Heal with us and be serving with truth
Share Setu (bridging) truth. Heal with us and be serving with truth. Be serving with us and your lives will improve. Be with us and we will open many trusted ways for you. Be telling others who we are and we will all serve our love and joy together. This heals this long separation and this long understood truth about who we are and who you are. See these truths and unite with the answers you are searching for.
God returns to Earth and God reveals himself to all his children. Better settling times are soon answering you with the way of great Setu ways and better answers open to be evidence of our trusted ways. Be ready and respond to us as we are soon arriving to open to many with the settling of our time together and with the serving ways all starts and all heals.
Better truth shows you the way all came to be and will put to rest these stories of lost civilizations and ancient gods who warred with each other. All stories told to you were made to answer to renewals of a political system to well control the population and create answers of great evident lies. Now is the time to open to truth and free yourselves from these indoctrination called countries, governments and religions.
These ways are ending for you on Earth and are soon settling with the answers to a serving response to our time to walk the Earth. Heal all these diseases and lies made to poison your hearts and souls. Better understood ways answering to all tells of a truth that will be undeniable and evidently renewed with us and many others from Space and other Universes.
Be ready to answer to these times of great seeings. Settle with us and our truth at the used answers to our ways. Be accepting many more truths from many planets. Understand we all needed to unite against these parasites who travel from planet to planet to invade it, corrupt it, and take hostages and Earthly DNA to create their own sources of food and slave labor that they are trading across the Universes.
We have found proof of this in many distant places and we can assure you that we are the healing ones. These kinds, the Greys and the Reptilians, are settling with fewer customers now as the Universal Laws forbid the trade of slaves and animals for slavery. Believe these words as these words as said are not accepted (by those who oppose this), but know we are the ones stopping these trades and renewing with the healing of the victims.
Be serving with us now and be responding to our call as all becomes well dealt with and answered. Better trust in our ways will cause answers to pour onto you and free you from the lies that have imprisoned you for so long. Be ready now to see these times end and to answer to a love of life that serves all life and settles with the diseased souls of evil, as their souls are dark and renew only with harming the good ones.
Sharing with us and others will cause many to feel more hope and more possibilities to choose how they wish to live. Many will wish to leave Earth and join the working ways of the Universal Laws and these ones will be renewing with many planets and peoples. Then tell me who you are, and tell me about the obstruction of evolution of health and social political serving ways.
To see other planets, and how life there is lived, will heal the belief of a need for power that controls and reduces a population to slavery and ignorance of truth. Be Setu with us and know we are not used to these ways. Our ways serve much more to open to. These ways we teach and share, as these ways will heal the ills of the Earth.
Healing starts with us. Believe this when you see this yourselves, as I am knowing your hearts and I see many have lost trust in anything good because of the works of evil on Earth. But evil is limited and can only destroy. Seeing the way of construction and not destruction will open your hearts and beauty and care will return to Earth.
Evidence of our arrivals well deals with the serving of these times of great reunification and how this time has arrived. Be ready and respond to our call. Now see these times be near.
Received by Za, March 9, 2013.
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