Monday, 11 March 2013



Be ready to open to our arrivals and be serving with us

    Answers are soon coming to better open to all who are ready to heal with us as the time of reunification draws near. Seeing the Conclave makes me want to respond to all that this abomination of self-serving old men answers only to; a death wish responding to the end of the Vatican. Be understanding that none of these men have served the purpose of helping anyone on Earth other than their own glory and ambitions.

    These are the men who tell all that they are serving with holiness of my ways and my words. Believe they are certainly only serving themselves. Be well knowing this as I am seeing many of Earth answering to them as spiritual leaders who concern themselves with the well being of their followers. But they have absolutely no care for their followers other than the sources of money and life forces they draw from them in their endeavor of achieving more wealth and more power.

    Why? Because they are liars and thieves, and they enjoy lives of riches, bona food and good wine, and care not about the souls of good people of Earth but care only about renewing with wealth and power. Their dealt with lies and atrocities against people from all times have gone unpunished and even glorified because they answer to their master Lucifer. He answers to himself and only this.

    Be willing to accept these truths with opened eyes. Know who we are as we arrive to settle with these old devils who worship Lucifer. Be dealing with the fall of the Vatican as the third secret of Fatima has revealed. Know these truths and be dealing with many more truths as you leave the deceptions better than before I was renewing with you.

  Be settling with the death of many as the wars begin, renewing with the false attacks by North Korea and the better answer to defense from the USA. Be better serving these words now as these times of war actions begin to answer to our ways and our truths and our Setu ways following these false flag operations. Be certain these deceptions will all be well answered by evidence of truth and better understood ways of great healing and better serving answers.

    Be well ready and know we are arriving soon after these attacks in evidence of our renewing time of answers to who we are and why we have come to open to Earth, and begin a sorting of great numbers of humans who are settling with the dealings of their master Lucifer. Telling of old renews with these answers and many will be dealing with these evident truths themselves and renew with the bigger picture of how all heals and how all came to be.

    Better truths vindicate many, and better serving answers deals with many at the time of reunification. Be settling with these times and be dealing with better truth as all starts and as all starts very soon.


    Received by Za, March 11, 2013.

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