Be willing to accept many understandings and better seeings as all becomes seen. Be understanding that we are here to answer to many who are ready to open to you, and settle with used truth and lies serving Earth ways. Be well seeing how all heals with the truth of who we are as we begin to walk the Earth.
More trust will grow as we start the cleaning of Earth waters and Earths' atmosphere to purify the air and soil. Be certain you will have all you need to be well answered by our ways of healing, as we will begin the cleaning of all places of oil spills and dirty settlements off the sea shores. All these places will be purified and returned to a beautiful place for all to live and share. Be well seeing how all unravels.
Believe these visits will start well into the good settling days. As all becomes well answered, you will have all you need to be well settling with the ways of the Earth. See these understandings serve you well now at the time of our arrivals. Be well answered by our time to answer to many more truths at the telling of understood time to answer to our calls to those who are ready to open the way for others on Earth.
Be well settling of our truth and be very answered by our renewed ways of great truth at the understood settling times of Earth ways. Be visited soon by many who come from other planets and who respond to evidence of our ways as all better serving truth becomes served. Know many are settling with Earth ways as they now see how all opens to answers of who we are and why we are arriving at these times of wars.
Be well answered by our ways and be dealing with the truth of who we are, and question all that we do to serve the purifying of Earth at the time that these ways commence but understand Earth heals with us first as we are the responding Beings who have create your planet. Be well answered and tell yourselves that these times are your prayers being answered, as we respond to your calls and to answer your truth at the arrival of our seen ships.
We are many who are circling Earth now to prepare for our time of landing and we will begin the descent in a very short time, as all starts with the way of our explosion of truth. Be well answered by our ways of opening to the world and be ready to vindicate many more truths as all is healing. See these times renew with our arrivals.
Be with us as we wish to be with you. Tell yourselves, all truth will be revealed and all lies will be uncovered. These times are now settling with understanding of Earth ways, and many renewals will be seen with family members who are Setu Beings of Light. Be well answered and be ready for the good Setu ways as all begins to answer you.
Heal with the telling of our words of truth as we begin to open to the world. Be ready and see all be as I said in evidence of our time to walk the Earth. Be ready, all starts well into the coming days and these words I share with you, explains why we are arriving and when we will arrive. You will understand many more truths of who we are and why we are soon answering to our arrivals and our truth.
Be well seeing of our time together and be ready to answer to our call, as all better truths are settling with us and with your understandings. Now be ready, all comes soon. Better times are soon serving with our ways and all will soon be dealt with and revealed.
Received July 22, 2012 by Za
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