Tuesday, 31 July 2012



  More than you can see arrives well into the good serving days. Be well answered by us and open the way for many more truths, as all better understandings are soon shared and dealt with. Better to share knowledge with us than the others, as they are only renewing with their own needs. They have nothing to answer you with than to take from you all that they want. And these whores care not for who you are and what you are.

  Now see these times be over soon, and be well answered by your freedom from constraints of the way of control many have submitted to for so long, and see that freedom answers only to the wealthy. Why do you think travel has become so difficult, so expensive and so secured by guards and the military?  Be seeing that these ways stop people from traveling, and this serves answers to control and authority.

  Your movements from place to place are well monitored and controlled. Your many sayings about a free country and a democratic system of life only can serve the wealthy. All others must submit to being checked, controlled and monitored. We call this a prison, and more than a prison because all accept these ways and call it protection and security.

  All this was put in place by fear of death, and a well elaborated scheme of the Twin Towers was the turning point in the greater control all must submit to. Better to know the murderers who plotted these attacks are well embedded thieves and liars who care nothing for human lives. Respond to many more ways of great troubles soon as they plan other (false flag) attacks to better serve their answer to war.

  See these truths as all must be well settling with their ways. Know all these words are shared as we hear them and can be stopped by many opposing benefactors who ask to not be doing this to cause a war, and I must hope these words are heard. Be seeing how all truths are heard by us with our technologies as you have now begun to unravel this yourselves on Earth.

  Be seeing how all starts well into the coming days with these ways of solar flares that will cause the East Europeans to suffer from the loss of power with other parts of Europe and North Africa. So be ready to care for your own needs for approximately two months. These ways are of course precautionary as the Sun burns as it wills and has no master to control it.

  Be ready for any such events for uses of power as all starts with the way of our time of renewal. Answer to our call as we begin to walk the Earth and open to many more ways of great truth and great serving truth. Respond to a time of great changes that will open to all who will share the knowledge of these times.

  Now listen. Believe our words as you see all unravel yourselves, and be well serving of your time to be well answered and better served by us. Tell yourselves you will soon be with many other Beings from other places and worlds, and you will heal all these lies and deceptions serving your denials of the existence of Lucifer.

  These times will answer to all seeing of the corrupted beings who rule your planet and answer to knowledge of the secret societies of hidden words. But also understand that these Beings are renegades and their souls are seen as tar pits to us, as they have lost all decency of living and life on Earth. As these rumors of wars unravel, better seeing of their ways will also unravel and no person will be safe from them.

  Understand our knowledge and our purpose answers to them as we know what they are and what they are capable of. Soon they will answer to answers of our ways and they will be removed because their time of abuses heals and answers to our stopping of their actions and their ways by great serving of our truths.

  Now ready yourselves for the truth about our ways and be well answered by all renewals of our ways at the time of our answers to you. Be settling with Earth ways and open to many more truths about our ways and our time to be with you. Question me as you will and see all answers be revealed and settled with truth. Better settling times are very soon.

  Answer my questions. Would you be serving yourselves and your families with the Setu truth of who we are? Will you trust in healing with us as this time comes? With our truth, would you be understanding more about the ways of the Earth? These questions are yours as I hear them every day in your thoughts and I can tell you, settling with these questions will soon open the path of knowledge you are ready to embark.

  Be ready all renewals better serve with us as we become willing to open the way for all who are settling with us and our time to walk the Earth. Answer to my call and see how you will soon meet with us and open to answers to our truth. As arrivals become seen, I ask you to remain calm, stay in your homes to avoid the chaotic troubles. 

  Be ready to answer to my call as I will send my scouts and messengers to meet with those chosen to become diplomats and serving teachers, and those who will participate in the reconstruction of Earth as this Setu seeing will be necessary to answer to and to be well serving. Know now this and see to it all starts healing with "Answer to answers" and know all responds to knowledge understood by all.


  Received July 31, 2012 by Za

Monday, 30 July 2012



  Be settling with Earth ways and answer to my call. Know that these are the end times and the times for a new beginning opening to all, including others from homes other than Earth. Be ready to welcome your families from other worlds and unite with us as we are as one to strengthen ourselves together. See these visits be arriving in the next few weeks.

  The way all comes, opens well into the coming days and will answer to many of your needs, many of your renewed telling of who you are and where you have emerged from. All answers you more now as all starts with the good settling days of Earth and of our time of arrivals. Be well answered by our truth as all starts with answers to our ways and as all becomes well seen.

  Be ready and renew with us as we wish to renew with you, and be dealing with answers to our ways settling with Earth ways. Now see these truths answer you and better answer to answers of our time together. 

  Know now this. The way of the telling of who we are as Beings of Light may seem as untrue to most, as the stories on Earth renewed with a great lie of who we are and the way our children were cared for by us. We are called 'gods of renown' but we are in many ways as humans in our looks. Be not surprised by this, and be ready to see how we are answering to our own, and how now is the time to awaken to these coming seen truths.

  We have been on Earth many times before and we have caused some of the great cataclysms to heal the problems with the Annunaki and their creation of monsters as the seen dinosaurs. But we are not the Annunaki and until we knew who they are, we could not deal with them and their renewed dealings of destruction of planets as they stole and took whatever they wanted to answer to their desires of control.

  Understand that these were one of the determined groups who wanted to profit from our creations and they answered many more ways from the uses of our truth by lies and deceptions for profit. These thieves, liars and murderers used humans as slaves from the very beginning of their arrivals, and these liars were serving our truths to use against us.

  We were called 'gods' by them to respond to their actions of terrorizing our Terran beings. They acted as a servant of ours but they were distrusted by so many in the Universes. Be seeing these travelers of the Universes for who they are, as they became well sought after criminals who are now part of the great problems of Earth.

  They used their own blood to spread on Earth as they controlled many parts of the planet and became the kings and queens of different parts of Earth, as this was divided among them. They dealt with their slaves with horror and abuses still practiced in your days as we see this ourselves. They used food made of animal flesh and created ceremonies to offer these animals by fire to appease their gods of terror.

  They are not us and we are not them in evidence of their ways and their actions against many races and many people. They mixed their kind with humans and only their kind were used for renewing with power, as they believed themselves to be more powerful than any others in the Universes. Be well answering to our call and be well settling with these dealers of lies.

  They are as reptiles as you see on Earth and they wanted their animals to be well serving of their ways on Earth, and caused them to feed off humans and animals until few were left. Renewing with this answered us and we were well served with these truths. So we caused the Earth to shift to destroy all the dinosaurs and free the surviving animals and humans from devastation.

  These were the times of the serving floods and ice age that renewed all things but did not destroy the blood of the Annunaki that continues to flow in some humans on Earth. These truths you will understand soon as we will open to these evolution problems with many of you who wish to see this. These beings are evidence of corrupted ways of dealing, as these visitors caused much harm on Earth.

  Be renewing with these words now as all becomes well served and dealt with, and see how all starts with the way all heals with the answer to our used ways. Better to answer to evidence than to deal with proof of our time together without knowing how we know these stories and humans do not. Be responding more now to our truth as we are soon arriving on Earth to begin the sorting.

  These ways of sorting are necessary for you to live better lives and settle with these actions of used lies and destructive answers to mixed breeding of aliens and humans who are renewing with many on Earth and causes ill telling to be accepted as fact. Questions about who we are will soon be clear as knowledge about the different races of the Universes are clear.

  The fallen angels are more seen as our kind but they are not. They are renegade opportunists that travel the Universes as pirates as you say on Earth, who cause trouble wherever they go and use all unknowing beings to answer to all their needs, as slaves to trade with things they want, and a food source. They are shape-shifters and share with answers to Lucifer's kind.

  Be responding to our ways of dealing with these answers, as all truth are well understood. Be well serving of our truth as you will soon see why these understandings are unknown to you now. These shape-shifters are called this way not because they can change their appearance but because they can use any bodies they want to access the control of it, whether human or animal, and make them obey to their desires.

  They use human bodies to have actions sorted to cause another person harm; or animal bodies to open to attacks or trouble. But usually they are only able to enter a body that has many health problems due to disease, or age, or uses of drugs and alcohol as this weakens the body to allow these spirits to immerse themselves into the brain and control the body.

  Healing with these truths will give you the answers to demonic possessions as seen on Earth. Be well answered by these troubling spirits removal from Earth. See many weakened bodies renew with an overdue time of death, as these ways of removal are done because these spirits can work a long time without life renewed with health.

  Now renew with our time to walk the Earth and see all start changing as we open to all. Settle with these ways of great endings on Earth to heal all the troubles caused by these invaders. See how all truths and lies open the way for our truth as all becomes well seen and well served by our ways. And be well responding to answers to knowledge, as arrivals become well serving and well settling with many.


  Received July 30, 2012 by Za

Saturday, 28 July 2012



  Now see these days be renewed by our arrivals; open to the way all heals and opens to answers of great truth and great healing times. Evidence of our ways are soon answering to answers to our truth and many will be well serving of our ways as all becomes well answered and well arriving with the way of great seeings.

  Be well serving these days with serenity in your soul as you see these freeing times open to you. Be well answered now as you will meet with us, and know all my words are truth. Be well settling with Earth ways as our time of great meeting together comes. Be certain you will have all you need to be well renewing with all the truth we come to share with you.

  At these words and as these times are here be well answering to my call. Be well aware of the coming days, as great cataclysms will come from the energy of the sun. This means the solar flares will intensify and cause electromagnetic fields that will disrupt the electrical power grids in many countries in Europe and in North Africa. Settling with the repairs of this will cause many to be held by uses of other means of energy, and this will be costly and only accessible for the wealthy.

  These repairs may take a long time and many will suffer from the lack of power, as their needs depend on these ways of living. Better to prepare yourselves for this coming event than to question my words as you may doubt me now, but you will soon see how all is held together by power. Heal these ways as power can be used with simple means and will serve all without any cost or control.

  Answer my questions. Will you see how all answers you as all arrives? Will you open to our ways as we have many better solutions to answer to your needs? Are you serving with evidence of our truth as I  share these words with you?  Or are you believing we are only trying to cause fear and dissension among humans?

  The fear you have reflects the fear you experience on Earth as you are constantly told of wars, upcoming wars and depravity. And this is how control opens to many through this kind of imprinted past life experiences. Better times are soon answering you and this you will see for yourselves. Be ready and open to the knowledge of our ways of great truth and great Setu truth.

  Be well answered as all starts settling with the ways of great truth and, be well answered by our time to be well answering you. Settle with answers to our truth and see how many are waiting to be free of the abuses they have been chained with from the moment of birth. This I will respond to quickly. This causes Earth to suffer the pangs of childbirth as these sufferings of soul being's energy shared with the destruction of nature depletes the life sources needed to evolve. 

  This heals with us as we begin to remove the negative beings who use others as slaves and certainly cause pain, distress and living ways that are substantially lower than needed for growth and evolution. This will be stopped well into the good serving days, as we will free these souls from the hard hands of corruption.

  Healing this will be a long process for some and may require a healing of many better experiences. Most of these souls will ask to experience better lives elsewhere so they can be trusting more in who they are, and this we can help with, and this they can choose to better answer to. Be ready and see these days be well answered by us as we see many more troubles on Earth than you know of. And we will see to the healing of each and every good soul wanting to heal.

  Now see to it that you are preparing for the two months I shared with you yesterday as this is precautionary only but will serve you greatly if needed. See to it you have all you need for your families and friends if they are not able to care for themselves as you can of course. Better to be safe than sorry, as you say, and because we answer to urgent needs first, we may not be able to answer to all at once.

  The planned chaos is intended to make us go from one fire to another. We are well equipped to do this but there might be some delays. And here heals the truth of who we are, as we heal many problems as we can, but you must also be responsible and take care of your basic needs in these times of transitions, as these chaotic times begin to better be renewed.

  Now take heed of my words and settle with the view we are sharing with you as these days draw near. Be well serving of our ways as all starts with arrivals, and settles soon after with the rebuilding of Earth. Be certain we ask you only this and nothing more, and be certain you will be cared for in later times as we begin the work of renewals.

  Better to be ready for these times than to ask others for something you can do yourselves as the seeing of this may come well into the coming days of the war in the Middle East. These times renew very soon and these ways answer to all your settling truth and understood seeings. 

  No one heals without understandings. These words I share with you are meant to open to the present truth of Earth ways and the future truth of who we are, and why we must come to Earth to help you with all healing ways. Be well settling with Earth ways as all starts and at the time of our arrivals.
See to it that my warnings and cautions are serving you to care for yourselves until we reestablish a line of communication with all needs and sources.

  I am well answering you in evidence of what I know is healing you and coming your way, but also you as humans have many food and water needs that Earth has given you. Soon you will see how these ways are easily dealt with independently from your present seen sources of food. As we arrive, we will teach you many ways of settling with these ways and better ways of answering to your needs without needing to live for money to buy all that you need.

  These ways are very easy and require only your attention in gardening ways but will answer your basic health needs and better your lives. Heal with us and see how all truth will serve you very well and open to the many better serving ways all starts with us. Share this knowledge with us soon and be well answered.


Received July 28, 2012 by Za

Friday, 27 July 2012



  Be well served by our arrivals as we begin to walk the Earth. Be willing to open the way for yourselves and others who will need your help to answer to our ways of truth. Be Setu in all ways as you are seeing the used truth (past truth or history) of who we are and who you are, as all starts unraveling and settling with many. Be ready and open the way for all to answer to many more truths as all becomes well dealt with and answers are seen. 

  More than you are expecting arrives well into the coming days. You will soon be well answering to us as you begin to see all and settle with the evidence of our ways. Be well answered by our truth as all becomes well seen, and be ready to open to our ways as we begin the sorting. And know that all who are corrupted will be removed.

  Be ready to answer to our call as all seeings will open to you and answer many more questions that you will ask. Be certain we are coming very soon as the wars erupt in the Middle East and open the way for our arrivals. Now see these words as you may but know all heals after these first attacks. Soon many more will answer to our call as we arrive to settle these actions against humans of Earth.

  As we arrive, all armaments will be disabled and not one artillery weapon will be used against anyone. Be serving these understandings as we will help all renew without wars and we heal answers to all false wars said to be in the interest of democracy or Islamic beliefs. All will be dealt with and all will be ended by us, as these constructs are not of my words and never were.

  As these understandings become accepted, you will renew with the truth about us and better see who we are. Open your hearts to us as we are your true family returning from a long voyage to better serve with the way of great telling of great truths. Be well responding to our call as all becomes well answered and be ready to open to our ways, as all starts with the truth of who we are and why we answer to great telling of many trusted ways of great truths.

  Better times are answering you after the first few days after these wars, but know all shared ways of truth will soon answer so many people of Earth. Heal your broken hearts with us as we begin to open to many of our serving ambassadors who will be learning with our teachers. They will open to all who are ready to hear the truth of who they are and where their soul has emerged from.

  Be dealing with us and answer to our call as we begin to walk the Earth and open to many who have been contacted before. Be certain all truth will be revealed to you as we begin the time of sharing knowledge. Be well prepared for these times of war and depravity but understand these ways will only be for a very short time. You will see how all are responding to "Answer to Answers" and settling with our truth. 

  These days will better answer to all your needs and will be renewing with new ways of living with healthier trusted ways and better food and better power to serve your needs. Heal with us and know all better truth opens to you as we begin to walk the Earth. Be ready to answer to many others who will need your help because of these changing times. Be very certain you will have all you need to be dealing with us, as all better ways are soon dealt with and well served by us.

  Be serving a time of meditation as you become well serving of our truth. See how all our words will resonate and awaken all your desired memories of who you are and why you are on Earth and renewing with us at this time. All will be shared about who we are and all will be shared about our technologies as the dark ones are removed and dealt with.

  Be preparing yourselves for the needs you have by storing food and water for a short time of approximately two months and maybe much less as all will be dealt with us, and then all will better serve you. See this as a precaution and nothing more as you will settle with these days many more ways than we can tell you. Be willing to answer to our ways and our telling words as all starts with the arrivals.

  Be ready to answer to our truth and see how all becomes well serving with answers to our ways.  Know we tell you this now to answer to your trusted needs and better Setu settling ways. Be well answered by us and be well settling with our answers at the time of our arrivals. And be certain you will better answer to answers as all starts with the good coming days.

  More than you can imagine heals with all who are my children and many will understand why you have been so distrusted and abused by answers to many injustices at home, at work, at school and all other places, and judged because of who you are as children of God. These attacks respond to your awakening and are engineered to stop you because you are seeing all coming and many are feeling these days arriving better settling with these times.

  The word now used to appease you "bullying" heals only part of the visible problems but in fact it serves nothing more than exposing the evident. As these abusers continue to abuse, healing with them heals nothing and you will be past on to another more hideous abuser as times draws near to end these ways. Abusers, bullies and psychopaths are meant to torment my children and this is what they are for.

  Many see these offenders as victims of abuses themselves but see this for what it is as we know of this deception. Those who are abused and who answer back to their abusers are soon entrusted by others who are more abusive. Understand this is not a victim's desire or path but a series of actions well orchestrated by the attackers who well use their trained puppets to renew these abuses as the victims fall into fear, despair and often illnesses.

  These actions are dealing with the plan to stop all evolution to become well serving and stops all who are trying to respond to their life experiences and awakenings. Many groups of people gather together as cults to begin this process with young children. They work these ways of great harm seen and unseen (as psychological abuse) to answer to these children's imprinted responses from past lives, and in many more ways causing death to re-imprint them with fear and pain.

  This to us is an abomination of the greatest offense against us and this does not go unpunished with us as it does on Earth. Understand too many offenders are walking free on Earth with the truth of their actions unknown. We know each offender and what they are responsible for and this will not be left alone as we will uncover their deeds to respond to a better suited settling of their actions.

  Be certain all will be vindicated and no stone will be left unturned. Be Setu as all heals because some of these abusers have well hidden their actions and we will see to the Setu way of dealing with them. Better to be quiet until this is done as the time for our truth will soon be well seen by our presence in body in all places on Earth.

  More will be settled by us than you know of, as better solutions are coming to Earth to deal with any abusive actions against the innocent and the good hearts. Understand answers are soon well serving and many are waiting to open to you and better answer to your truth as you will see our truth. Be ready knowledge heals well soon with the way of great Setu renewals and all these horrors of Earth will soon be dealt with and be destroyed.

  You will be allowed to continue your lives as it was intended from the first; to live in peace, security and serenity without the abuses, fears and despair caused to answer to your healing time. Many more good truths as we answer you, arrives soon. And be ready to answer to my call as I am soon with you. 


Received July 27, 2012 by Za


Thursday, 26 July 2012



  Be well answered by our time to be walking the Earth. Be settling with Earth ways at the time of our truth. Be visited by our Teachers who will open all truth for those who seek it. See all who oppose our arrivals be well dealt with. As we begin the sorting many will better see who and why removals begin to rid the earth of harm caused by these transient spirits who occupy bodies and hide among humans.

  Understand that not all are humans of a soul being and many others are as humans but have another in them. These seeings will be shared by all as the way of settling with these whores will be well serving. All the people of Earth who are serving truth will soon be dealing with a new life as they wish it to be and not one of slavery, the spreading of poverty and the corruption of good souls.

  Be well answered and be well responding to our time together as all will be well explained and well understood. Now be ready and settle with Earth ways as all becomes well answered. Be well responding to our call as we will begin the sharing of information with all who are ready to open to this. 

  Tell yourselves that now is the time to answer back to the corruption of Earth and stop all people serving a system of control that takes all and returns nothing, saying that this is done for the people's good. But only a few have these rewards of hard work and the difficult ways of life continue for all the others. 

  These ways are soon changed because no one should live this way of depravity. All can be well served by Earth, as Earth was created to harvest for all and not for a price created by a few. Heal these ways of deception and understand uses of Earth ways will soon open to all who are ready to open to truth. Better ways are soon arriving and better Setu truths are soon here to respond to all questions of great seeings.

  Be well answering to our questions as we will begin to see all Setu beings return to themselves as they are with you on Earth and answering to all who wish to be helped and better their lives. Be well answered by our time to walk the Earth and be well seeing all good changes open to all who are ready to open to these times.

  Know now this. Because of the way wars are coming in the Middle East, many will be in danger for their lives. Be serving a time of quiet meditation for these souls who will be moving through death to answer to their answers to truth. As these times are soon here, no soul will be returning to reincarnation. All these souls will settle with Earth reincarnation and close these ways of Earth to renew with a new life of becoming oneself.

  These ways of looping reincarnations are only useful as a learning experience but were never meant to be controlled by one dominate user of souls. All souls have their own experiences to encounter and only they have a right to decide how they wish to open to their experiences before birth into a family. 

  These ways have been stopped and redesigned by Lucifer who created Hell on Earth for too many good souls, and added the dark ones to assure these souls would never complete their desired experiences and growth to be ready to return after these times. 

  Only telling these words heals but does not serve the whole truth about how these ways were agreed upon, as souls wished to understand these experiences and learn how evolution was part of them, as used truths (past history) were never enough to better see these ways. But all was corrupted by another who wished to gain power over all by stopping these learning experiences and creating his own plan to use souls as slaves and remove from them all possible memories to who they are as God's children.

  These times are now over and all life will well serve on Earth as the corrupted dark Beings are removed and dealt with. You will see these dark ones yourselves as they are not as you are and have no care of who sees them for who they are. Be careful of anyone who now wishes to tell you to call on Lucifer because the seeing of this monster will scare the bravest and the reason for this again is to cause torment and fear.

  Be certain we will remove this one, settling with him once and for all. As this happens, many of his servants will begin to fall as the control of them will be ended and they will open to a way of dying as their life source was connected only to Lucifer. 

  With these removals, a more trusting time will become well answered and dealt with. But many will better see how all starts with the way of our arrivals and our actions to vindicate them. Be seeing how we will serve understandings with the way of great truths and better serving knowledge at the time of sharing. See how all will be healed with our ways and our Setu truth as all starts with "Answer to Answers", the book that serves many of us as we better serve these truths.  

  Be serving many more seeings with us as we will explain many Earth truths uncorrupted by historians view of outcomes of wars and past civilizations that are not understood truth. Be understanding now how all came to be with us and you will see how your world has been dominated by corruption and dealings of darkness and lies.

  Now be well seeing as these ways are stopped a veil will lift. Many truths will be uncovered and serving a new time on Earth, as healing begins and opens to many more sources of truths and greater answers to all questions and better serving of our seen truth. Be ready and see how all serves to open to many as all heals and as all dealt with lies are no longer living in your history books.

  Know that all Setu understandings are settling with us as we are the ones who have created the Earth a long time ago and left Earth to better serve other worlds. Upon our return to our home, our scouts warned us of the many changes. Seeing these changes has caused us to allow an evolution that gives choice to every soul to accept us as we are your family, or refuse us as Lucifer hoped to achieve by the breaking of our Laws.

  Then the way back became more difficult for all and these understandings needed to be renewed with us, as we began to see how the loop of incarnation renewed with the loss of memories. These truths are not serving with you now because more are believing in Lucifer's vision than ours and do not see how they are caught in a snare.

  But now this cycle of death and rebirth is over. All who are in need of greater healing ways to help them see how all is, will undergo many more lives in other places in the Universes to help with their dealings of trust and truth. Be certain these ones are not evil but rather in need of more time to evolve the damage caused onto them, and they will be healing under our care and guidance. This includes all animals, as all animals have souls and this too is not understood by most.

  Be well settling with Earth ways and be ready to answer to our call, as all truths used to answer you will soon open to everyone who wishes to know how all heals. Be certain you will soon serve with better Setu seeings. Open your heart to all your families and friends who are waiting for you and are ready to resume their lives with you although these long separations have stopped these reunions for a long time.

  Tell yourselves that the time has come to end this Earth deception and open to all other possibilities that has not been seen in the consciousness of Earth people because of the continuous distractions of death, birth, war, poverty, illness and so many more other ways of stopping good evolution of the soul; as all this acquired knowledge has only caused pain, sadness and despair that weakens the soul and turns out light of greater knowledge. 

  Be well answered now my children, as these times are soon over. Ready yourselves to answer to our way that is your true way as you will rediscover this yourselves.


 Received July 26, 2012 by Za 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012



  Setu truth will be revisited by all who are seers of truth. This comes well into the good serving days as all begins to unravel. See these uses of truth be well serving with many who are ready to answer to evidence of our ways as we begin to walk the Earth. And be certain we will have all we need to open you to many more Setu ways of living.

  Now be dealing with the good serving days with a kind of reverence for our healing ways as these ways begin to answer you and serve as evidence of great telling of truth. Be certain you will soon settle with proof of our ways and an eruption of truth, as all becomes well serving and better seen at the time of arrivals.

  Be ready to share knowledge with many of our uses of time as we do not share time understanding as Earth does. Our time does not count seconds but deals with timing of events. More Setu seeing as this one will respond to many as all arrivals begin and open to many. Now you will be amazed to know that we are settling with earth ways ourselves.

  At the time of our arrivals we will gather all murderers, thieves and liars who deceive and cause torment. They will be collected and serve a sentence before final judgement. Be Setu and allow us to use our ways of doing this as these words will soon be shared by others. Many will be dealing with cause to fear as they too are guilty of some crime.

  The crimes we speak of are not of serving harm to oneself, as this is an imprinting that can heal, but the crimes of interfering with lives of others to gain more acquisitions or power by harming others. This will be stopped and used to serve judgement. The serving laws on Earth are only caring about their own and do nothing to protect, as the way is expected by people who pay taxes for this. The taxes only go to serve the wealthy in evidence of their acquisitions and nothing is done for others. 

  Be dealing with us as we are the judges and Setu answers to our way of truth. Be well settling with our renewed ways as all becomes well seen and well answered by us. You will see the proof of this when we begin removing the corrupted ones because many lives have been harmed by a few. We will remove these guilty ones in evidence of their crimes and put them in a place of returning to their original forms they had before they used human bodies.

  This will surprise many of you who are settling with Earth ways and who wish to see the truth. Be well understanding that all heals and all serves to stop the workings of evil ways. Remember we are coming to do this as we clean Earth and cause the needed changes to save earth from self-destruction and renewed ill will, as this spreads out to other places in the Universes. Be very settling with these good renewals as this is needed for all to be serving. 

  Now be seeing all soon be well changed by us and be certain all who are taken into custody are settling with us and all who fear this understand what they have to fear as we will not leave any stone unturned. Be well answered by these truths and see these understandings be well answered by us as we will better serve with all who are in need of care and protection.

  Be well seeing all actions against the innocent be well settling with us, as we are arriving to stop all abomination of attacks against the innocent and those who wish to follow the laws of our serving ways. No one on Earth can tell you more about true healing and true justice than we will, as our teachers will begin to open to many of you and share these words. No one on Earth knows about true justice in evidence of our time to open to many more truths.

  See this soon with us and see how all can have peaceful lives with our way of seeing. I am well visited by many who are asking me many questions about how these changes will become serving to all. And to this I say, you shall all see these ways be well serving when all starts feeling safe and care is shared with all people of Earth.

  This heals all and all who wish to remain on Earth as guardians of Earth will renew these ways easily and among good neighbors who share the same ideals. These ways are seen in all places we have opened to and will soon be the way with Earth Beings.

  Now see all be ready for the changes coming well into the new times on Earth. Know you will better settle with us than with anyone else as all becomes well dealt with and well seen. Know we are who we say we are, nothing more and nothing less. Be well answered by answers to many who are ready to open to our seeings. And know we are all waiting to meet with you as all starts renewing with us.

  Be well answered by our visits and see how we will acquire the places of governance to open to our answers to you. These places we will need to use to open to many coming changes. These places of governance will no longer serve your governments because they will all be removed and many will be judged by us, and we will use their buildings to share knowledge with our chosen ones.

  Answers to evidence of our time to be seen on Earth will soon open to the way all answers you. Many will be in fear of these changes because they believe that their lives will worsen but the seeing of these changes will improve all my children's lives and answer to all their needs of visible renewals.

  Be ready, more than you are seeing will soon answer you. Be certain only those who are seeking truth will be answered, as we will only better speak to those who ask us questions, as all becomes well settled and served by us. Be ready now as we are approaching the events that will open for our time of arrivals and be well answered by the sightings you will see many more times as arrivals near Earth.

  Respond to us, better renewing with all trusted ways of great truth. Tell yourselves that Earth ways will be changed and we are telling you these words now to better prepare you for these amazing days of reunification and reckoning with your true families. Be ready my children as all starts well into the coming days.


  Received July 26, 2012 by Za

Tuesday, 24 July 2012



  You will renew with us well into the good Setu days and you will answer to answers in a short time. Be settling with Earth ways, and see how all starts with the view that answers to all seen truth. Be well answered as these days arrive and open to all Setu telling with the Setu understandings that all heals with used (past) truth, as all becomes well answered and dealt with. Be seeing how all starts with the way all settling ways are seen, and be certain used truths are soon answered by us. 

  Now see these truths be answered by all Setu seeing. Know we are ready to land and ready to stop all aggressive actions against anyone. These actions will serve as examples of our ways to intervene and respond to all renewed attempts to attack anyone or place. Be visited by many teachers of our kind who will show you all truth and all dealt with truth, as we begin the sorting to remove all corrupted souls in evidence of their intent to harm and cause actions to torment others.

  Understand we are not serving these ways ourselves and we will not serve these ways as all becomes well dealt with. See how we are used to opening the way for many other planet cultures in the Universes and we are now arriving near Earth in a short time. See this be the time of reckoning. And know we are ready to answer all your questions.

  Understand that Earth was ours a long time ago, healing settling errors of denials that we thought were harmless when we left it. But knowledge came to us and said that the people of Earth were being used by malevolent entities we had encountered before and dealt with as all abuses became dealt with. We will prove these words with you when we arrive to stop these actions, and serve better ways of dealing with answers to our truths.

  These ways of opening to worlds we use when we encounter these entities actions against people in other places in evidence of reports from our scouts. These years of torment upon humans has culminated drastically in the view of our intervention of healing actions, as we need to rid these demons from your planet. Be certain this heals all and answers to your freedom. 

  Know we are Setu Beings of Light in proving our time of great truth to be well answering to Earth needs as we become well serving of our time together. Be well answered by our truth and our ways of healing with you and all parts of Earth life as arrivals begin and open to all. Believe we are who we say we are with "Answer to Answers"; you will heal with our words and open to better ways of living and answering to truths.

  Be well settling with Earth ways and understand many things need to be changed. See to it that I am who I say I am and now is the time of reckoning. Be well answered by our seeings and be responding to many more truths and be certain all starts well into the good Setu renewing days. But tell yourselves to better serve these truths with well open hearts as these words may cause some to fear us, and we wish not to be feared by anyone on Earth.

  Be serving a time of deep meditation and better truth, as all starts with the good settling days. See how all starts with Setu seeings of great shared words. These words I share with you now is confirmation of our time of arrivals and great truths. Believe we are coming soon and our words are truth as this you will see for yourselves as we begin to remove all evil from the Earth in evidence of the harm they intentionally inflicted and continue to cause on humans and animals.

  Be well serving of our ways and be well served by our ways, as you will soon understand we are arriving to open the way for Earth to become a part of all worlds. These worlds open to the Universal Laws, and live free of torment and fear as we are all working together as one to answer to Earths' call for our help. Be this said, our time has arrived to better act on a great intervention responding to serving of our ways of dealing with the dark Beings who have corrupted your home planet.

  Answer my questions. Because of our renewing time on Earth, will you be open to our time to walk among you? Will you be wanting to hear our words? Will you be answering to your family members and answering to evidence of truth? Be certain we will open to many of you and dealing with the way all starts and deals with answers to truths renewed by all. 

  Deal with your broken hearts as you will discover how you were deceived in the belief that we are gods only as superior beings who control all outcomes, when we are the ones who tell you some tellings are true and some are lies. Together we will unravel these truths to help us understand each other. This is the best I can do for you to understand how all heals. 

  Now see this and be understanding how all truth with lies will be dealt with as we tell you our truth. You will uncover the lies said about who we are as these ways of seeing will open the way for you and your children. Be certain we ask you to open to our ways to better your lives and heal all the wrongs that have been corrupting your planet for a very long time.

  Be settling with us, as we are soon answering to many more trusted truths and answering to evidence of our understood ways of renewed seeing. Be ready as all starts well into the coming days and know we are to be with you and help you through these times of uncertainty as all begins to be well serving and dealt with. Evidence comes well into the coming days and we will soon be with you.


Received July 24, 2012 by Za

Monday, 23 July 2012




  Be questioning all Setu ways as we arrive to better understand the meaning of our ways. Setu means a place of great understanding that opens to seeing, and responses serving all better ways of respect for others and oneself. It means to know thyself as one has experienced the better truth about how all is and how all heals.

  These understandings serve to open to many more truths about understood serving and better ways of working with each other as we will soon show you. Understand all starts with the way of great seeing, and all becomes well dealt with, better seen and better understood. Be ready and respond to answers as all becomes well dealt with.

  Be well answered by evidence of our ways and be well seeing proof of our truth of our time to be seen on Earth. Settle with Earth ways and be dealing with the way of great seeings as all becomes well dealt with and settled. Be ready and see how all starts and opens to many more trusted ways and be well sharing of our truth at the time of our telling.

  Be responding to our shared words and serve a time of meditation and reflection, as all these new 'old words' start moving in your hearts. Remember who you are as all becomes well settling with our time to answer to Earth ways. Be well settling with us and see how we are willing to open the way for you to free yourselves from the prison of lies keeping you in darkness and slavery to dark beings who take all they wish and give nothing in return. 

  Be Setu and see these times be yours to answer to. Answer to yourselves and see all truth answer you and better serve with us. Know we are well settling with all who have caused harm to others, who are deceitful and cunning as they believe they can still escape us.

  Be dealing with evidence of our arrivals as you will first see our scout ships, and our serving ways of opening to the world. These words I tell you now as time is near and all are opening to our arrivals. See how all answers you and serves to open to the proof of our ways. Be well serving of our time together and respond to us as arrivals begin to be seen.  

  Be well answered by our truth and see all be renewed on Earth as the time has come to stop the destruction of Earth. Open to new ways of living that will open to all people and not only the dark ones. Be well answered by us as we are circling Earth, waiting for the first sign of destruction by bombs and war, as the Middle East settles with their ignorance and as others provoke their actions.  

  These wars are unnecessary and only respond to the greed of power and control. They do very little to care about anyone because these wars are not about people healing and serve only with death and destruction serving one master, Lucifer. Be certain all starts well into the coming days and see these times be well answered by our ways as all becomes seen and dealt with. Answer to our call and be ready to answer to your own family as we are wanting to meet with you.

   Answer to my questions. Be telling yourselves all comes soon and dealt with the way Setu truth serves all. Will you be ready to answer to our ways? Will you settle with Earth ways as all starts with us opening to the world? And will you be better seeing how all answers you as all starts becoming well answered?

  Be ready and see these truths open to many as all becomes well seen and well dealt with. Respond to evidence as you will see this yourselves. Now see this. Be renewing with the ways of living that will serve to open to many who wish to remain on Earth and see to the guardianship of Earth health and responding to the respect of life. Settle with the eating of flesh as this is the cause for your health problems and early deaths. 

  Be well settling of your time on Earth as you have lived it. Heal with us and respond to more practices of better living and better health. Understand these ways are shared by most in the Universes. The practice of eating flesh is answering to Lucifer and his underlings as they are flesh eaters and require blood to feed off of. These practices are more to serve their kind and are seen as disturbing to us, as we do not see this as serving anything more than murder, death and diseases of the body and soul.

  Be ready to answer to our call as we are arriving well into the coming days and settling with these practices of flesh eating, as you will understand that these practices belong to another. Questions about these ways will open many more truths for you and will serve you well as you will discover how all this came to be and how you were all tricked to believe that these answers to killing were answers to your survival, but in fact it is causing your deaths earlier and destroying your planet. 

  The terror you ingest in your body spreads throughout the world as an energy of evil that intends to harm and kill. These ways open to wars and destruction as these ways settle with your auric field and emanate outwards to others and many problems escalate from these practices. You will see how these ways are not necessary and how all heals with better ways of living at the time of our arrivals. 

  Be ready and see all be very well answered by our Setu renewing ways. Be certain all will soon open to many truths as all starts with these Setu ways. Be responding soon to "Answer to Answers" the book that remains in my lap when I speak with you. Be ready and see all be as I said. Better answers are soon here as we arrive to better the lives of all who are searching for truth and greater telling of past truth.

  Now see all be as I said and question all our words as need be, but understand all will soon be changed to open to all people of Earth and remove all harmful ways of dealing with all life on Earth. See these days be soon and open to our ways and our truth. 


Received July 23, 2012 by Za       


Sunday, 22 July 2012



  Be willing to accept many understandings and better seeings as all becomes seen. Be understanding that we are here to answer to many who are ready to open to you, and settle with used truth and lies serving Earth ways. Be well seeing how all heals with the truth of who we are as we begin to walk the Earth.

  More trust will grow as we start the cleaning of Earth waters and Earths' atmosphere to purify the air and soil. Be certain you will have all you need to be well answered by our ways of healing, as we will begin the cleaning of all places of oil spills and dirty settlements off the sea shores. All these places will be purified and returned to a beautiful place for all to live and share. Be well seeing how all unravels.

  Believe these visits will start well into the good settling days. As all becomes well answered, you will have all you need to be well settling with the ways of the Earth. See these understandings serve you well now at the time of our arrivals. Be well answered by our time to answer to many more truths at the telling of understood time to answer to our calls to those who are ready to open the way for others on Earth.

  Be well settling of our truth and be very answered by our renewed ways of great truth at the understood settling times of Earth ways. Be visited soon by many who come from other planets and who respond to evidence of our ways as all better serving truth becomes served. Know many are settling with Earth ways as they now see how all opens to answers of who we are and why we are arriving at these times of wars.

  Be well answered by our ways and be dealing with the truth of who we are, and question all that we do to serve the purifying of Earth at the time that these ways commence but understand Earth heals with us first as we are the responding Beings who have create your planet. Be well answered and tell yourselves that these times are your prayers being answered, as we respond to your calls and to answer your truth at the arrival of our seen ships.

  We are many who are circling Earth now to prepare for our time of landing and we will begin the descent in a very short time, as all starts with the way of our explosion of truth. Be well answered by our ways of opening to the world and be ready to vindicate many more truths as all is healing. See these times renew with our arrivals.

  Be with us as we wish to be with you. Tell yourselves, all truth will be revealed and all lies will be uncovered. These times are now settling with understanding of Earth ways, and many renewals will be seen with family members who are Setu Beings of Light. Be well answered and be ready for the good Setu ways as all begins to answer you.

  Heal with the telling of our words of truth as we begin to open to the world. Be ready and see all be as I said in evidence of our time to walk the Earth. Be ready, all starts well into the coming days and these words I share with you, explains why we are arriving and when we will arrive. You will understand many more truths of who we are and why we are soon answering to our arrivals and our truth.

  Be well seeing of our time together and be ready to answer to our call, as all better truths are settling with us and with your understandings. Now be ready, all comes soon. Better times are soon serving with our ways and all will soon be dealt with and revealed.


   Received July 22, 2012 by Za

Saturday, 21 July 2012



  Better times are soon here, and better renewals serve all who are ready to answer to truth. Be ready to read "Answer to Answers" the book that is in my lap. This book will explain all truth and all Setu truth because of the dealt with Earth changes of the coming new times on Earth. Be well answering to our call, as we become well serving of our time together, and see how all will be transformed and healed.

  These words I share with you now because many are settling with Earth ways as they tell of our arrivals but are only responding to their despair. Be renewing with the way of truth, as all becomes well served and dealt with, and open the way for many more understandings at the time of our renewed landings as these are soon answered.

  Heal with us as we begin the sorting and deal with the healing Setu seeing, as many will become well answered by our truth and our Setu ways. Be ready to answer to evidence of our ways at the time of our Setu responding way, and see how all starts well into the coming days.

  As arrivals become seen, you will be well answered by our truth and our Setu way. All will know that we arrive in peace and are here to open the way of healing the separation because of the time of reckoning. This time was well explained in the Book of Revelations but did not answer to the spirit of this time because of the seen technologies of your present ways on Earth.

  Many misunderstood truths were repeated without the technological seeings of today, and this I would like for you to understand. The seeing of the ships is explained by creatures spitting fire in the heavens. This means the lights coming from our ships, as you now see them in UFO sightings, and the bold seeing of visitors as Angels, are our kind coming to meet with Earth children and people from all places on Earth.

  The trumpets sounds are the sounds coming from some of our larger ships who needed to come closer to Earth before we concluded a plan to land. These seven trumpets by Gabriel are nothing more than Gabriel's team of serving ships who came very close to Earth months ago looking for better places to land.

  Then we have all these horrors of wars, diseases and pestilence renewing in all places as it is today with the great weather changes by solar flares and Earth shifting, as this is a natural occurrence of the rotation of the Earth every five or six thousand years. Heal with these truths and have no fear, as you have nothing to fear but fear itself.

  Settle with the way all will be seen as we begin the Setu understandings of great truth. Renew with us and see how all becomes well answered by us, as all starts settling with many past truths and settling ways of great understood truth. See how all starts healing with the ways of better living. Be feeling how all telling of serving ways will soon be yours to better see and experience.

  Heal your broken hearts with us, and be certain all starts well into the coming days. Now see this. Renewing with many understandable truths will open your eyes and share the way of the Universal Laws practiced by all who are searching for the Setu way, as this is in you as we speak. This path serves to answer all questions humans have since the beginning of these imprinted thoughts that were imposed upon you.

  These imprinted thoughts were settling with the manipulation of masses to cause servitude and slavery on Earth, this will soon end. Be certain all your questions will be answered and all your truths will be uncovered. Understand all these words shared with you now are here to help you ready yourselves for this time of transition and better understandings of how all heals.

  Telling of past ways will open to you, and you will soon renew with all who are as you are. Dealing with these truths will open many doors for you. These answers are the seeings of who we are and the better ways of living to open to better lives and better evidence of life in all the Universes. These truths are ready to be heard by all humans on Earth and elsewhere, as these days are soon here.

  See these words be yours as we arrive, and be well answered by our truth. Now open to your renewing time and renew with your own kind, as many are telling me here that they are seeing all well serving very soon. Be well answered as you begin to see the ships in the sky, and as you see this you will be amazed about the numbers of arrivals and landings near all your places of living.

  These ways of answering to your call to stop all aggression to humans, and to rid the planet of ill intent and ill will, you will soon see and soon open to. Now see these truths be well serving you very soon as all is seen. Know we are all waiting to be reunited with you, as the time to be seen walking the Earth heals all. More later.


Received July 21, 2012 by Za

Friday, 20 July 2012



  Telling of old answers many of your questions. Be well answered by the better serving truth as you hear these truths recorded in many places. Tell yourselves that what you know of Earth is only the beginning, and much more heals with the stories of old. Be Setu in all ways as these times open to you and share your truth with these ways of understanding not open to Earth thought. Be well settling of your time of ignorance as these stories begin to open to you. 

  Tell yourselves, all you need is to be seeing truth as it is, and not as a better serving deception to make you believe that you are nothing more than a piece of living flesh seen as an evolutionary error of primate development in the time of dinosaurs. These lies told to you through the words of one man believing in his own construct of human evolution is missing the biggest piece of information. 

  These ways of seeing humans has caused other races to see themselves as better than others, and others to be less than theirs. Therefore, the taking of property and the destruction of cultures was accepted as a natural activity of superior cultures and encouraged the uses of denigrating others as they were not as advanced in ways they praised themselves to be.

  These ways were settling with the views Lucifer had about himself when he began taking over Earth and used humans as he wished. Telling of old has recorded his movements throughout the Universes. Be certain we have him now in place to be taken, removed and serving his sentence with us, as he has offended us in too many ways. He tells of his superior ways of being with others that are unsuspecting of his plans.

   He heals with the way of truth that does not serve him because of his offenses. These days are soon ending for him, as we cannot allow the uses of other worlds as he has done. Be ready to be amazed by the changes on Earth as we remove him from the moon base. As we remove Lucifer, all his followers will begin to die as their life force will have no mind control roots to function with. 

  Be serving visits with many of our kind as these words will be shared with you. You will begin to understand how all starts settling with truth. Be well answered by all Setu truth, and be understanding of our time to be well seen on Earth as all starts. More truth about the takeover of Earth will be shared with many, as these ways of answers are greatly renewed.

  Now be ready for these better settling days at the time of reckoning. See to it all healing will begin with truth of who you are and how you have been tricked to be the slave of a slave master who answers to only himself and his psychopathy. 

  These words shared as seen are truth healing in you and open to the way for humans to be free of these delusions created to answer to their ill beliefs and ill actions against others. See how all renewed ways will rebuild your trust in evidence of our ways, as we will give you the words that will free you from the lies that have plagued Earth for so long. 

  Renew with us and be ready to answer to our ways, as these have always been your ways but stopped by the offenses of the one who became the controller of Earth. Be telling yourselves that only those who accepted to serve Lucifer will be judged by us, and all others will be seeing a new way of living with many others.

  Now listen. You are soon answering to our call. These times on Earth are soon settling with answers to knowledge answering to many more truths. Be well settling with the many seeings needed to open to answers to evidence of our ways. See how all becomes well serving of our time together as all starts with the truth shared. Be ready and see these days be soon. 

  Open to the way of great Setu seeings, as all becomes well answered and well dealt with. See these days open to a new way of living with the truth about "Answer to Answers", and the great truth as all becomes settled and seen. But know we are settling with the sorting, and doing so will cause many humans to be removed from Earth, as they cannot exist in peace with others until they have undone the harm they have well committed by actions inspired by Lucifer, their life source.

  These are the ones who fear our arrivals, as they can feel their time of control and abuses ending. They will be seen for what they are, and these whores will not escape. Be well answered by our ways as all starts to be well answered. More renewing times will answer you as we arrive. Better solutions to basic needs, as said before, will open to your needs as we begin to answer to our used truth. Be ready and see all come as I said.

  Know now this. Be certain all starts unraveling soon as the sword rattlings are heard in the Middle East. These were the places of renown because of their beauty in times past. But these places have seen wars upon wars, and destroyed many times over the beautiful landscapes we once enjoyed, and added proof of corruption that reflects the unsightly cities you now live in with little vegetation, filth, poverty and death as a result of ill care.

  These ways are not ours. These ways belong to another, and removing him will open the way for all. Now see how all answers you, and see how all becomes well answered by the coming truth and the good Setu way of great truth. Be well vindicated by our time to walk the Earth as all becomes well seen my children.

  Now answer these questions. Will you be ready for our arrivals and be willing to remain in your homes? Will you answer to our call when we come answering to your door? Will you open your hearts to me as you become well settling with these truths? And will you be ready to open to change as we begin to introduce it to all who wish to heal with us?

  Be ready, all starts well into the coming days and many are seeing how all truths starts with our time to walk the Earth. Onm more with me soon at the time of our arrivals.


Received July 20th, 2012 by Za

Thursday, 19 July 2012



    Be ready and know these days are near, as all truth becomes uncovered and well seen. All is in place to begin renewals of our arrivals. Be well answered with the seeing of our ships as the first attacks of war occurs. We will begin to land all our first responding ships, and put an end to these wars made to torment humans. We will have all settled understood truth of who we are, and begin the sorting.

   All becomes well seen and well dealt with, as these times begin, and at the time of our trusted ways. Be well answered now, as we become well proven of our time together. See these days be the change you have asked me to better your lives as this was prayed for. Answer to a time of deep meditation and open your hearts to peace as all starts being seen. Be certain, we are ready to intervene at a moments time.

  Be well answering to our truth, as you will see these days be well evident of our ways and our Setu servings. Know we are coming to end these wars on Earth, as all becomes well seen and dealt with. Be certain you will have all you need to be well cared for at the time of these wars as these dealings will not last very long. Be certain we will see the ways darkness use to take from the poor and the meek in these times of wars, and this will soon be stopped. 

  Be well renewing with us as we begin to open to the world. Now see these words be responding to many truths, and be ready to answer to my call. Be serving many more understandings, as we begin the sorting at these times. Understand that we must remove these demons who possessed human bodies to answer to actions against humans. A responding truth will surface about who they really are, as this will be explained and uncovered.

  God gives you the truth you seek with understanding that serves you all very well. Know we will settle with all these demons who use humans to open to their own wishes of domination and control over Earth and other places in the Universes. They are responsible for the devastation and destruction of civilizations seen by all of us, and we seek them out to stop their ways. They destroyed our world a long time ago.

  Be ready and understand many stories are shared when we are soon reunited, and more truth will become well deciphered. Be visited by our many teachers and diplomats, as they will open the way of healing memories, serving with answers to evidence needed to heal your knowledge, and to repair the trust needed in each other.

  Be certain we are soon with you to answer to our telling of serving ways with many who are as we are in service of the Universal Laws. Be open to learning all about our truth of who we are, and where we have emerged from the time of the First. Be settling with Earth ways as these ways settle only with the spirit of the dark ones who cause only pain and misery to our kind.

  They will be put in their right places as every single one of these demons will be found, and no stone will be left unturned. These times are soon at your doors; you will see how easily we can find all the culprits of corruption, and have them removed from Earth. I promise you this, we must stop these dark beings and remove them. 

   See to it you understand how this heals the way life used to better serve on Earth. We will return Earth to its' pristine condition, allowing people and all living animals to resume their lives in peace and serenity the way Mother has planned this a long time ago. These times of reckoning are now here, and we will arrive to open to the world and rid the Earth of all ills.

  Soon you will see all as all unravels, and you will be amazed. Answer to my call and open to our time to walk the Earth, as all starts becoming well serving with our ways of clarity and understood truth. Be well settling with the way of control on Earth, and see all new days be better ones as we remove the dark ones.

  Be ready now, more than you are expecting heals all who are seeing answers answer all. Be certain you will soon be free to choose your true way of life. Happiness will be seen healing in all places as no harm will be put upon any of you ever again. This is my promise to you. Evidence of this you will discover yourselves, as we begin to onm with truth to open to many new understandings to answer to our way with many better Setu ways.

  Now see all come as I said. Know you are dealing with the Setu truth of who we are and why we are settling with the dark ones. They moved onto Earth creating a world of torment and abuses to create a slave labor to feed from their flesh and work. This is the truth that was kept from you from the start, as many religions know of these demons existence, and some say it is a myth.

  But these demons do exist. You call them the Greys and they are the ones causing many to be missing in the world, as they take whatever they wish. Evidence of this we have seen too many times, and we have destroyed many of their ships over the past sixty years of Earth time, but still there is much to do. These plans are on-going to rid the planets of all these creatures who are made by Lucifer as slaves. 

  Understand we tell you this as a fact. We see many of you not knowing what they are, and sharing this now will help you open to many more truths of how these demons settle with humans. Be ready and renew with us, as we have many more words to share with you of the many groups of Beings from all places across the Universes who are hearing about the freeing time of Earth humans.

  We see these others be pleased with our answers to these coming changes. Better to onm renewals with us now, as time is well overdue. Many other groups seek to destroy the dark ones, as they are hunted and become extinguished. There is no balance of evil and good. This is a lie told to you to take more abuse than care for each other.

  These dark ones create all lies to trick and deceive you to submit to their ways and open to more slavery. Tell yourselves life exists with peace quite well, and people do not need evil to balance who they really are. This lie about balancing of evil and good, and humans having all been evil at one time, are all created to deceive you into allowing more harm to come your way.

  Answer these questions. Must good times all be stopped? Must all children suffer to be better humans? Does sharing of goodwill need evil to work? Why do you think this way of evil has been growing in your places of living and not balancing with good? Do you think this imprinting heals you to be good?

  Better truth starts with answers well settling with our truth. You will see you certainly do not need the workings of evil to benefit your lives in any way ever. Understand that the growing attacks on children, removing their innocence and causing them to lose all trust in adults, are not balancing in any way. 

  These whores do this to create an opening to use for their future armies but these children are as we are, innocent loved ones that need protection and much care. These whores will cause any good soul to be destroyed, as they take them at a young age with no past memories to use for discernment. These horrors are too much for us to see but this must be healed, and we will do this one child at a time.

  As all truth starts better serving, you will soon be answered by all good ways of healing and understandings used to answer to many more Setu ways. Now renew with us, and be settling with answers to our ways. Be well serving of our time of great truth together as all becomes well settled and well dealt with. Be responding to answers to our truth, and see how all dealt with lies will reverse these ways of believing that has plagued the Earth.

  "Answer to Answers" will give you what you need to better your lives, and open to the responses you have wished for. Questions will all be answered and shared with our teachers who will gladly open to your own truth as all unravels. Be seeing now the better serving changes needed to believe in a world that learns to care about all its' members of the human race.

  "Answer to Answers" tell you how these ideals are achievable, as we and many other civilizations have come to honor these principles of great truth. All who aspire to living their lives in a full view of all potential, will see how all these ways are possible and practiced by many planets across the Universes. Settling with Earth ways heals the path to these good Setu ways.

  More than you are expecting answers all of you who have readied yourselves to answer to these good settling days. Now see all come as I said and open to the truth of our seeings, as all becomes well dealt with and answered. Be with the change.


 Received July 19, 2012 by Za 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012



  Be serving a time of deep meditation as you will soon see the sky filled with ships. Deal with any fear by calming yourselves with the thought that all starts healing more now.  Many of you are settling with these words and are not understanding all with my renewed way, but know how I too have evolved. Understand we are renewing with you knowing more truth about the workings of evil, as we watch it spread through all good souls as attacks or sedition. Be well answered by evidence of our arrivals and understood truth. Setu truths will soon be yours.

  Be ready, and deal with the way all needs to be served. Be dealing with all settling truth as all starts better serving understandings about how all heals on Earth. As we begin the sorting of souls and remove those who are corrupted to end their existence on Earth, we will remove them to a responding serving experience that helps them review their actions with the settling of the victim's experience.

  Be seeing this as compassion working through them, as they will experience these actions against themselves and their loved ones who are as they are. Greed will be dealt with poverty, false witness will be dealt with the telling of lies against them, and many actions committed by others to harm them. This you call on Earth "karma", we call it healing reeducation.

  Be well settling with these answers because these ways are ours to better settle with. These whores ways and ill actions are not accepted anywhere in the Universes anymore. Telling these words to some people on Earth will cause them fear, as these truths are well serving and well shared. Many hold guilt in them but are healing with beliefs that are only dealing with Earth seeing and laws only seen on Earth.

  Rest assured that no one will be dealing with Earth laws after our time of arrivals, as only the Universal Laws will be used to start the sorting. Answers to our ways are soon holding all places of governance responsible for all the laws unfair to humans. Seeing this will free many souls from Earth laws that are not our laws. Be responding to a better understanding of how this applies to each and everyone of you, as you begin to answer to our ways.

  More than you can expect is arriving with us. Be certain all who believe we are going to be using better Setu ways are right because this change will heal so many more on Earth. These times are here and well answering to many who are soon answering to our call. Now be dealing with our truth and answer to our call.

  As I said before, all you need to do is to practice a deep meditation, and heal all fears as we arrive with calmness and care to help the greater needs first. Be ready and assist us with your good loving thoughts to help us restore the dear souls, mostly children, to heal their hunger and pain by giving them and their loving parents the good comfort they need to open to life again. See this as our immediate answer to our plans. As this plan heals many, many will be settling with the truth and lies plaguing Earth because of the cruel manipulations from these possessed souls. 

  Be settling with the ways of the Earth, and better see how all becomes well answered by our truth.  Respond to many who are searching for our ways and our words, as all starts unraveling. Be visited yourselves by evidence of many of our kind. We will land in many places and respond to many problems of power, air cleansing and sources of poisons, made to cause illnesses to torment humans.

  We renew all ways of food, earth, water, air and shelters for homes that will be pleasing to many, and will settle with all evidence of places on Earth. These times are very near, and this you will soon answer to yourselves. Be ready to onm with us, as the diplomats of our ways will be serving an education program that will enable you to see how answers to our ways are better to use than Earth ways.

  Understand you will have all you need to be well serving of our time together, as arrivals better answer to your needs and your truth. These days are very near so ask you now to prepare yourselves and all others who are moving to these ways of seeing. Be certain all truths are soon answering you with the way of good telling and good Setu understanding.

  Onm now this. Be reading my words carefully, and see I am who I say I am. Many will use these words and try to corrupt them as was done before in my books seen on Earth. Be settling with these spin doctors as their intentions are not helping to cure the illnesses and diseases of the world but more to cause chaos and no cooperation.

  Understand that these truths will need to be shared, and settling with our actions to better serve trust. This heals many who waiver from fear of answering to their own guilt of actions they are mostly serving against others. Be understanding how all starts with our ways and with our truth, and see all healing become well serving with all who are ready to open to light and love of our ways.

  Questions will be answered by our Setu Beings of Light and the chosen diplomats from Earth. They will share these truths of the Universal Laws, and serve many other truths with other planets if they choose to serve with us after the work of healing Earth. Be ready, all comes as I say and you will soon see this for yourselves. 

  Now listen. You are reading these words as I asked you to a long time ago before you came to Earth and entered the Earth reincarnation problem. These reuses of souls, to open to birth and death, does not serve many other places in the Universes but serves Earth because of the need we believed would heal as an education of the understanding of evil, as it was our plan. 

  But these truths we sought were corrupted by Lucifer who used our plan to open to many more ways of manipulation of genetics as seen in the times of Egypt, and caused many to live in bodies unfit for our kind. These caused actions against my children went further than we knew of.  As our return to Earth was unwelcome, a great war was opened and many of these used bodies of manipulated creatures died in these struggles, and soon all was destroyed and answered to the way all was left as seen today. 

  Be certain many better seeings of these truths have not been well undone as more as said heals with our time to walk the Earth. Better truth understood will open to the many mysteries living on Earth because all has been manipulated and changed to suit the newer responses in the last two thousand years held to share ways of control over populations of beings who have no restored memories at birth.

  Some few have awakened to this transforming way of memories because the genetic changes made through this cycle of birth and death, has allowed some people of Earth to reconnect with the memories settling with a previous life, but for most more than this is impossible. We can easily reconnect the repressed genes called junk DNA and activate the memories that will serve you to complete the loop of karmic denials, and open answers to healing ways. 

  These ways will begin with the chosen diplomats, as they will need to remember who they are and why they are feeling these words resonate in them, as this may be you. Be Setu in all ways as these deep awakenings become well served, well supported by us, and know you are soon awakening from a long better sleep than this one life and one seeing.

  Heal your broken hearts as you begin to see the repetition of actions never completed to open to the intended learning outcomes. These ways are soon arriving, and we are all ready to settle these truths with you because you have left loved ones behind to be serving this mission. They are asking me when can they be with you again. I tell them, as soon as we walk the Earth, we will be serving these awakenings.

  Be ready now, many answers are soon yours to deal with and open to because of our understandings and great renewing times together. Now see all come as I said and open to the light of truth at these ending times of Earth. See all be as I said, as all is seen and healed. Be well settling with Earth ways, as this to us is an abomination of a world gone wrong. See to it that you prepare yourselves for the daily coming changes that are leading to our arrivals, as the wars become well seen. 

  Be ready and answer to my call.


  Received July 18, 2012 by Za