Sunday, 17 March 2013



Be ready to open to the better times 
with us and others from the Universes

    Now listen. The way all starts will be dealing with first a sky full of ships. Be ready and know we are the ones arriving and not the Greys or the Reptilians, as you call them. We are as humans in body but we also serve with others who are as beings of great serving truth, and who are not as we are in body. 

    These others are serving with us and we answer with them as colleagues. Be seeing that the Universes are filled with many mysteries to you but for us it is filled with known places and peoples from many areas and different cultures. Be serving with us and find your place among us with many others dealing with these beings as you would with us. 

    Be serving our ways and good truths about who we all are. Know all starts into the coming days. Healing will begin for many more people on earth as the Earth is riddled with parasites to answer to illnesses that are a form of dependency on the medical system dictated by answers from pharmaceutical and chemical companies or multinational agendas.

    These ways  are serving to cause a training of obedience to treatment that will harm many more people. But better truth needs to be seen here. The doctors and health professionals are seen as helping with the health of people but they are well serving answers to a controlled response to medication methods they are conditioned to believe heals. But these are lies. 

    They are also taught to profile patients using methodical answers to better settle with those who question and to deal with them as troublemakers. Be seeing that not all doctors are servants of the pharmaceutical conglomerates, but most are. They see only what they are taught to see without any serving thought of their own to counter the effects of programming they have been subjected to in early medical training. 

    These telling truths are seen by us with the better death sentences of those who are well profiled by cancer treating doctors who trust in barbaric and deadly methods of treatment initiated by the Greys who care about how much humans can take, as they are testing them for life on other slave planets.

     I am seeing how this may be shared as arrivals become dealt with. But as it is now, people believe that what heals is settling with these death treatments reported and analyzed by pharmaceutical companies, as they can only test on humans who can show results of the amount of radiation tolerable in bodies.

    Be certain of my words and know that with these ways of profiling in many countries on Earth, the people who are chosen are very well chosen by blood types and genetics. They are also chosen by life circumstances as many are seen as useless eaters and are soon on the top of the list for radiation treatment and sharing with other treatments, as removal of part or whole organs to measure the rate of life living after these mutilations.

    Be seeing these abominations serving with the Greys and the Reptilians agendas, as these methods only respond to them. Understand we know what they are doing and why they are doing this. Know that people who go missing have to do with their actions in most cases. And know they are soon settling with these ways, as we are stopping these abominations.

    Be serving with us soon and know we can heal with evidence of great renewals of health easily and without troubles or pain. Know that all cancers can be easily treated without radiation and mutilations. Be ready for these answers. Understand these ways are very easy and accessible to all people with illnesses and diseases.

    Be ready and answer to us soon. Be dealing with evidence of great trust in answers to our ways and to the seeing of Apoonancies (non-believers, servants of Lucifer) dealings with the Greys and the Reptilians merchants of slaves. They have taken many humans to sell across the Universes, some are now serving with us as we freed them from bondage, but others are now settling with Setu truths now.

    We are arriving with them to return them to their families. Be ready because many are coming back to Earth and are Setu with us. Your trust will grow as you see these ones coming back to their loved ones and we promise you they are returning healed and strong. Many will have much to tell you as they are sharing responses with you.

    Now listen. Better answers as said are well underway and will open to a time of great truth and great renewals. All better used answers opens soon to evidence of great truth with us and with others. Be well serving with us and be willing to open to these truths. Settle with Earth ways, lies and deceptions and be free from the control well served by these Alien agendas or black operation groups plaguing Earth.

    These groups use tricks to seduce those who think they govern the Earth. Be seeing that these Greys and Reptilians we warned you about, are ruthless murderers and liars, and give very little technology in exchange for human flesh and slaves. They are seen by us as disgusting whores of Lucifer and we travel the Universes to rid them of places like Earth that fall victim to their insidious works of evil. And know the one called Lucifer is Reptilian and is not a light bearer, as these fools care to say about him.

     These times are soon ending now. Be ready to see an Earth free from parasites and serving whores who see only their desires used to better their lives. But know they too can easily fall victim to Lucifer as he has no truth nor serving trust in anyone or anything. Be ready to answer to our ways and hear these words as our time of arrivals are soon coming. We will open to all truth.

    Better serve with us as all is well seen by you. Healing begins to strengthen all who are as we are, Setu Beings of Light and great truth. Be ready and be ready, as arrivals become dealt with and as arrivals open to a new time on Earth to open each belief with us, to open the way to your freedom from darkness.

    Be serving with us soon, as we are united and serve with the Universal Laws that helps all planets in trouble to better freedom, love and care. All will be returned to the paradise Earth was before these demons arrived and destroyed it. Heal with us soon.


    Received by Za, March 17, 2013.

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