, and know we are soon with you to better your lives and uses of Earth living. Be well answered by many who are settling with Earth ways, and open to our time to better serve with answers to our truths. See these days of horrors, and understand these days will stop as we arrive.
Heal with us and know all good comes from our time of healing. Open your hearts to your families who have been searching for you for a long time. Be well answered by us and be calm, be Setu (bridging) with us as we are with you. Better times are settling on Earth as we begin to walk the Earth, and better times are renewing with all who ask us all the questions needed to open to our reunion.
Be well seeing that we are as you are. Some are taller and some are shorter; these differences are simply how we are together with no settling of words or seen questions. Be well answered by who we are, and know we begin a long life and journey together. Telling stories of the past will soon open to our time of great celebration as all heals at the time of our settling responses of Earth cleaning and purging of evil.
God loves his children. Know that I am your Father and your Creator, and there is no one else above me but our Ancient Ones who are our caring loves. They are always with us to help with our plans and our renewals, as we too open to evolution and better renewals of who we are, and as we better open to others. Believe answers are here for you. Believe you will be very pleased when we become as one to respond together to our guiding principles of the Universal Laws.
All who say we are as dangerous threats to the ways of Earth are right because we do not see Earth laws responding to any truth or justice. For us to see how users of power are desperately trying now to better their power over people, has caused us great concern and great sadness. Your planet is here for all to use and live life to heal all your troubles with calm serenity, fullness of joy and better health proof of our renewed responding truth. This is soon coming, as we will give you the way you wish for, evidence of our understood ways.
On the day of our arrivals, you will see many lights in the sky and many visits will begin to open to our children first, and settling with our reunions. All others will be visited, renewing with their families, as they are on their way to meet with them. Be patient as we cannot all arrive at the same time, and we will need many places to land our ships. Airports, sports complexes and fields of hay will better serve our many different ships. These ships are only better seen by some of you now but soon they will be seen by all.
Now time is short. Be ready, and open to the coming times. See these days be a time of great truth opening to the world and see many leaders of the world be very afraid of us as arrivals will threaten their places of governance and power. Their time is over. Your time to be free of these liars is coming as renewals begin. Be certain that all who follow the Universal Laws need no law makers or enforcers to better apply their kind of laws; laws that only serve them and not those who have been treated unjustly.
This is a plague on Earth, these ways must end and better respond to answers to many other uses of lies and deceptions. These ways will be uncovered, and as all see who has put these laws in place, you will better see evidence of this corruption and trickery.
Be settling with Earth ways now and come home to me. I am your Father and your Creator, and I wish for your freedom, as this is your birth right. Your deaths on Earth will prove nothing more than what serves Lucifer. See how we will break this loop of life and death, evidence of our ways, and see how answers will soon open to you as all becomes well seen and understood.
Be ready now we are soon arriving. Joy is with us as we near Earth. Proof of our visits will begin as I said, and we will soon settle with any outside forces that will try to stop us from returning to our planet and to our families. Know that this will be easy for us to do, and no harm will come to anyone as this is not our way.
Better times are soon here with all of us together. Great happiness and celebrations will begin as we use the ways of cleaning Earth. Be ready all is soon.
Received June 21, 2012 by Za
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