Sunday, 24 March 2013



Bessron (shared) answers are coming soon

    Now all is soon started. The WW3 is in place to answer to our ways of great renewals and better serving times answers to our ways. Be well answering to all who are serving with us. See how all opens to answers well into the good serving days. 

    Deaths will be seen in many places of the world, as these times start being renewed by wars. These ways better settle with the dealings of great truth as we have said. As arrivals are seen, many more will take their own lives because they answer to other ways. But know all will settle soon after into a time of healing and peace. 

    Be only responding to yourselves, your families and friends, because chaos will open to many places on Earth, and because all who are dealing with causing these troubles will want to cause many more, poon (believe). See to it you have what you need for a short time. Be well answered when we arrive but understand we will open to many others first with the settling of care. Then we will heal all who are ill, and seeing to better health ways. Later all will begin the restoration of Earth with our ways of cleaning this planet. 

    Before visits begin, I want to ask you to be well prepared to respond to answers of our ways. Do not use better settling ways with others who are evil, and trusting in self-defense only, because many will want to take arms and this is not being careful. Be calm, be patient, we are soon arriving and we will remove these parasites ourselves.

    Be well answered as we arrive. Be willing to open to many who are seeing to your well-being better than ever seen by your governments and slave masters, because we have only our Universal Laws renewing and no other plans as these devils have. As arrivals are served, you will see this yourselves and you will participate only willingly to some of our cleaning projects, to return Earth to you and us, as it was before.

    And these ways are very easy. Many of you will begin better lives and better living ways. I promise these truths as said are soon coming for all my children. With us, are many who serve the Universal Laws and who have experienced the changes coming to Earth, and this they can tell you about themselves. 

    Be ready and see to all your basic needs for a few weeks. Then be ready to respond to our arrivals as we will come after the first attack to open to the world in evidence of our words shared. Now tell yourselves that many changes are coming. This means that governments will fall, that territories and countries will have only better serving borders, and that the responding Angels will be leaders for the transitional times.  

    I say this now because you do not remember us and yourselves yet. So, to alleviate any misunderstandings, we come to bring these ways of organization that are only serving a short time. The Angels in place will soon only open to their own families, as all people of Earth will know we do not need governing when the Laws as renewed are healed.

     This is easier than dealing with corruption as it is now settling on Earth. Many with us will tell you to answer to yourselves only and not to others. As all healing starts, you will be free and you will know what needs to be done yourselves. 

    I am coming home, and this heals with me also. As these days are soon coming, I can tell you my heart feels swollen with sadness and also joy of returning the Earth to the paradise it once was. All my children will live long lives and better, much better lives with us as reunification time is opened to all of us. Now be ready and tell yourselves ascension is this.


   Received by Za, March 24, 2013.

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