Revelations 10:7
"There will be no more delays, but in the days when the Seventh Angel is to blow his trumpet, the mystery of God will be fulfilled, as he announces to his servants the prophets."
These Setu (bridging) times are well under way. Many on Earth will be very surprised to see evidence of who we are, as better truth heals all lies. Be responding with better evidence of who we are, as we are settling with all who cause harm to life on Earth, and who believe life on Earth is theirs to use and control at will.
Be certain these times are soon over as arrivals start soon, and will be seen by everyone on Earth.
Be certain all who oppose us will be dealt with very quickly without question because we know their hearts and souls.
Freedom to people on Earth serves with responsibility. These times of great understandings will open the way for these teachings and better choices can be easily made. Better serving actions towards each other and better Setu understandings with others from other planets settles the well controlled mysteries, held by only the greedy and the demons, who enslaved humans to serve their responding plans to trust in, aonma (evidence/proof/undeniable knowledge) of our settling times with them.
Be dealing with us soon, with our truth and answers to evidence of our ways. Be dealing with us and others, as these times are soon settling understood evidence of our ways, our time of great renewals and great understandings. Be well answered by us, as we will give you all that you need to be free of harm and the controllers, who are using people to answer to their researches and attack instruments.
Be ready as all starts well into the coming days, and be well served by our time to walk the Earth. Better times are soon serving, and aonma (evidence,...) will be yours and ours to open to. A more trusting way of living will grow on Earth. Our trusted ways and our more serving ways, will begin to answer all people who can learn how to live in community with each other without being used to better someone who controls them with a lust for power.
These times are soon over on Earth, and a uniting time heals all who are ready to be Setu (bridging) with us. Be well answered by our time to walk the Earth, and be welcoming all who are coming to free you from a life of disregard for people and living beings on Earth.
More is healing well for you soon. Be ready, and be uniting with us soon.
More is healing well for you soon. Be ready, and be uniting with us soon.
Received March 1st, 2013 by Za
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