See these times be soon and prepare yourselves for chaotic days as these arrivals start and as we begin to open to the world. We will occupy all government buildings in all countries of the world and we will open to answers to our ways and our truth in many places of the world by our actions of cleaning important resources and food sources.
Be serving answers as you will see these ways yourselves and better settle with our actions than promises as these ways of promises used are never served by any government. Be understanding that we have many projects to complete, and with the help of many individuals we will answer to answers well seen by all.
Better understandings of this will soon be shared by us as we start to answer to many and responding to needs with our serving ways. Be certain we have all necessary ways of dealing with these uses of healing ways as arrivals become well seen and accepted by all. These words I share with you opens to many who are ready to settle with Earth ways and open to the Universes to unite with us.
All this was planned well before the actions of Lucifer when he discovered the Garden of Eden that Earth was until he destroyed all and began his tyranny. Believe these words now and understand your Bible stories through mature eyes. Be ready to answer to all trusted ways of great truth and great serving truth as all starts serving with us and understand the past with the eyes of an educated mind.
Be settling with the ideas of magic and powers that are ill conceived, and open to our answers to our renewals. Be renewing with understood truth and see how many of these Bible stories are told to answer to fear and torment, and not about our time of return to walk the Earth and renew with our children who are seeing our time of reunification.
Answers are soon answered by our ways, and we are settling with many who are ready to answer to many more truths and greater understood ways. Be well renewing with our time together and see how all starts with answers soon answered. Be well served by our ways and see how all telling of truth will soon better answer to answers as all becomes dealt with and seen.
Be believing in healing all the lies on Earth with the clear truth that will be evidently renewed with trust. Know we came back to Earth to sort out the problems that are living here and are not belonging here as many reptiles and insects who were added by Beings to cause an imbalance. A balance once lived on Earth without the need of these insects and reptiles.
All these were added to torment and disturb the peace and serenity that once lived on Earth without these diseases and illnesses seen by all. You are believing that these insects have a purpose on Earth and these reptiles keep a balance but they do not. Dealing with these removals of these horrors will surprise many because people believe that animals are born with diseases and parasites to further evolution.
We see this as stopping evolution as Earth did not need any of these users of people and animals, and are parasites that causes the body to decay and die faster than necessary. All these insects and reptiles came from other places in the Universes that we do not like to travel to. We are not seeing these troubling parasites as keeping any balance because without these, animals and humans would live well longer, healthier and with a better food supply.
As pestilence are removed from Earth, answers to better crops with better increased volume would feed many more. These dealings of poisons would be removed from all food sources and earth sources. This we will be dealing with as we deal with this created problem used by Lucifer to starve many nations and cause deficiencies in human bodies and growth.
Healing this will surprise many as they will see how pollination never needed any insects to help with this process. All settles with birds, animals, wind and rain. I am seeing how answers to these ways will surprise many and respond to greater, richer food crops and better ways of helping with human potential as all these insects have caused much troubles and served the ways for poisons to be used, causing many more problems as nutrition is reduced and all settling with food caused people to not grow well in health and to not be parasite free.
Understand all these poisons were introduced to cause harm to everyone including babies and the unborn. I am soon removing all these troubles from Earth and you will see that most of these problems are soon settling with answers to evidence of these changes that will improve all lives on Earth. Some of these insects belong on Earth but the most destructive ones were added by civilizations that wanted to rid humans from Earth until they found out that humans were digestible to their feeding needs.
Be well answered when these parasites are all removed and see how all can live better lives without them and healthier growth will be seen in all children and youths. The insects we left on Earth a long time ago were the earth worm to help work the Earth, and the beetle to eat all garbage from plants, animals and humans and nothing more. The butterflies are seen as beautiful and useful but they can be destructive and these were not added by us.
Be well answered by many understood changes coming to Earth and see how all serving ways will share knowledge with many more renewals of truth and trust in our ways. Be understanding that we had created Earth to better serve our need to educate our own and not to punish, abuse, starve, torture, torment, and kill anyone or any animals. Be seeing that the one who answers to these ways does this to cause the pleasure he seeks by causing misery and death.
These words are settling with you more now, as you are beginning to see the whole picture of these deceptive actions caused by another and not by us. We are settling with his ways and we will answer back to him ourselves. Now be settling with Earth ways and see these changes better answer your needs and your truth at the renewing times of Earth.
Answer to my call and be certain all truth will soon be well dealt with and well answered by our ways. Be ready to respond to our settling of many explosive great truths and great renewals, as all become well answered by us. Tell yourselves that many more understandings will clarify your history of how all is and see how all is easily dealt with.
Know that we return from a long journey across the Universes visiting many people and places to better understand the lives of many and their ways of living. Know these times are soon answering to Earth's time of great renewals and Setu ways.
Received August1, 2012 by Za
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