More than you can see arrives well into the good serving days. Be well answered by us and open the way for many more truths, as all better understandings are soon shared and dealt with. Better to share knowledge with us than the others, as they are only renewing with their own needs. They have nothing to answer you with than to take from you all that they want. And these whores care not for who you are and what you are.
Now see these times be over soon, and be well answered by your freedom from constraints of the way of control many have submitted to for so long, and see that freedom answers only to the wealthy. Why do you think travel has become so difficult, so expensive and so secured by guards and the military? Be seeing that these ways stop people from traveling, and this serves answers to control and authority.
Your movements from place to place are well monitored and controlled. Your many sayings about a free country and a democratic system of life only can serve the wealthy. All others must submit to being checked, controlled and monitored. We call this a prison, and more than a prison because all accept these ways and call it protection and security.
All this was put in place by fear of death, and a well elaborated scheme of the Twin Towers was the turning point in the greater control all must submit to. Better to know the murderers who plotted these attacks are well embedded thieves and liars who care nothing for human lives. Respond to many more ways of great troubles soon as they plan other (false flag) attacks to better serve their answer to war.
See these truths as all must be well settling with their ways. Know all these words are shared as we hear them and can be stopped by many opposing benefactors who ask to not be doing this to cause a war, and I must hope these words are heard. Be seeing how all truths are heard by us with our technologies as you have now begun to unravel this yourselves on Earth.
Be seeing how all starts well into the coming days with these ways of solar flares that will cause the East Europeans to suffer from the loss of power with other parts of Europe and North Africa. So be ready to care for your own needs for approximately two months. These ways are of course precautionary as the Sun burns as it wills and has no master to control it.
Be ready for any such events for uses of power as all starts with the way of our time of renewal. Answer to our call as we begin to walk the Earth and open to many more ways of great truth and great serving truth. Respond to a time of great changes that will open to all who will share the knowledge of these times.
Now listen. Believe our words as you see all unravel yourselves, and be well serving of your time to be well answered and better served by us. Tell yourselves you will soon be with many other Beings from other places and worlds, and you will heal all these lies and deceptions serving your denials of the existence of Lucifer.
These times will answer to all seeing of the corrupted beings who rule your planet and answer to knowledge of the secret societies of hidden words. But also understand that these Beings are renegades and their souls are seen as tar pits to us, as they have lost all decency of living and life on Earth. As these rumors of wars unravel, better seeing of their ways will also unravel and no person will be safe from them.
Understand our knowledge and our purpose answers to them as we know what they are and what they are capable of. Soon they will answer to answers of our ways and they will be removed because their time of abuses heals and answers to our stopping of their actions and their ways by great serving of our truths.
Now ready yourselves for the truth about our ways and be well answered by all renewals of our ways at the time of our answers to you. Be settling with Earth ways and open to many more truths about our ways and our time to be with you. Question me as you will and see all answers be revealed and settled with truth. Better settling times are very soon.
Answer my questions. Would you be serving yourselves and your families with the Setu truth of who we are? Will you trust in healing with us as this time comes? With our truth, would you be understanding more about the ways of the Earth? These questions are yours as I hear them every day in your thoughts and I can tell you, settling with these questions will soon open the path of knowledge you are ready to embark.
Be ready all renewals better serve with us as we become willing to open the way for all who are settling with us and our time to walk the Earth. Answer to my call and see how you will soon meet with us and open to answers to our truth. As arrivals become seen, I ask you to remain calm, stay in your homes to avoid the chaotic troubles.
Be ready to answer to my call as I will send my scouts and messengers to meet with those chosen to become diplomats and serving teachers, and those who will participate in the reconstruction of Earth as this Setu seeing will be necessary to answer to and to be well serving. Know now this and see to it all starts healing with "Answer to answers" and know all responds to knowledge understood by all.
Received July 31, 2012 by Za
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