Heal your broken heart with us
Now the question from France about how we are settling with evidence of great truth. Be dealing with the deaths coming from the wars, and know we are ready to receive all the good souls returning to their original bodies. Sharing answers with us will open to many who are searching for our truth. Be responding to many who are settling with our ways and see how all starts with the telling of many more truths.
Be well answered by our time to answer to answers and see how all will soon better open to our ways at the time of our arrivals, and see these days answer you. Be serving a time of great stories from our past and discover many stories from your past as mythology, and know we share the same past. Open to how we are beings who are as you are and set to right the lies that have caused you to go down the path of evil and great tricked deceptions.
Be knowing the cabal only serves one master. The seeing of this demon is even hard for us to look at as he is as horrible as said. Respond to dealing with his destruction with a time of great freedom from corruption at the time of reckoning. Be well seeing of how he settles with us and sees to these times ending for him, and know he will not be well concluding with anyone anymore. This is a promise. God heals all Lucifer's lies and all his ill deeds and all these ways of great corruption of souls.
Now the questions about healing ways from our Setu being from Bulgaria. See healing as arriving with us as we begin to unravel all lies and all truths with you. Open to answers to our truth and resolve with our ways of better seeings in evidence of our time together. Be willing to better yourselves as we teach you our better health and living ways.
Know you are settling with us and we are responding to you with our many good ways of life and living. Healing opens to our uses of how all starts with the awakening of responses to your own seeings.
Now about the cabal's ways of answering back to us. See these whores well serving their dealt with dealings of death as we will only deal with these whores as they would deal with you. Know these ways are not our ways but we are in a place of no surrender to any of their threats. Better understand that no one tells them how to be kind and generous and expect them to be this way.
See how they will try to take hostages with them as this is their plan but we will not allow this to happen. Better to settle with us than to be with them as I will tell you well and clearly they care not for any of you as they have the plan to destroy many of you, enslave and change you with more drugs and diseases to cause full submission to their ways.
See these healing ways from us be dealing with your freedom from them. Heal with us and open the way for yourselves to open to better ways of giving and sharing with each other and learning our ways of living together.
Now about the question from Russia and Germany at the seeing of our ships. We are soon answering to our arrivals and serve with answers to evidence of our ways. Be well serving of our truth and see how you are ready to answer to evidence of the seeing of our ships because all starts soon. You will see the better serving of our ships with many who are renewing with us and manage to answer to our arrivals with the Setu beings waiting to open these beliefs on Earth.
Be seeing a coming to rest of our ships as all land in places of visibility. See how we will descend and walk the Earth with our many renewed souls coming to meet with their family members. Be ready and be serving truth and see how all starts with the way of great works and great Setu ways. Be helping all who will be in need of assistance to come to better seeings with us.
Know all will soon better respond to answers serving with us. Serve with us and be free of Lucifer. Better truths are soon here and all starts well into the better coming days. Settle with us as we begin to settle with many. See how all shared ways of great seeings renew with you and many who are ready to answer to many trusted truths. See how all starts with the wars and see understood truth will be yours.
Now for the question from Mexico about how we plan to restructure the ways of great social imprinting. This will be much easier than you can believe. Evidence rectifies all questions never answered by your governments. All forms of indoctrination will no longer exist. We are searching for the dealings of the corrupted ways and we will show the better ways of living without these habits.
Be trusting in this healing as it is the easiest one, as the people of Earth will begin to work for themselves and answer to helping others only as needed. Those who cannot care for themselves, we will help with their basic needs answering to better living ways. Be well awakened by our words and be very ready to answer to many more trusted ways of restructuring social ways by providing people with their life desires of living. All serves well after the removal of evil and then all becomes well answered.
Now see these are the last questions answered. Be willing now to prepare yourselves for the good settling days in evidence of the time coming to be well seen by all. Better truths will be served as all starts becoming well dealt with and certainly well presented to you at the time of Setu beings walking the Earth.
Be settling with Earth ways and question us as you will as we will begin to answer your questions, settle with the cleaning of Earth and the renewing of great rectifying ways. Be reconciled with us and with others at the time of our arrivals and open to many who are ready to answer with us. Now be prepared and renew with us.
Received August 21, 2012 by Za
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