See these questions answered and be well serving of my answers as my scribe will open this to you. Be responding to my words in your heart and remove the darkness of lies that have caused you many doubts of your own being. Tell yourselves now is the time to open to the truth of who we are and settle with the denials you have been carrying in you for many lives as this only needs to be stopped as all will soon be shared by all. Be serving evidence now yourselves and serve your own answers.
Who I am is healing your seeing of our arrivals. Many have the belief that God is a mystical being who created Earth in seven days. These words is a creation of Lucifer who wanted to reduce you to fear me and control your beliefs. This heals as we will make our presence known on Earth and then you can decide for yourselves what you need to open to as all is revealed. Be serving your truth, this is all I can ask you to open to and then see the rest unravel.
Now many have asked me where I come from. We are living now on a large ship as big as the moon ship. Be certain all these truths will soon be well shared and well explained as we arrive and show you these truths. How we made our ships and our pyramids are all things we will share with you as we remove the demons who have well concealed themselves on Earth in bodies and who will open to these times with our way of removing them.
These troubles are many and they are the ones who made up these lies to stop you from opening to us. Then, once they are removed we can begin to open to each other as was our plan a long time ago when we lived on Earth. These ways of living were much different as all had what they needed and lived lives they wanted to live. But all has been corrupted on Earth as it settles with many lies.
Questions about time cannot be answered because this is a serving construct of Earth only and we do not serve these ways. Be seeing how these times are about our responding moment to an action that causes our limit of acceptance to Earth's dealings with war and harm. There is an answer to events only and not to minutes and seconds, as this is control over peoples' lives.
We do not serve time this way. Our way of dealing with needs, opportunities and free will does not have time to better settle with feelings and actions. That to us is a response to slavery and abuses as this only removes a persons' desires to act as needed and as necessary to deal with what is important. And what is important answers to who we are as we all follow our hearts and unite this way with the Universal Laws.
Be serving this as you may but understand we are beings who have lived a very long time and we are past these constructs of time. Be well answered by understood ways settling with these ways and be Setu with us as these ways are removed from your understandings and dealt with denials. Be well answered by our Setu ways and be well settling with Earth ways as these ways only exists on Earth and nowhere else in the Universes.
Lucifer has constructed a method of imprisonment with controlled time for everything, and with others, are manufacturing events to create fear to answer to his psychopathic needs of feeding from your fears and abuses. This is why when a response to an awakening occurs that the life behaviors of abuses begin to be many. As a being awakes from Earth lies, then he or she becomes hunted by the possessed humans who start causing terrible troubles to stop the awakening and causing torment as these whores love to create torment for unsuspecting humans.
This awakening time for humans is opening because the soul evolves through all situations whether abuses, hardships and good experiences. But the evolution always continues and Lucifer may see these ways and add more ways to better abuse people as you see more and more on Earth. Only healing can overturn these renewed abuses and these ways are possible for all people on Earth. Understand you are his prisoner and he is your demon master, as these dregs are seen by all of us who are ready to have this devil removed from Earth.
Used truths about who we are are not correct and have been well manipulated to make our present return unacceptable to humans as many believe we are dangerous and coming to harm or take over Earth. These lies are well orchestrated since the beginning of this long established plan to open to death and Earth answers by Lucifer. Be seeing this, Lucifer has only enemies from many planets and Universes because he causes this kind of abuses wherever he goes.
We believed he was exterminated by a group of good souls who were living on Earth, but these souls were entrapped and changed by him, and we call them the fallen ones who became his army. These souls are now divided into many bodies of Earth and are as you call them demonic possessions. These souls choose where they wish to live and who they wish to possess. These demons attack another soul until it is submissive to them by allowing their body to serve as a host body.
Many humans who seem ill but always alive are in a possession serving. The body would not live unless this demon is removed. These demons manipulate the people around them to cause enslavement of their needs to them and cause a life of servitude to a needy person. These are possessions and some are pieces of demons seemingly not harmful but uses another person to serve them and never allowing them to open to who they wish to be and actualizing their lives.
All of this is said in old writings of religious books but these books are also corrupted as all is on Earth. The truth will surprise many and deal with all the denials answering to lies and deceptions. When we arrive, all other questions will be answered with proof.
Now about the questions of animals and people, see this as answering to souls divided into pieces and used as multiplications of many other bodies. These ways of used lies, to better say animals have no soul, to be diminished, well serves to stop their healing; as these ways are also cause for people to eat other 'humans' as you are all soul beings, human or animal.
Think of this as another deception opening to many more lies and many more better settling deceptions about animals being slaves to humans, and humans answering to eating flesh soul from others who have been divided against their own will to suffer atrocities even greater than humans do by the hands of humans. These ways will heal as you begin to see the workings of the division of souls and how this has caused so much more trouble for these souls to heal.
Understand that awakenings can be a reason for Lucifer's response to dividing your soul as he tries to stop your awakening if your soul is still in one piece. These pieces will all come together as you begin to heal. See how this part of healing will be so amazing for those who are divided. These truths are many more and are difficult to accept as many of you have been so troubled by these torments for so long. But all will heal, all can heal and all healing starts with our arrivals.
Know now this. The question about our settling answers to our ways will be yours to see as I have described this before in previous writings by my scribe. But know we are many and Lucifer is one, and he has nothing more to do as he is cornered by us, and all his greys are destroyed by our responses to their actions.
Death heals some better than living their lives out on Earth because they are not whole, and some are pieces that need to return to the parental soul body. These ways are difficult to accept but understand I have great love for every person and animal on Earth and I want you all to heal and open to answers to truth and consequently trust in my love for all of you. Now you may ask more questions this way and I will answer them as necessary.
See how all becomes unraveled as we begin the sorting. See how many people will answer to their death overdue by illnesses or repeated drug uses that would normally kill anyone, but are kept alive by a demon that lives there. See how your social problems are increasing with the tolerance of drugs that are prescribed or not, and better serving to cause a body to be a better recipient for a possession thief.
These are seen by us very easily and many will say these people are only ill and understandings are to save them or care for them. But the renewing part never comes as the demon loves to be served and obeyed. They use any means to do this; with pity, with torment, with guilt, with lives dedicated to serve them anyway they can use to find their next host through all these denials.
Know now how this will appear to you when we begin the sorting. We will go to hospitals, to homes for the elderly and places for the handicapped, and we will begin to free them from their demonic possessions. Some will be healed and others will choose to leave to better incarnate back to themselves as they will awaken.
This will free their serving slaves from the denial of dedicating their lives to another who only abuses them by using their life sources. These understandings will better settle with you once these denials are understood. All will become better settling with themselves and opening to their own time of evolution.
Be ready and see how all transformations begin to be dealt with and answer to yourselves as all starts with our truth and our answer to answers. Be ready and see all be as I said and know I will continue to answer your questions as my scribe sees this as better use for you. Now go and be yourselves.
Received August 11, 2012 by Za
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