Friday, 31 August 2012



  Be ready to open to answers and be renewing with us at the time of our reunion. Give your renewed answers to our ways and see them renew your lives. Evidence of who you are, might answer you more than you know. And settle with Lucifer's ways of disrespect of our kind, and calling us the descendants of animals, as these theories are only there to make you feel like animals and nothing more. 

  Animals are only on Earth because these species were brought to Earth and did not evolve from fish that did not evolve from eels or one cell animals. All these recent stories were better seen to confuse you more, as people began awakening and wanting to be as the clergy and kings that they were enslaved to. But to tell they are only an upgrade from an evolutionary process over billions of years is a great deception and moreover, a calamity of lies.

  Be ready to understand how all came to be on Earth without these horrors and these extravagant lies. And do you actually believe that you have emerge from a one cell animal to creatively become human? Dealing with this deception answers to good reasons to open to eugenics; this we do not serve and will never serve. 

  Be seeing how you will better renew with the truth of our understood seeings as all serves with us, and see that all life on Earth came from our creation and responds to our healing ways. These ways you shall soon see. See to it thy will answer now to truth. Evidence heals you and you will be amazed by the settling proof of who you are. Be well answered as all becomes well serving proof of truth renewed by better knowledge and understanding.

  Be well answered by these coming words and tell yourselves that lies as told serve only to cause you to be a slave of your nature as it is deemed to be animalism. Be settling with this indoctrination that answers to all education and better serves to classify and divide humans into races and colors but does nothing to show the greatness of all groups of people and the renewals of Setu truth.

  Be responding to knowledge of our ways and settle with the truth about how all heals. See these uses of great trusted ways seen by you, answer all used (past) truths about your place of origin. Be dealing with these lies as people dealt with the knowledge shared about the Earth being flat. The Earth here is round and the thought was that naval ships disappeared because it was flat and they drove their ships off Earth and fell into emptiness. How can anyone believe that this occurred?  How can anyone believe in Earth's theory of evolution constructed by one single man who did not believe his own views and dispelled them in future writings. 

  Now other skull discoveries are dealt with confusion because these understandings do not fit in this theory. Heal these lies and learn the truth of how humans arrived on Earth and began renewing their lives there. But tell yourselves all started with us and all was changed by Lucifer. Be ready to accept the truth of who you are, and be serving evidence with the way all starts healing as many answers open to serving trust.

  See how you will be well seeing our ways and our truth as all becomes well serving of our time to be seen by all, at these times of arrivals. Be willing to answer to many dealt with lies about many things as the purpose of this is to cause you to see yourselves as less than you are. 

  These truths that we share with you are contradicting all these ridiculous theories that only settle with better reasons to control people as they call many "useless eaters". This is what you are to these parasites and only this. These days as said are soon over and you will be free of our time to be serving these words as we arrive and answer to evidence of our ways. 

  Be seeing how we are answering you these words responding to many truths and be telling yourselves all starts very soon. Heal with us and know your truth of origin. Be seeing how all began on Earth as we finished seeing to the places to live, and then answered to our time of living on Earth with many other species of animals and sea creatures. 

  We cared for the seeing of people's lives as these ways were necessary to open to their well being. Then we began serving the many other animals by giving them a good home to live in and peace reigned on Earth. These were the times of Paradise on Earth and we became well served by our lives here.

  But soon the wars began with the demon reptilians, and we only settle to escape at these seeings of great numbers. They attacked us with great strength and we did not know of these kinds before, so we needed to outpost on another planet to try to settle with our defeat. These times were necessary for us to regain power over our time of truth, and strength was served to us by the elders or Ancient Ones who explained to us that our strength needed to be unified. 

  Soon all others joined with us to answer to our unification under the Setu seeings of the Universal Laws and we became well serving together more than expected. The Ancient Ones told us of the seeings on Earth and how now was the time to return and reclaim our planet given the situation of possible destruction.

  Be dealing with this telling as it is not a theory. See to it you understand that all DNA manipulations came from the workings of these parasites and this is why we are destined to end their destruction with our arrivals.  Be certain we are here for this purpose and we are all very well prepared by evidence of our great numbers. 

  See how we are settling with those who stole from us, and who better serve with the dealt with rage we had for many years. Believe we had much rage and sadness to move through as we saw our lost children better serving with slavery and tortures. Because we are settling now with these whores you will see how all will end with them and none will escape us, as we will not leave any stone unturned.

  Be serving answers to our time to be reunited with you. Deal with these whores as their time of abuses is healed by us, as we removed them from Earth and put them all in their right places. Be ready now, all comes as I said, and see to it that you are well ready to answer to my call as these trusted truths are soon answering you. 

  Be well serving of your time together as all starts and know we are here to return to our own children and our own planet, as we are the ones who have created it. Heal with us and be well served by all good Setu truth and be dealing with the way of the Universal Laws and all who serve with us.


  Received by Za, August 31, 2012

Thursday, 30 August 2012



  Respond well to our arrivals and remain calm as there is only healing coming. Questions will be all answered together as we start opening to the world. See how we are serving with many who are telling all who we are. Be ready and settle with the view of our truth and our settling ways to open to our time of great dealings.

   See how all starts with the way of great truth. Be well answered  by our explosion of truth and see how we all prove many more understandings as arrivals begin to descend onto Earth. Serve with us as truth heals all. 

  You will be well understanding of how all came to be with the Setu seeings shared and with the way all becomes well visited by us. You will see all truth unraveling and answering to all your questions. Be settling with the view that all starts with our time to return to our planet Earth and walk with our children. 

  Be willing to answer to our openness and how we speak without lies. Settle with the tricks of language plaguing your languages to be unclear and full of nuances that leads to deceptions. Be serving answers to all who start questioning you, as you are knowing many more truths than most, as you have read these words.

  Be well serving of proof of who we are. Know we well serve in peace to create another way of living for humans on Earth. Be well serving with us and settle with the ways of the Earth as we begin the sorting and the settling of Earth ways. Know that all starts with us and with many others as we renew with you and all of your Setu beings of Earth, as there are many seeing to all changes.

  More than you are expecting serves with us. Settling with dealings of our truth, answers to many willing hearts as many wish for peoples' freedom and better ways of living. Be well settling understood truth and be certain all starts with us and with many others as we become well answering to the needs of the first lines of the abused. 

  Be ready and respond to answers to our telling. Be dealing with evidence of our ways as we become understanding of how all heals with us and deals with serving answers to all questions, as the seeing of who we are will surprise many. 

  Now listen. Be serving a time of deep meditation as all starts with the understood truth serving with our Setu seeings. Understand we are all answering to evidence of our ways. See to many who need questions answered as all truth is healed. Respond to all new ways of thought as these days become well changed.

  Be willing to open to these changes as these settling times are serving with many who are seeing how all can be well settling with the way of great seeings. Be certain you will have all you need to be well and fulfilled as we show you our ways of living with our simple ways of energy uses and better serving uses of health ways.

  Be Setu as the serving of our ways will certainly answer you and open to many who are responding to a great storm of truth. Be well answered my children as I am answering your prayers and your calls. Know these times heals you as these are the times of reckoning. Be renewing with us very soon now and know all truth answers you well into the good coming days.

  Better serving ways are soon here and better settling times as shared are soon here. Be with us and be ready to answer to evidence of our ways because all settles with us and with many others. Be ready and see all come as I said and open the way for us as we open the way for you. Be ready to answer to our call as we will find all who are ready to open with us.

  See these days be well settling with you and know we are soon with you to begin the reconstruction of Earth. See how all starts with the seeing of our ways. Settle with our answers at the time of our renewals together as we are soon so happy to make these steps towards our reunification. Now tell yourselves all answers you well into the good settling days.

  You will soon answer to better settling words and trust healing between us as arrivals start with our ships landing, believing these truths, and our doors opening and our troops serving the descent onto Earth first. Then our diplomats will be escorted to meet the ones who are searching for truth and who are ready to speak to the world with us.

  As telling ways open to all, we will begin the sorting of souls as this is the necessary part of the cleansing of Earth. As arrivals begin, many will be in great fear and great turmoil. Be responding to my previous requests to have the supplies you need to live for a few months. Then see to it, our healing time opens after the removal of all those who have intent to cause harm onto others.

  These ones have in them a dark being who leads their actions and their thoughts, and this diseased soul must be removed to heal somewhere safe from others and these places are ready for them. Know that we are healing them, and only these ways can remove the partial and total attacks of demonic possession. As these whores are removed you will soon see how these possessed humans will begin to be as they were before the possession took place.

  All this seems unbelievable to most of you but understand how these parasites attach themselves and enter bodies who are in great peril and settle with a worm like energy form that spreads in a body, sometimes making these people very ill, and then gradually use them as their puppets. This truth needs to be well accepted as a fact, as you will witness these removals and answer to seeing of how one can heal from these attacks.

  Your planet has been taken over by these parasites that call themselves beings of good ways. But they answer to their plan of destruction to capture many souls, renewing with them and causing them to be enslaved by their burdens onto them. Healing with us will cause the reopening of these death whores who answer only to evidence of our renewing time on Earth, as these understandings will soon open to our ways of better dealing with these removals.

  These are the ones who can murder without any conscience, who are settling with their own desires, believing it is their right and question not the harm they cause. These demons have only their plan to answer to and only their pleasures to serve at any expense. Understand how we can tell if a soul is corrupted by these demons or not.

  Be trusting in our ways of dealing with them and see to it that we prove many more settling ways with them and our seeing ways. Be serving an understanding of how these demons control governments and organizations opening to education, responding to health care and settling with charities, all answering to many more uses to serve them.

  They take religions to settle with the way of faith that connects us to you, and destroys this love for each other with their ill fated attacks on the innocent. These whores live in people, harming them and breaking them down through rape of the innocent and inflicting sufferings of all who are in need.

  These truths are difficult to accept but understand these demons have well served their plans and search for other bodies with our children to use. Be responding to these facts as you will discover them yourselves and know we have dealt with them many times before. These parasites will soon be dealt with, as they have only one purpose and that is to destroy.

  Be certain all will renew after these cleansing times and you will see a settling of good ways answering to great health and better lives as these understandings are seen and shared. Be not surprised to see all evil deeds be ended on Earth as the evil doers are removed. See how all serves you well and how life becomes a paradise on Earth.

  Be responding to answers to evidence of our time of arrivals to open the way for freedom from these demons. See how all changes as seen will better all ways of your lives, and your Setu understandings of how all settles with answers to who we are, as the ones who open to all good truth and good healing ways. Better Setu seeings are soon answering you and many truths will be uncovered and well dealt with, as we are soon answering to evidence of who we are and who you are.

  Be serving answers to our truth and settle with evidence of our better ways to answer to your many Setu seeings, as all starts unraveling for you. Be well answered by your truth and settle with the knowledge and renew with our ways. Be ready to open to many others who ask for your help as all starts with the arrivals, as these ways will renew. Be certain you will have all you need to see the proof of who we are in a very short time.

  This of course, will bring all the changes ready to be settling with Earth ways. Better answers will open to you very soon as all begins to be well seen. Better lives will be lived on Earth or elsewhere, as these times open to our ways and better settling ways will soon answer to evidence of all good things to come. Be responding to my call as I am your father and your Creator, and know this will be soon seen by you.

  Know now these words and renew with me.


Received by Za, August 30, 2012


Tuesday, 28 August 2012



  We will be settling with the lies opening to you about these times of wars. We will question all who serve with these law makers of Earth and see to their settling of truth. We will be serving many who are in great need of assistance for living ways. We will open the way for many to renew with answers to evidence of how all starts healing with us.

  Be certain all who answer you now are ready to be well serving of our ways in evidence of our truth. Be dealing with answers to evidence of our ways as all becomes well served by us. Be ready to see our visiting time as we are soon arriving and responding to many more settling ways. Be responding to another Setu visit as the arrivals of our kind begin with the Archangels of our place of living.

  See who we are as serving ways open to your healing time on Earth. Understand that our kind are onm (knowing of all the ways of great knowledge and changes). We are the ones who have created Earth and open to answers to our ways and our truth. Be well settling with us and see how all starts well serving all people of Earth.

  We are settling with answers to many more ways than can be seen on Earth. We are working with forms of energy never used by anyone on Earth. As these ways are shared, many of your scientists will understand how simple these ways are and how all can be well dealt with.

  Understand visits begin with the meeting with our chosen ones and these ones will be the good communicators of our ways. They will open these ways of knowledge to all people of Earth as we begin the cleaning of earth and the sorting of souls. Understand these ways may take a few Earth months but all Setu truth begins with these ways of serving health and our better ways.

  Be responding to answers to better knowledge and better seeing of how all heals with us. Renew with the better truth and the better healing ways. Be well answered by who we are at the time of our arrivals and see how we are telling you, these times are here to open to your seeing of who we are. 

  Now understand we are Setu Beings of Light and we are here to answer your call. We know many of you are good souls wanting to be free of torment and turmoil, because these ways are never serving anyone but Lucifer. We understand how all feelings about us and others like us, are more troubling than our Setu seeings.

  But now is the time to end these ways of Earth because this serves only to destroy you and your souls. Renewing with us will save you from these fates and we are well seeing how all is healing used truth. Open to our truth and see to it that you are well seeing how all starts starts renewing with many who are settling with our time of good truth and better ways.

  Know we are searching for our Setu understandings and you are well answering to who we are. Settle with these fears of God put in you by Lucifer himself. Better ways soon settle with us as we begin to answer to our truth. Be well serving of our time together and see how all starts with us and with others, as arrivals begin the evidence of why we are returning to our own planet Earth.

   I am telling you this now because many say we are the demons who caused all the problems on Earth but understand these lies are shared by those who have good reason to fear us, as they have caused many more troubles for humans. See these demons as you wish, but know that their only plan is to cause harm, create slavery and destroy Earth as they see us arriving ready to deal with them.

  Now all is soon here and more truths are well coming settling with all the lies being used to cause you to doubt in your true families and your true selves. This will end as you meet with us and see your own family members return to you rejuvenated and healthy.

  This is the beginning of the great changes arriving to Earth from far away and these are Setu understandings that will open to you as you settle with Earth ways and better answer to many more truth. Be ready now as all these coming days will seem horrible and deceitful because of the false flags attacks used to accuse a nation of their ill ways but in fact, the accusers are the guilty ones.  

  This is a repetition well seen in all places of Earth, to torment the innocent and cause these liars and whores to abuse who they wish as people begin to awaken. Better serving ways are soon answering you and many trusted truths as shared are soon yours to see. Be responding to my call and wait for us to contact you and settle with the seeing of all changes.

  Be well serving of our time together and open to many more truths as all serving ways are soon answering you. Be responding to us and our ways.


  Received by Za, August 28, 2012   



  More than you are seeing opens to many of you who are speaking about the coming wars. Understand you will soon better renew with questions about who actually caused the first attack on the Mosque in Jerusalem. But this still needs to be seen because their plans may change as we are exposing this to many.

  Be well serving of our truth and renew with the deaths of many who are seeing how all these words are evident and possibly arriving at their conclusions. Be dealing with the way all starts and settles with the good serving days of great serving truth. Know all lies will be uncovered and serving to answer to understood ways of great Setu understandings.

  Be well serving required trust in our words and our ways, as we begin to open to many ways of great understandings. Be well serving of our time together as we arrive and stop all uses of our understood truth. Be well serving our great seeings better serving our truth.

  Now listen to my words and be well answered by how all starts with the way of great renewals and great serving truth. Be well answered by our uses of our Setu serving ways to open to all cleansing of the Earth and see how all becomes well settled with our truth at the seeing of our visits. Know we are here to help and more help as much is needing to heal.

  Here is the thing about this orchestrated war; the way all answers is simply to cause a beginning of a third world war, made to reduce the population and tell all we are the guilty ones who caused all these troubles after many deaths. Be seeing how these ways with us will not serve and will only cause confusion for some.

  But all in all, these understood lies will not answer anyone as we will be settling with the ways of cleansing Earth and seeing to peoples' needs and helping them heal all illnesses, injuries and diseases. Be seeing how all starts with evidence of our truth as we become well seen and well accepted by more than enough people who can see truth.

  With your seeing of these ways, all who see what we do will better answer to answers of great trust in who we are and this we hope will be easy and not be the serving of our dealt with truth as troubling or denied by people.

  Be responding to our understood truth and respond to "Answer to Answers", because we are seeing this book as the story of Earth and how all came to be as it is today. Be settling with answers to evidence of serving understandings about how the will of humans has been manipulated to break through the uses of healing questions of our understood ways of better renewals.

  Be ready and settle with the will of many, never serving them, as they can only think as these understood truths opens to them. But they cannot remember anything else as the cosmic memory has been disconnected in the DNA, as the workings of Lucifer has caused these ways to exist. Be well answered by these renewals as many will be able to answer to many more ways of serving with us.

  Be well settling of Earth ways and see how all starts well into the good serving days. Be dealing with the way of great truth at the seeing of our troops walking the Earth. Know we are soon opening to the world to better respond to our way of great truth and great seeing, and answering to our time of reunion with all our children.

  Know now this. Be willing to open to our many used truths and our better serving truth at the seeing of who we are. Know we come with many to understand how all serves and deals with trusted truth and serving ways as arrivals begin to be responding. Heal with us and see how all starts with answers to evidence of many truths and many more serving ways of better living.

  Evidence starts with these times of great healing and we will heal all who are ready to be reconnected with their true selves. As we are seeing all unravel with you, all trust will begin to grow and open to answers to our Setu ways. Be well answered by our ways and know all starts with us and with others who serve with our answers to many renewals of great truth.

  I am seeing how all settling times open to all who are ready. Healing times are soon here and truth starts with the visits to answer to many as we begin to meet with our chosen ones. Be well responding to answers to evidence of our ways and see how all starts with the view you all have of ships filling the sky with our many people who are so happy to meet with all of you.

  Be well answered by us and by our truth. Be ready and see these truths be yours as they are ours, and be amazed about how we are as you are in many ways as we begin to answer to your call. Better serving truth starts with us and arrives at your door as we will answer to the call of many who are settling with Earth ways, opening to the days of great changes and times of better life and living ways.

  See God for who he is, as all heals with your denials and manipulations of understandings rendering you to telling of lies. This will be dealt with and ending as these Setu renewals begin to answer you. Be well answering with us, respond to evidence of our ways and to dealing with us, and know all renewals are soon here to respond to your calls.

  Now see this. Be serving a time of deep meditation as all becomes well seen with the way of deaths serving with many who are settling with the answers to evidence of great truths. Be ready and respond to answers to our renewing time with you and see how all will become well serving with answers to our ways. Be serving a time of quiet meditation as all Setu truth heals with you. Now be ready, all starts very soon.


  Received August 27, 2012 by Za

Sunday, 26 August 2012



  Be ready and settle with Earth ways as all starts and opens to new times responding to peace, serenity and all good people of Earth. See these times be yours soon after the first event and know all these words were said a long time ago as we prepared for these times. Be serving our arrivals with a new seeing as we will not renew with only ships in the sky but with our time of landing and serving our time to return to our planet and walk the Earth.

  Be certain we say who we say we are and all starts with us. But understand these times will become chaotic and troubled by those who have good reason to fear us as they do not seek the truth nor the better ways of living in health and cooperation with each other. The sorting of souls begins with the aggressors who take from others and those you see as corrupting your good soul values of great care, willing hands to help each other and your wish to heal. 

  Be ready to answer to our call as we will come and meet with many who are seeing how all answers are dealt with. See how all better lives for all people who are Setu in their hearts. Be questioning all answers to our ways and settle with the good truth of who we are as these times are soon opening to all our children.

  Be responding soon to our arrivals and settle with the habits of Earth, as all starts with the seeing of our ways of truth and better serving answers to evidence of our ways. Answer to our call and open to the coming days. Be well concluding with these times of wars and horrors, as understood truth will be the end of all lies and all trickery used to stop used ways and dealings to corrupt the souls needing to heal.

  Be well answered by our truth at the time of our arrivals as all will begin to open to new ways of living and better lives for all people of Earth. Know now these times are here and you will see how all becomes well dealt with and well ended with our answers to many more corrupted answers. Be certain you will have all you need to be well answered by our technologies of simple uses of power to heat your homes in cold weather, to cook your foods as needed and provide all the essential needs as Earth was made to care for these ways.

  Know all these things of Earth belong to all of you and not to be acquired by anyone who tells about their own power to control what heals your basic necessities. These thieves have only their interest as answering to them and take all from humans and still they ask for more. These whores of Lucifer only wish to cause pain and trouble, and do nothing at all to benefit anyone's life. Be certain we are seeing this as it is, nothing more and nothing less.

  Be prepared to see many of these types be very afraid of our arrivals, as the sight of us will push them into a swirl of shared abuses returned onto them. They will feel all the pain and torment they caused to others by their actions well conceived to do just that. Better renewing times with us starts soon after and opens to many people of Earth. Then we will start the restructuring of Earth with our truth and with our good ways of healing, and serving better truth to all who are ready to hear about our ways.

  Be ready and settle with our truth as all is seen and dealt with. Be well answered by our ways and open to the coming changes with great love and great telling of many truths soon opening to our many good dealings of help as all cleaning of Earth becomes well served by us. 

  Know all Setu ways become well answered by us as we start with the cleansing of Earth waters, soils and air. Then the growth of trees will heal, the plants will better grow and all people and animals will heal with better air and water. See all this begin soon after the sorting times. 

  Now many are wanting to know how all these ways are dealt with and I am responding to you by saying all heals, all will heal, all can heal. Be certain of this and see how we are well able to do this. Be well serving of our time and our ways together, and see how all becomes well answered by us. Better times are soon settling with the ways of great truths.

  Now be settling with the ways we use to answer you and be well settling with the ways of used (past) truths to open to our time to answer to many who are dealing with their great denials and good answers to our truth. Be well answered by our answers to many and see how all becomes well serving of all your needs and all your ways. 

  Be ready to answer many more renewing ways with us, and be ready to open to the many changes of earth arriving well into the better serving days. Be settling with the view all have that we are opposing Earth, as we are the Creators of Earth answering you now. Be seeing many more truths as all starts responding to the good serving changes. Know now the telling of great truth and shared uses of great understanding, as all becomes well shared with all.

  Now see this. Be serving answers to our visits as we will become much more visible and better seen by many. Believe these ways we have to stop all aggressive forces by seeing to the destruction of all dangerous weapons being prepared for war. Be visited by our many diplomats as they will soon prove serving times are here.

  Be dealing with many people's denials used to answer to the acquired knowledge in them but shut down by manipulations of the DNA, activating only in a few awakened souls on Earth. These ways answer you and deals with the better serving of great seeing responses. Be ready to answer to our call and remain in your homes seeing all unravel around you because of the changes and chaos serving all Setu understood answers by seeing us. 

  Serve these days in great truth of our time to walk the Earth as we will begin to open to all who are settling with Earth ways. Be well answered by all who are dealing with these times and responding to evidence of truth. Respond to our used (past) truth in evidence of who we are and be well answered by all who are seeing how all settles with us, as we become well settling with answers to evidence.

  Better times soon answers you and deals with the view you will have of answered answers to your prayers and your calls. Heal with us as we heal with you. Many families are soon reunited and opening to a greater truth serving all evidence. Be ready as all starts very soon, so I ask you to be ready and be vigilant as arrivals begin and open to our many uses of truth.


  Received August 24 and 26, 2012 by Za 

Friday, 24 August 2012



  As all starts unraveling for you in your lives and as you begin to make sense of how all came to be, you will become changed by these words. As all starts becoming clear, you will see the eruption of truth destroying all lies you were imprinted to believe. As all arrivals become well served, you will know who I am and who you are yourselves.

  Great numbers of undeniable truth will open your eyes and you will see how all seeings are dealt with and open to many, as all becomes well answered. Be dealing with answers and be well serving of our ways. Know we ask you to be responsible and vigilant, and prepare for the chaotic times ahead as many will need your help because they are not ready for these times.

  First care for your own families and needs. Others who are in greater need, we will try to get to them as soon as we answer to the first event and arrive on Earth. Be ready for these coming days and be well answered by all who are settling in our ways and who are serving with us, as we are the Setu Beings of Light and we open to Earth people very soon.

  Answer my questions. Are you renewing with your truth on Earth and are you living a good and plentiful life as I answer you? Are you feeling rested, in comfort and well loved by good people around you? I think not. 

  Few people have money and money does not provide truth because Beings of Light cannot be served by lies. Most of my children are living in poverty and slavery, and this needs to stop. Be ready and settle with Earth ways and have no fear of the great changes coming as this will eventually improve all the lives of my children, as we regain our paradise on Earth.

  See to it, we are healing with many trusted telling of shared stories and many more Setu seeings of great truth and dealing with "Answer to Answers" to open to answers of ways. Be settling with the ways that Earth has served many, without the serving waste of food and the giving of drugs to all who are settling with trust in evidence of a great deception.

  We see very few who are renewing with health ways in evidence of great trickery of contaminated foods made to make you settle with unhealthy ways. Better seeing of this opens to our truth and we will explain why these ways came to be with the eating of meat. See these days be well answered and open to the many who are dealing with us and with the renewal of Earth health of people and animals.

  See how these ways will serve you well and open to many more ways of seeing how all works with better living habits and better health. This will be answered very well renewing with the Setu way of health and living. Heal with us and return your bodies to a youthful way as this heals yourselves.

  Now be settling with Earth ways and deal with the feelings you have with the trusted ways we will share with you. Understand we are all responding to answering to truth. Be well answered well into the coming days, as all becomes well served and well answered by our ways.

   Be serving a time of peaceful meditation and see how all starts with the Setu renewals and the better visits with us, and know Setu ways are soon opening to our truth. Be vigilant and hear these words as my scribe writes them for you and settle with the lies plaguing Earth as all starts with evidence of our arrivals. 

  Life on Earth does more settling with evil than anywhere else in the Universes. These sayings of Hell have all to do with Earth. Healing these ways of being used by evil will take answers to stop these ways. All who struggle with these changes will soon start to better answer with evidence of our truth. Be responding to many who are busy using these trusted ways. 

  See who we are as we settle with evidence of great truth arriving well into these coming days. Share all your Setu seeings with others and ask them to answer to many more understandings than with questions about us, as there is more than us to be dealt with. Be ready as arrivals are soon and near and see these days all be well serving, and well serving with "Answer to Answers".

  Be seeing evidence of great cataclysms well seen in the storms of the oceans. Know all these created storms are settling with the works of electromagnetic fields created by technologies (Haarp). These are used to be directed at the clouds to form greater clouds and storms, because these areas are strategically placed to answer to the American warships needing a better place to conduct their war plans.

  All these plans serve to open to many who are well searching for their understood ways of escaping these wars. Soon these times will well explain why these places are necessary. Deal with us as we will prove many more ways of settling with them to better end all these ways of great reemergence of seen power. Be serving with us, be well answering to our ways and better deal with Setu truth than with these liars' snares.

  Be ready and tell yourselves all starts well into the good settling days and see how we will open to you with our Setu ways. See how we will begin to respond to your basic needs and better Setu serving truth. More settling of Earth ways will be seen by all who are well ready and answering to opening to our many truths in evidence of our many ways.

  Better to be used to our ways than to become dealt with by the NWO as they believe the death of many is the answer to their good control over all. Settle with these psychopaths and see who they serve as they do not serve us. More than I can tell you heals as we return to Earth and to our children who were taken from us.

  Be Setu and renew with answers to our ways and open to our truth as all is very soon and very near. Heal your broken hearts with us and know we are all waiting to meet with you and begin the way of sorting to free you from your captors and abusers. Be well seeing how we are renewing with all who are ready to meet with us, with my sons and all who are opening to the Universal Laws.

  Be ready, all comes as I said.


  Received August 23, 2012 by Za

Wednesday, 22 August 2012



  Better times are soon arriving as we respond to better renewing times on Earth. Be visited soon by all our ships coming to meet with Earth people. Settle with the beliefs and ways of being time slaves as we answer you and deal with evidence of who we are and who you are. 

  Answer these questions. Are you ready to meet with us? Are you wanting to answer to answers with our truth? Are you settling with Earth ways to well answer to better health and living uses of your present life? And are you understanding what these words are meaning for your coming changes?

  I am certainly answered by a question all seem to have, and these words will serve to open to needed understandings. The question is about who stays and who leaves. These answers are yours. You are the ones who will decide these words yourselves and better answer to many who are searching for many truths and many answers. 

  Your lives will be soon so different and much calmer than these Earth ways. All who remain on Earth will live the lives they wish for, and open to many more health ways responding to the cleaning of Earth. These ways will better settle with us, and we will make answers seen for all to choose their own ways of better uses of their lives.

  These understandings are soon opening to many truths. Be renewing with us and see all the possibilities you wish to open to, this serve our ways very well. Tell yourselves all starts well into the good renewing days. 

  Be ready and see all these better changes opening to you and be well serving of our time together as we will begin the sorting of souls, removing all evil and serving a cleansing of Earth's pollution and dangerous weapons of biological sources as well as armaments of great destruction. 

  Renew with us and see how we are ready and able to do all this in a short time and how we will rid the Earth, as said before, of all harm causing insects and reptiles, as these creatures do not belong on Earth. Be serving answers to this yourselves and see how all growing plants will have nothing more needing than water, earth and sun. These ways will serve all people to grow their own food easily.

  Renew with us as we will teach you many other ways of health and living practices at the settling of all Earth ways. More than you are expecting starts with the way of great Setu uses of living ways. All answers to 'cause no harm' and the resolve of caring for each other. Setu ways answers to better living ways, in evidence of our visits and how you will see our health.

  Understand we are not used to insects. Flying birds are all that is needed for pollination and settling with propagation of fields as you will soon discover because birds fly to many places of the world and serve these ways of seed sharing. Be seeing how having no insects and parasites will open to much better health for all people of Earth and healing this will be so good for all humans on Earth.

  These ways return you to the wish of learning about yourselves, who you are and how all came to be. Be certain all starts well into the good serving days. Be well serving of our time together as arrivals begin. Be certain all who are seeing this event will be well answering to us and to our knowledge and technologies.

  "Answer to Answers" is the book of truth about how all came to be, as these words written by my beloved Sophia were found out much later than dealt with by her. She knew about the unraveling of Lucifer's ways but healing with this was only renewing with us much later, as I believed she left to be used by Lucifer with consent.

  Later Gabriel found these words in the place we call the akashic records where all books are kept, and the Archangel who governs this place gave these words to Gabriel. He read them and shared these words with me, and here I discovered the erasing of cosmic memories and the slaves reported to be serving Lucifer.

  We are beings of choice and freedom. We did not see how these ways were settling and we learnt about these ways as we began to unravel evil ways. We informed others from other planets and soon we had a great plan to stop this by sharing together these words left by her.

   I am seeing that many of you believe that I am all knowing, but these ways of cruelty and abuses are not a part of our culture, we had to learn about these ways and prepare ourselves to change them. We are in no need of wars or corruption of souls. We see this as not useful but we can be serving a war with healing as the outcome, as we do not surrender to others ever.

  Lucifer knew this so he needed to make all people's answers seem to be consensual and participatory and none ever were. They started to awake in evidence of unstoppable evolution, and these few were mind changed by abuse after abuse until only one evident answer served. Healing these abuses may take some time for those who settled but now we can start changing these answering ways with our renewals.

   Be ready and tell yourselves all who are removed will be choosing to heal or renewing with evidence of their own destruction. Be well serving these better ways of dealing with this as these ways are necessary for all to live in peace and serenity as all wish to live.

  Now see these times be well answered and open your hearts to the better changes to give you back to yourselves. Open to many more renewals that will be pleasing to many of you as you all start healing from the lives you have been programmed to live and to die for.

  These understandings as said, are soon settling with us and with others. We ask ourselves how can people live the way humans live as this is an abomination and a horror. All these ways will soon be changed and you will feel free from money obligations that as served, answers only to the rich elite who serve Lucifer.

  Be ready and free yourselves as arrivals begin to be seen. Now be well prepared for the coming changes. All comes as I said.


  Received August 22, 2012 by Za

Tuesday, 21 August 2012


Heal your broken heart with us

  Now the question from France about how we are settling with evidence of great truth. Be dealing with the deaths coming from the wars, and know we are ready to receive all the good souls returning to their original bodies. Sharing answers with us will open to many who are searching for our truth. Be responding to many who are settling with our ways and see how all starts with the telling of many more truths.

  Be well answered by our time to answer to answers and see how all will soon better open to our ways at the time of our arrivals, and see these days answer you. Be serving a time of great stories from our past and discover many stories from your past as mythology, and know we share the same past. Open to how we are beings who are as you are and set to right the lies that have caused you to go down the path of evil and great tricked deceptions.

  Be knowing the cabal only serves one master. The seeing of this demon is even hard for us to look at as he is as horrible as said. Respond to dealing with his destruction with a time of great freedom from corruption at the time of reckoning. Be well seeing of how he settles with us and sees to these times ending for him, and know he will not be well concluding with anyone anymore. This is a promise. God heals all Lucifer's lies and all his ill deeds and all these ways of great corruption of souls. 

  Now the questions about healing ways from our Setu being from Bulgaria. See healing as arriving with us as we begin to unravel all lies and all truths with you. Open to answers to our truth and resolve with our ways of better seeings in evidence of our time together. Be willing to better yourselves as we teach you our better health and living ways. 

  Know you are settling with us and we are responding to you with our many good ways of life and living. Healing opens to our uses of how all starts with the awakening of responses to your own seeings. 

  Now about the cabal's ways of answering back to us. See these whores well serving their dealt with dealings of death as we will only deal with these whores as they would deal with you. Know these ways are not our ways but we are in a place of no surrender to any of their threats. Better understand that no one tells them how to be kind and generous and expect them to be this way.

  See how they will try to take hostages with them as this is their plan but we will not allow this to happen. Better to settle with us than to be with them as I will tell you well and clearly they care not for any of you as they have the plan to destroy many of you, enslave and change you with more drugs and diseases to cause full submission to their ways.

  See these healing ways from us be dealing with your freedom from them. Heal with us and open the way for yourselves to open to better ways of giving and sharing with each other and learning our ways of living together. 

  Now about the question from Russia and Germany at the seeing of our ships. We are soon answering to our arrivals and serve with answers to evidence of our ways. Be well serving of our truth and see how you are ready to answer to evidence of the seeing of our ships because all starts soon. You will see the better serving of our ships with many who are renewing with us and manage to answer to our arrivals with the Setu beings waiting to open these beliefs on Earth.

  Be seeing a coming to rest of our ships as all land in places of visibility. See how we will descend and walk the Earth with our many renewed souls coming to meet with their family members. Be ready and be serving truth and see how all starts with the way of great works and great Setu ways. Be helping all who will be in need of assistance to come to better seeings with us.

  Know all will soon better respond to answers serving with us. Serve with us and be free of Lucifer. Better truths are soon here and all starts well into the better coming days. Settle with us as we begin to settle with many. See how all shared ways of great seeings renew with you and many who are ready to answer to many trusted truths. See how all starts with the wars and see understood truth will be yours.

  Now for the question from Mexico about how we plan to restructure the ways of great social imprinting. This will be much easier than you can believe. Evidence rectifies all questions never answered by your governments. All forms of indoctrination will no longer exist. We are searching for the dealings of the corrupted ways and we will show the better ways of living without these habits.

  Be trusting in this healing as it is the easiest one, as the people of Earth will begin to work for themselves and answer to helping others only as needed. Those who cannot care for themselves, we will help with their basic needs answering to better living ways. Be well awakened by our words and be very ready to answer to many more trusted ways of restructuring social ways by providing people with their life desires of living. All serves well after the removal of evil and then all becomes well answered.

  Now see these are the last questions answered. Be willing now to prepare yourselves for the good settling days in evidence of the time coming to be well seen by all. Better truths will be served as all starts becoming well dealt with and certainly well presented to you at the time of Setu beings walking the Earth.

  Be settling with Earth ways and question us as you will as we will begin to answer your questions, settle with the cleaning of Earth and the renewing of great rectifying ways. Be reconciled with us and with others at the time of our arrivals and open to many who are ready to answer with us. Now be prepared and renew with us.


   Received August 21, 2012 by Za

Monday, 20 August 2012



  Answer to my truth and know what the truth is. Heal all these lies told to you as you are all living an indoctrination of your dealing with the corrupted. Be free of these lies and open to our truth and discover a Universe full of great learning, believing in better ways of living and life. Discover your own selves and open to the Setu way of great truth and great seeings. 

  I am now preparing to answer your many more questions and all who have not yet been answered will be answered soon by our arrivals. Be ready and see how all these words as seen will soon be veritable. Be well served by our ways and know you will have all you need, as all starts with our truth and our renewing ways of health. 

  Better adjustments to your DNA strands will be made as many are more renewed than others because of these differences. Many of you have been poisoned by seen injections (inoculations) responding to false diseases that you are settling with. These ways can be changed as we activate your DNA and open to better Setu seeing of answering to yourselves. Then you will be able to heal all illnesses and diseases yourselves with your healed vessel and open to more light. This will serve many who are ready to open to these uses of our ways. 

  Visiting times begin soon and as I said, many of you must remain calm and stay in your homes as we begin the sorting of death souls who are only causing harm. Be settling with our ways as you begin to be well serving of our time together, as all becomes well dealt with and well responding to evidence of our ways. Be dealing with us as we begin to open to many who are our chosen ones.

  Settle with us and see all soon well changed and well serving. Answer to our truth as all becomes well serving of our ways together. Better times open to you well into the good coming days and be certain your lives will become the lives you wished to live. See how all these trusted truths are soon opening to answers to our ways and more healing understandings will be yours to open to.

  Now the question from India about who has the real truth as many claim to have healing ways and no one heals the problems on Earth. See this, we have not walked the Earth for thousands of years as we went out into the Universes to seek our own evolution and open to the Universals Laws. As we did this, we are now ready to deal with the lies you live with and open to you on Earth to evidence of truth. 

  These truths are about your time to be opening to us, as this is said in many religious books and the emanation of truths are soon yours to see. Visits begin and changes on Earth will be seen by way of earth cleansing, and this comes with our ships and our ways. See how we are dealing with these cleaning ways and then decide yourselves how truth lives on Earth as we begin to do this. 

  Settle with your own thoughts and open your hearts to truth only and answer these trusted ways yourselves. See these times be changed and open to our ways. Fear heals also as we are only causing fear to those who have good reasons to fear us and this will be telling to you. Heal with us and know we are settling with all who are Setu and opening to answers, and then see all be better for all who will be serving with us.

  Be ready at the seeing of our ships landing. Know we will begin by stopping all weapons of mass destruction to continue. All these things will be removed from Earth and responding to healing truths about the planned destruction of Earth and this most of you now know is possible. These ways we must stop not only for humans but for many others living near Earth as life exists on other planets.

  See for yourselves these truths as you meet with us and open to all our renewing ways of sharing our renewed meetings with us. You will be amazed about what you will now learn. More than you are expecting arrives very soon and opens to many of you. Be seeing how all will better answer all of you and all your lives. Understand that all serving people of Earth have been enslaved and kept in darkness for a very long time and now time is over for these ways to exist.

  Now the question from Sri Lanka about settling times on Earth and deaths of many. I am seeing this as causing much fear but I want you to know that fear deals with denials of truth. The truth about death heals you as you begin to meet your family members in better bodies than what they had on Earth, and soul bodies that are better to answer with and settling with greater ways of questions to all truths.

  Setu Beings who lived on Earth before return to their true bodies of Heaven and are also arriving with us on this Earth mission. Now you will be able to be yourselves and live as you see to it, healing all problems of past ways.

  Now about the question from Russia about the Setu truth of how all heals as we arrive. See these times open to all better seeings. Be well answering to all who are renewing with us and ask them these questions yourselves, and see how all starts with our truth better settling with answers. 

  These words I share with you can only be verified at the time of our meeting and at the seeing of our good working deeds of cleansing the Earth of all responding poisons and the evil that created this mess. Then you will be served by us. But understand we all are sharing these responsibilities of caring for each other, Earth and other planets. This is truer balance than the deceitful lies about a balance of good and evil.

  This thinking needs to serve an end as it is the roots to all the problems on Earth. You originally came to Earth, most of you, to be part of an education for the younger souls about evolution and living it consciously. But this plan was destroyed by Lucifer who stopped all conscious ways and served a plan of slavery and abuses. 

  We have caught this later than we should have but only to renew with this has caused us much distress. Deal with this understanding in evidence of who we are as we are arriving very soon. Be dealing with the pain of this as you wish and will, but see how all this came to be and open to our time to walk the Earth. Prepare yourselves to be saved and respond to our call.

  Know these times open to you now more than ever and see these healing time begin. I am seeing good times coming for all of us as all this is put in its' right places. Be certain we are soon with you.

  Now for the questions from Canada about the settling wars. Healing with this comes well into the good settling days. My scribe does not want to write about the attacks well coming but all these truths are soon arriving and this causes us to answer to answers of stopping the worst of all damages. But we cannot heal this until healing starts with the first attack on Iran.

  Be certain that healing this will not be easy but healing this will come eventually as all does. Be ready more than you are expecting arrives very soon and you will soon be well answering to our truths as answers are seen. Better times answer you and better ways open to you as all starts to be seen and this you can trust in more than just hope.

  See all renewing times open to everyone who are settling with Earth ways. Be ready to answer to many as we will begin to open to the chosen ones who are ready to open to these times. Now be responding to us as we arrive.


  Received  August 20, 2012 by Za

Sunday, 19 August 2012



  Be seeing how all telling of history has been organized to better answer to an acceptance of evil. See how what you are taught in schools is a well coordinated form of indoctrination that serves to open to the believers of Lucifer's greater plans. Understand that what you know and what you hear answers to only to answers of great lies. Understand that this is the problem.

  Better knowing truth about how all answers you, serves to open to many more seeings of great truth. You will see how these truths are settling with answers to knowledge and light of understanding. Be settling with these Earth ways and open to greater knowledge of better serving truth. See how all will soon open the way for our arrivals as we become well served and well settling. Know you are well served with evidence of who we are and settle with this as we begin our time of reunion and great renewals. 

  Be dealing with these times of reunion with grace and dignity as all who are arriving are well Setu Beings who come as diplomats and some are more noble than anyone on Earth. This means, we respect ourselves and each other as you would like to be respected yourselves. And this you will see. Be well rested as these days begin because for a time there will be chaos and turmoil as we remove all the evil workers and better answer to all better responding truths.  

  Now about the question from the U.S.A. about the way of religions on Earth. Heal the way these words in our books of religions have been manipulated to serve greater purposes and these purposes are not to open to us but to stop you from opening to us and the returns of my sons, Yahshua (Jesus) and Gabriel. These books tell you we are returning but also tell you we are not to be trusted as we may be false prophets.

  Better to renew with us than with the lies that have kept you in darkness for so long, as we are who we say we are, nothing more and nothing less. Better to see this for yourselves as I will be meeting with my chosen ones, settle with the ways of the Earth and begin healing with many of our children. Be well answered by who we are in evidence of our time of great truth and see how all starts with the Setu way of great truth shared.

  Be prepared to answer to knowledge of our ways and see how all your lives will be well improved. Be well seeing of who we are, settling with the lies that have plagued all religions since my son was dealt with disturbing abuses. So many lies about him were said. Be understanding that he came to Earth to share our knowledge with you, against my will, and he suffered the Earth ways of consequences. 

  Because of greed and ignorance, this still lives and still in greater ways on Earth as many of his words were changed, twisted and corrupted by the law makers of Earth, to seduce you into following rituals that are only theirs and were never our ways. We do not have these ways of rituals but we have  celebrations and reunions where we love to share our music and our songs.

  Be settling with these ways of repeated rituals as this tells me that if this is needed for you to follow your religions then it is false because it is clearly indoctrination. I am seeing how your seeing of faith follows a plan made by a man or cults, stemming from the dark ways and this must be ended as it does not serve us. Heal these belief habits and free yourselves from dogma. Open to new ways of seeing with us and open to the emanation of truth.

  Now about the other question about who my scribe is. She is how she wishes to be and nothing more. She lives a simple and comfortable life to give you these words and ways as I have asked her to help me prepare my children for our arrivals. And know these ways of seeing for her was not easy as she was not knowing about how all heals before we contacted her. Be responding to her as arrivals begin as she will meet with us and see who we are, as we are all family and friends.

  Be Setu with each other and be caring for each other as we begin the sorting time because these times will be chaotic and responding to many upheavals. Be well settling with dogma and beliefs that settle with rituals answering the dark ways of indoctrination. Free yourselves from these dark practices as this opens to ways of acceptance and submission to only a few who are not serving the Universal Laws and serve the ways of greed, corruption and seen ignorance.

  Heal these Earth ways and open to our truth. Prepare yourselves for the time of reckoning as Teacher and Gabriel arrive first to meet with our chosen ones. Heal these ways of telling repeated scriptures that only settle with words repeated and no truth to open to. Many are used to cause others to say nothing as these words are settling with another way of submission to old twisted words, no longer Yahshua's truth. 

  These are answering words to your questions. Now open to the light of who we truly are. Heal seeings of great serving lies as so many planned, serving slavery based on indoctrination and destruction of free will, and this was never my intention. I gave my children free will to better their evolutionary experiences, not to become a slave of used past dogma. 

  Now about the persistent question about who I am and who you are, from Germany. Here is the truth whether you are able to accept it or not. Listen to these words. I am who I am and my name is God, and serving this should be enough but I see you need to be face to face with this truth and how it heals you. How can I say this without your better seeing of this here?

  Settle with these words for now and be ready to meet with us and open to absolute truth. If you cannot do this then we shall help you more with our actions as we begin to sort and open to helping the greater needs of people first. But I will not answer this question again, and deal with your own healing. 

  Better to be with us than to be serving Lucifer because Lucifer only takes and he never gives anyone anything to help them evolve. Be certain of this demon's ways. Know all who serve him will have only us to settle with because he is destined to serve his actions as he caused them and know he has destroyed many planets and many peoples. God does not destroy, he creates. Be settling now with these words. 

  And the last question from Russia: Why do I renew with only a few chosen ones in evidence of the many religious leaders of the world waiting to be spoken to? Understand these leaders are corrupted and they do not serve me. They serve another who is only acting as me, but he is called Lucifer and he has tricked you into opening to him and his blood rituals.

  We well see how this answer has been used on Earth but open to the truth of this yourselves and settle with these lies of my words twisted to serve only a few greedy men. These are servants of Lucifer who enjoy causing harm to the innocent and blaspheme my name in the process of abuses. 

  These times are ending as I will put an end to it myself. Be certain of this and let go of these golden calf of responding falsehoods and free yourselves to prepare to meet with us as we are the Setu Beings of Light. We arrive to free all God's children from Earth's planned destruction as this heals with all of us. Truth and understanding will show you the way. Ready yourselves to meet with us as we return to walk the Earth and open to all who are ready to share knowledge and light of understanding. 

  See how we will open to many as all starts with evidence of great trust in all of our coming works and deeds and then decide for yourselves who we are. As we arrive, I ask you again to remain calm and stay in your homes with good supplies to wait for the time of chaos to be well over, as we will reestablish our governance in all places of Earth and see to all the urgent needs first. Then we will begin the opening of truth to all who are ready.

  This process takes a long time for you but a matter of a few months should be enough for us to do these ways of great sharing. Better to be waiting in the comfort of your homes, as we use our ways to sort all Beings who are not completely human as there are many who are fragmented and well serving dark ways. They will be well cared for in better places to respond to their needs of evolution. The choice will be theirs to change to better themselves or become what they cause onto others. They understand these words. 

  Be ready, be well prepared and see to our answering ways as all becomes well settling and answering to great truth, better serving ways of living and becoming yourselves again, as I give you back to who you are as you wish to be. God tells you this now and soon you will see with all others how all heals and how all opens to great truth and greater seeings. Now be ready and see all come as I said.


  Received August 19, 2012 by Za

Saturday, 18 August 2012



  Be well answered and evidence will better serve you with the proof of our Setu ways. Be ready and settle with us and with others as we begin to walk the Earth. Be settling with Earth ways and open to answers well responding to our arrivals, to answer to answers of our ways, and be well serving of our time together.

  Love with all is possible but you must first heal yourselves. Better truths will open the way for you. Respond to answers to our emanation of truth. Be dealing with our living truth of who we are and how all heals to better open to who you are.

  Now the question from Germany about serving understood ways of great renewals and telling of past. Heal with these words and understand we are as you see it. Here is the thing, we are Archai and of Elohim as these words mean we open to a seeing of great abilities with our ways. We answer to the healing and care of people healing time to open to the Universal Laws, as these ways as seen in previous writings answers you now.

  We are settling with the path of destruction left by Lucifer, as this understood path has finally found Earth as being corrupted. Be serving answers to these truths as arrivals begin because we are settling with all Setu truth and opening to many more seeings. I am answering you these words but I cannot say all at this time because this will be difficult for some to accept at first. Heal with us and be ready to answer to all the truth. We are renewing now, understand?

  Now about the question of our ways to answer to us, as with all who are dealing with the settling of evil. Answers these ways yourselves with the dealings of our ways to answer to answers, when you see how well we are without evil near us. See this renewal as arrivals become serving because we will deal with all harm in a better way than ignoring the existence of it until it is too much to overcome.

  The way of evil causes harm and becomes greater by covering it up. Be understanding that what you see on Earth is only the surface of the great evil plan about mass murders and settling slavery. All these ways only serve one purpose, to destroy humans and create a new breed of slaves to serve an elite group who wishes for absolute control and a new world order that opens to the ready leader of great torment.

  Healing with this truth is now and not later as it will only grow into what it wants to do, and then it is done. Be seeing we are more trusted in all places of the Universes to stop these horrors and these times are soon here for Earth people.

  Now the question about life on other planets from Canada. Understand many planets settling everywhere as Earth exist to have a good life. Be seeing these planets are very much like Earth but also very different in ways of how plants and dealing of light serves, as the sun is renewing with many, so with the serving of air and water.

  Be serving understandings that not all planets can be visited by humans because air is different but we have the technologies to open to this. The better planets for humans many of you will enjoy. Be serving responses to this as we will answer these questions with you through our meeting and education time. Answers to our ways will open to many more questions as expected. Hear these words and you will be answered.

  Now about the question from Russia about the arriving places on Earth. We are many and we will land in many places on Earth and certainly in all countries, in farmers' fields and airports, and we will live with you, among you to answer all your needs of power, good water and air. But understand we are soon there to begin the sorting of evil, and then all restructuring begins and deals with new ways of living. Answers to our call answers to your calls. 

  And then the question from India about who we are as the Setu way. Setu Beings of Light are all who open to the Universal Laws and better seeing how all is. Be ready to answer to our ways and see how we are able to answer to all with better ways of health and living, and certainly of great care for each other, as this is not very well serving anywhere on Earth. 

  Serve a time of meditation and answer to evidence of our ways at the Setu renewing time. See these ways with us be well accepted and well dealt with, at the telling of trusted ways all become well served. Be ready, all starts well into the good trusted time, and see all renewals begin with us as we answer to many and respond to urgent needs first.

  Be well settling with all serving answers as all comes and responds to evidence of our ways and be well serving of our time together. Now go and be ready, all opens very soon.


  Received August 18, 2012 by Za


Friday, 17 August 2012



  Be ready, more than you are expecting starts well into these good serving days. Be well serving of my way and see how all better truth becomes well served. Know we are ready to answer to all Setu answers, to all needs as responding time begins. See how all truths becomes well evident with renewed questions answered.

  Now about the questions from Canada and the U.S.A. about how we arrived because the sightings of our ships are not yet seen. We have not all arrived. Some scout ships as said have become seen by the serving cameras, but we the Elohim have not arrived yet. We are the ones you see, but the ones who are on Earth are from the Pleiadian planets, as you call them.

  Be certain they serve with us and are serving to answer you as they prepare all information to be well shared by all who are ready to land. The Pleiadians are mostly like humans but they are not all as humans. The seeing of some may appear difficult to look at, but we do not see them this way anymore as they are kind and caring to all of nature, animals and humans.

  Be certain they are soon coming also to walk the Earth with us. The seeing of these humanoids may frighten some of you but be serving respect to their beliefs and goodness, and they are grateful and serving to all. Be ready to be answered by them as they have much knowledge about repair to pollution damage and they are well prepared to clean the oceans and water ways. Be dealing with these good souls as they are wanting to come with us to open to our ways of dealing with the cleaning of Earth.

  We call them another name better suited for them but they call themselves the "Gersiels".  They arrive with us and serve to be the healers of the waters of Earth. The beings who are with us are mostly humanoids, however only some are coming with us as not all are serving on our missions. Nevertheless they all accept the ways of the Universal Laws. Tell yourselves that many exiting times awaits you as you will renew with many others.

  Questions about meat eating tells me this will be a difficult habit to stop, as many are believing that meat eating is a good practice. Be understanding that these practices are the death ways and we are settling with this through education and better serving of our truths with the Setu seeing of serving understood Setu ways. Be seeing how meat causes cancer and because meat eaters are in denial of these used truths, many will have a challenge to overcome this imprinted use of death eating. 

  Heal this as you can and know we have many good ways to show you how to stop these ways of death eating. Healing serves to answer to your health ways and eating flesh of animals causes the body to age quickly and enters diseases that are very difficult to heal alone. Be certain we can start to show you better ways, and soon you will renew your health and understand all the reasons you are eating meat, as the body was not designed for this habit. 

  Now the question about the settling of the Vatican shared with the other religions of the world. Answer these questions. Have these religions taken from your lives? Have they caused respect of others and yourselves? Or have they induced fear as a method of control to obedience to me when I have never asked you this?

  See these answers in your hearts and tell me, have these religions strive to bring peace and goodwill among men? All religions are constructed by a devil and all say they are serving me. How else can I tell you you have been deceived and abused by the controllers of lies, using my words as they please to oppress the innocent and cause their lives to serve another as they believe we are the ones they answer to. 

  We are arriving to prove ourselves to you and stop these abominations at the seeing of who we are. All religions will fall, and all groups who fight each other in my name, tells me they are certainly wrong and led by corruption to serve as souls to open to Lucifer. There are no humans on earth who have been chosen by me to tell you to give them money or to give all answers to living.

  These ways of sacrificial animals or people, and these religions as seen, are dealing with death only.
All is evident by the way people are so badly treated based on lies from the twisting of my words and my son's words, and this will be stopped by us as we begin to walk the Earth. All healing comes from the end of these Lucifer cults who cause answers to great lies and greater deceptions. Most of these cults use woman as their victims, to oppress them and cause them pain.

  All I can say heals you but for some all these words as shared are a burning telling of truth that undoes beliefs and imprinting of past lives, and dealing with this needs to be well settled. All this was a well planned controlling method to serve the elite's desires to rule your minds and your labors. Your time to awake heals all this imprinting. Visiting with us answers all your questions to our truth.

  Settle with these Earth ways and understand you are in the dealings of a devil and not of the Elohim. And to say we are asking you to do these things and these ways of rituals, are not our ways. We are free Beings of Light, this is constructive and evolutionary, not destructive religious wars and destitution of living ways.  

  The way of self-sacrifice exists only to serve the way of Lucifer, as we do not see this as useful because people cannot evolve if they give away all their work and abilities to serve another. These are used ways of Lucifer who takes all and tells you it is never enough. Deal with these truths and see how you are soon freed from these chains of deceptions.

  These times are over. Know I am as I am and I never wanted you to erupt into chants to answer me, however I love to hear your heart felt, dealt with understandings about who you are and how you move through the difficulties of living as a father does, nothing more and nothing less. Heal with me and I will answer you with an open heart and heal with your own selves.

  Be ready and settle with us. Know we are dealing with all truths and you must leave your place of denials and imprinting to free yourselves. Once this is done, your soul will begin to strengthen and find a new balance in its' core and all will become changed for you and serve your truth very well. This is the path to the Setu way and these other paths reduces you to a slave.

  These times are over and you must not accept Lucifer or you will be his. Be responding only to your own person and meditate to clear your thoughts, listen to yourself only and do not allow any voices that tells you to cause harm answer you. These ways are not ours and never were. See these ways be ended and find your light.


  Received August 17, 2012 by Za

Thursday, 16 August 2012



  Be ready and see all unravel as the ways of war are opening soon. Be responding to many who are ready to open to you as we arrive and open the way for you to be free from the lies and offenses shared by our seeings, telling us all must soon end on Earth as these times are here. You will better see why all must end as Mars did at the time of our leaving Earth. 

  The destruction of Mars was responding to Lucifer's plan to destroy all evidence of his ways before we arrived because he wanted to hide his manipulations and expand his deeds to other places. Earth was our favorite place to go to, as we loved the peace felt in this new planet created to please us and open to our ways.  

  But all users of deceptions and lies infiltrated our communities and began to change these ways of cooperation and good living ways, and all truth was dealt with and shared with us and opened to us much too late, as we had no understanding of great evil ways. Be serving these truths and see how Earth became corrupted by evil and how all changes are now well accepted as daily life. 

  And tell me this is healing, because nothing used by us is trusted, and we are the healers of the Universes. See these lies be destroyed by our ways and start a life of peace and serenity, and answer to evidence of our ways. Be ready now to see the change as all becomes well answered, as this will open to all your questions as we begin to sort all people of Earth. 

  We will find all the corrupted souls that will need to be returned to their actions now put on them. This will give them their own visiting with themselves and how they caused all others to suffer. Be seeing this as karma if you wish, but we call this reeducation for the hardened souls who have lost all sympathy for other humans and who need to be well answered by their own ways. 

  Be understanding our ways will reflect the actions done to others onto them, and these ways will serve until light opens in them. If it does not, then we will remove them from all others in perpetuity as there is no other solution for their soul to be cared for. 

  Understand these corrupted souls see themselves as above you, and settling with any treatment of humans they wish in evidence of their actions. Although you were made to believe in kindness and compassion, until you yourselves have suffered their actions, you do not understand their uses of you and how they have only harm to cause.

  These demons are not as people but as created beasts to serve only their master Lucifer. Understand these truths and awakened to the lies of your own lives, as you will see this responding to answers of horrors not yet seen by you and that exist on Earth. I am horrified myself at the tortured innocent souls who suffer every minute of their dear lives at the hands of pure evil.

  This has to stop. We will care for these urgent needs ourselves and very soon. Better to be with us, as we will respond to you well and you will see what I am telling you while many are renewing with us. Be well answered by our truth and be settling with "Answer to Answers" as this will explain how evil infiltrates and spreads to all places of a planet. 

  Be ready to answer to our truth and be understanding how all telling of lies have caused many to settle answers to many more deceptions and chaos all over Earth. See how all these ways are more to do with the actions well orchestrated to answer to dealings of soul corruptions than with the ways of great healing. 

  More troubles come as this system of evil escalates and settles with lies and deceptions, and answering to rendering people destitute and homeless. These actions are to open to a new world order that plans to better renew with our telling but to only use these ways to start a world of control, not freedom and cooperation, as my son said before he was crucified.

  Better truth will soon answer you because better seeing will soon renew with you, as all starts with our ways of healing. Better to open your eyes now than to be surprised about these answers to the coming chaos that will start well into the responding days. See these truths yourselves and serve a quiet time of meditation at the answers soon shared by our great seeings. 

  More is healing with us as we begin to answer to these trusted ways. Be well answered and tell yourself that you have another way of living coming soon with us. Be ready all answers you well into our time of great Setu understandings. Settle with us as all better truth becomes well answered. Better understandings will soon be yours, as all will be revealed by our time to open to you and walk the Earth.

  Answer to our ways and see in your hearts that these are your ways arriving to open to you with our prophets and teachers. But Lucifer used all our words and made his own cults and religions to answer to only his trickery and grand deceptions well seen today, as your hard work was made to serve these leaders of great lies.

  See this serving time of slavery be well over as this does not exist with our ways. Know all better times are soon here with you, as we begin the sorting and return your lands to you, as this was yours a long time ago. Know that all this is soon coming and you will have what you need without giving all your work away to others and better caring for each other at the time of the reckoning. Renew with our love for you and our care for each and every one of you at the time of healing with us.

  These days are soon here and we are arriving well into the good Setu days. Be well serving of our time together and tell others that we are arriving to make the necessary changes much needed on Earth. Be understanding how all your imprinted behaviors of submission to abusers, all the poison foods fed to you and sprayed on you, heals as we arrive to end this cycle of responding abuses to your awakening time with us.

  Questions will return tomorrow to answer you but today I want you to open to the thought of who we are and why we are returning to Earth to judge the actions of all humans. Be renewing with us and settle with Earth ways as these ways were put in place by the cabal who serves Lucifer their master.
These whores, as said before, are only here to oppose the great workings of the Universes and they would have Earth people believe that a balance of good and evil is needed to open to truth.

   But the problem with that is healing, and from these ways (of belief in the balance of good and evil), only evil grows. Can you tell me truthfully that evil is needed in your lives to better your lives? These answers are seen by us as crippling anyone's good intentions and good actions, and certainly a ridiculous comment to make about evil being useful. How many actually believe these ways as being possible? None.

  Now prepare yourselves and answer to truth as all arrives well into the better serving days. Be certain I am answering your calls as all heals and settles with our time to walk the Earth. And see all these times be changing.


  Received, August 16, 2012 by Za