Monday, 20 August 2012



  Answer to my truth and know what the truth is. Heal all these lies told to you as you are all living an indoctrination of your dealing with the corrupted. Be free of these lies and open to our truth and discover a Universe full of great learning, believing in better ways of living and life. Discover your own selves and open to the Setu way of great truth and great seeings. 

  I am now preparing to answer your many more questions and all who have not yet been answered will be answered soon by our arrivals. Be ready and see how all these words as seen will soon be veritable. Be well served by our ways and know you will have all you need, as all starts with our truth and our renewing ways of health. 

  Better adjustments to your DNA strands will be made as many are more renewed than others because of these differences. Many of you have been poisoned by seen injections (inoculations) responding to false diseases that you are settling with. These ways can be changed as we activate your DNA and open to better Setu seeing of answering to yourselves. Then you will be able to heal all illnesses and diseases yourselves with your healed vessel and open to more light. This will serve many who are ready to open to these uses of our ways. 

  Visiting times begin soon and as I said, many of you must remain calm and stay in your homes as we begin the sorting of death souls who are only causing harm. Be settling with our ways as you begin to be well serving of our time together, as all becomes well dealt with and well responding to evidence of our ways. Be dealing with us as we begin to open to many who are our chosen ones.

  Settle with us and see all soon well changed and well serving. Answer to our truth as all becomes well serving of our ways together. Better times open to you well into the good coming days and be certain your lives will become the lives you wished to live. See how all these trusted truths are soon opening to answers to our ways and more healing understandings will be yours to open to.

  Now the question from India about who has the real truth as many claim to have healing ways and no one heals the problems on Earth. See this, we have not walked the Earth for thousands of years as we went out into the Universes to seek our own evolution and open to the Universals Laws. As we did this, we are now ready to deal with the lies you live with and open to you on Earth to evidence of truth. 

  These truths are about your time to be opening to us, as this is said in many religious books and the emanation of truths are soon yours to see. Visits begin and changes on Earth will be seen by way of earth cleansing, and this comes with our ships and our ways. See how we are dealing with these cleaning ways and then decide yourselves how truth lives on Earth as we begin to do this. 

  Settle with your own thoughts and open your hearts to truth only and answer these trusted ways yourselves. See these times be changed and open to our ways. Fear heals also as we are only causing fear to those who have good reasons to fear us and this will be telling to you. Heal with us and know we are settling with all who are Setu and opening to answers, and then see all be better for all who will be serving with us.

  Be ready at the seeing of our ships landing. Know we will begin by stopping all weapons of mass destruction to continue. All these things will be removed from Earth and responding to healing truths about the planned destruction of Earth and this most of you now know is possible. These ways we must stop not only for humans but for many others living near Earth as life exists on other planets.

  See for yourselves these truths as you meet with us and open to all our renewing ways of sharing our renewed meetings with us. You will be amazed about what you will now learn. More than you are expecting arrives very soon and opens to many of you. Be seeing how all will better answer all of you and all your lives. Understand that all serving people of Earth have been enslaved and kept in darkness for a very long time and now time is over for these ways to exist.

  Now the question from Sri Lanka about settling times on Earth and deaths of many. I am seeing this as causing much fear but I want you to know that fear deals with denials of truth. The truth about death heals you as you begin to meet your family members in better bodies than what they had on Earth, and soul bodies that are better to answer with and settling with greater ways of questions to all truths.

  Setu Beings who lived on Earth before return to their true bodies of Heaven and are also arriving with us on this Earth mission. Now you will be able to be yourselves and live as you see to it, healing all problems of past ways.

  Now about the question from Russia about the Setu truth of how all heals as we arrive. See these times open to all better seeings. Be well answering to all who are renewing with us and ask them these questions yourselves, and see how all starts with our truth better settling with answers. 

  These words I share with you can only be verified at the time of our meeting and at the seeing of our good working deeds of cleansing the Earth of all responding poisons and the evil that created this mess. Then you will be served by us. But understand we all are sharing these responsibilities of caring for each other, Earth and other planets. This is truer balance than the deceitful lies about a balance of good and evil.

  This thinking needs to serve an end as it is the roots to all the problems on Earth. You originally came to Earth, most of you, to be part of an education for the younger souls about evolution and living it consciously. But this plan was destroyed by Lucifer who stopped all conscious ways and served a plan of slavery and abuses. 

  We have caught this later than we should have but only to renew with this has caused us much distress. Deal with this understanding in evidence of who we are as we are arriving very soon. Be dealing with the pain of this as you wish and will, but see how all this came to be and open to our time to walk the Earth. Prepare yourselves to be saved and respond to our call.

  Know these times open to you now more than ever and see these healing time begin. I am seeing good times coming for all of us as all this is put in its' right places. Be certain we are soon with you.

  Now for the questions from Canada about the settling wars. Healing with this comes well into the good settling days. My scribe does not want to write about the attacks well coming but all these truths are soon arriving and this causes us to answer to answers of stopping the worst of all damages. But we cannot heal this until healing starts with the first attack on Iran.

  Be certain that healing this will not be easy but healing this will come eventually as all does. Be ready more than you are expecting arrives very soon and you will soon be well answering to our truths as answers are seen. Better times answer you and better ways open to you as all starts to be seen and this you can trust in more than just hope.

  See all renewing times open to everyone who are settling with Earth ways. Be ready to answer to many as we will begin to open to the chosen ones who are ready to open to these times. Now be responding to us as we arrive.


  Received  August 20, 2012 by Za

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