Friday, 24 August 2012



  As all starts unraveling for you in your lives and as you begin to make sense of how all came to be, you will become changed by these words. As all starts becoming clear, you will see the eruption of truth destroying all lies you were imprinted to believe. As all arrivals become well served, you will know who I am and who you are yourselves.

  Great numbers of undeniable truth will open your eyes and you will see how all seeings are dealt with and open to many, as all becomes well answered. Be dealing with answers and be well serving of our ways. Know we ask you to be responsible and vigilant, and prepare for the chaotic times ahead as many will need your help because they are not ready for these times.

  First care for your own families and needs. Others who are in greater need, we will try to get to them as soon as we answer to the first event and arrive on Earth. Be ready for these coming days and be well answered by all who are settling in our ways and who are serving with us, as we are the Setu Beings of Light and we open to Earth people very soon.

  Answer my questions. Are you renewing with your truth on Earth and are you living a good and plentiful life as I answer you? Are you feeling rested, in comfort and well loved by good people around you? I think not. 

  Few people have money and money does not provide truth because Beings of Light cannot be served by lies. Most of my children are living in poverty and slavery, and this needs to stop. Be ready and settle with Earth ways and have no fear of the great changes coming as this will eventually improve all the lives of my children, as we regain our paradise on Earth.

  See to it, we are healing with many trusted telling of shared stories and many more Setu seeings of great truth and dealing with "Answer to Answers" to open to answers of ways. Be settling with the ways that Earth has served many, without the serving waste of food and the giving of drugs to all who are settling with trust in evidence of a great deception.

  We see very few who are renewing with health ways in evidence of great trickery of contaminated foods made to make you settle with unhealthy ways. Better seeing of this opens to our truth and we will explain why these ways came to be with the eating of meat. See these days be well answered and open to the many who are dealing with us and with the renewal of Earth health of people and animals.

  See how these ways will serve you well and open to many more ways of seeing how all works with better living habits and better health. This will be answered very well renewing with the Setu way of health and living. Heal with us and return your bodies to a youthful way as this heals yourselves.

  Now be settling with Earth ways and deal with the feelings you have with the trusted ways we will share with you. Understand we are all responding to answering to truth. Be well answered well into the coming days, as all becomes well served and well answered by our ways.

   Be serving a time of peaceful meditation and see how all starts with the Setu renewals and the better visits with us, and know Setu ways are soon opening to our truth. Be vigilant and hear these words as my scribe writes them for you and settle with the lies plaguing Earth as all starts with evidence of our arrivals. 

  Life on Earth does more settling with evil than anywhere else in the Universes. These sayings of Hell have all to do with Earth. Healing these ways of being used by evil will take answers to stop these ways. All who struggle with these changes will soon start to better answer with evidence of our truth. Be responding to many who are busy using these trusted ways. 

  See who we are as we settle with evidence of great truth arriving well into these coming days. Share all your Setu seeings with others and ask them to answer to many more understandings than with questions about us, as there is more than us to be dealt with. Be ready as arrivals are soon and near and see these days all be well serving, and well serving with "Answer to Answers".

  Be seeing evidence of great cataclysms well seen in the storms of the oceans. Know all these created storms are settling with the works of electromagnetic fields created by technologies (Haarp). These are used to be directed at the clouds to form greater clouds and storms, because these areas are strategically placed to answer to the American warships needing a better place to conduct their war plans.

  All these plans serve to open to many who are well searching for their understood ways of escaping these wars. Soon these times will well explain why these places are necessary. Deal with us as we will prove many more ways of settling with them to better end all these ways of great reemergence of seen power. Be serving with us, be well answering to our ways and better deal with Setu truth than with these liars' snares.

  Be ready and tell yourselves all starts well into the good settling days and see how we will open to you with our Setu ways. See how we will begin to respond to your basic needs and better Setu serving truth. More settling of Earth ways will be seen by all who are well ready and answering to opening to our many truths in evidence of our many ways.

  Better to be used to our ways than to become dealt with by the NWO as they believe the death of many is the answer to their good control over all. Settle with these psychopaths and see who they serve as they do not serve us. More than I can tell you heals as we return to Earth and to our children who were taken from us.

  Be Setu and renew with answers to our ways and open to our truth as all is very soon and very near. Heal your broken hearts with us and know we are all waiting to meet with you and begin the way of sorting to free you from your captors and abusers. Be well seeing how we are renewing with all who are ready to meet with us, with my sons and all who are opening to the Universal Laws.

  Be ready, all comes as I said.


  Received August 23, 2012 by Za

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