Monday, 23 July 2012




  Be questioning all Setu ways as we arrive to better understand the meaning of our ways. Setu means a place of great understanding that opens to seeing, and responses serving all better ways of respect for others and oneself. It means to know thyself as one has experienced the better truth about how all is and how all heals.

  These understandings serve to open to many more truths about understood serving and better ways of working with each other as we will soon show you. Understand all starts with the way of great seeing, and all becomes well dealt with, better seen and better understood. Be ready and respond to answers as all becomes well dealt with.

  Be well answered by evidence of our ways and be well seeing proof of our truth of our time to be seen on Earth. Settle with Earth ways and be dealing with the way of great seeings as all becomes well dealt with and settled. Be ready and see how all starts and opens to many more trusted ways and be well sharing of our truth at the time of our telling.

  Be responding to our shared words and serve a time of meditation and reflection, as all these new 'old words' start moving in your hearts. Remember who you are as all becomes well settling with our time to answer to Earth ways. Be well settling with us and see how we are willing to open the way for you to free yourselves from the prison of lies keeping you in darkness and slavery to dark beings who take all they wish and give nothing in return. 

  Be Setu and see these times be yours to answer to. Answer to yourselves and see all truth answer you and better serve with us. Know we are well settling with all who have caused harm to others, who are deceitful and cunning as they believe they can still escape us.

  Be dealing with evidence of our arrivals as you will first see our scout ships, and our serving ways of opening to the world. These words I tell you now as time is near and all are opening to our arrivals. See how all answers you and serves to open to the proof of our ways. Be well serving of our time together and respond to us as arrivals begin to be seen.  

  Be well answered by our truth and see all be renewed on Earth as the time has come to stop the destruction of Earth. Open to new ways of living that will open to all people and not only the dark ones. Be well answered by us as we are circling Earth, waiting for the first sign of destruction by bombs and war, as the Middle East settles with their ignorance and as others provoke their actions.  

  These wars are unnecessary and only respond to the greed of power and control. They do very little to care about anyone because these wars are not about people healing and serve only with death and destruction serving one master, Lucifer. Be certain all starts well into the coming days and see these times be well answered by our ways as all becomes seen and dealt with. Answer to our call and be ready to answer to your own family as we are wanting to meet with you.

   Answer to my questions. Be telling yourselves all comes soon and dealt with the way Setu truth serves all. Will you be ready to answer to our ways? Will you settle with Earth ways as all starts with us opening to the world? And will you be better seeing how all answers you as all starts becoming well answered?

  Be ready and see these truths open to many as all becomes well seen and well dealt with. Respond to evidence as you will see this yourselves. Now see this. Be renewing with the ways of living that will serve to open to many who wish to remain on Earth and see to the guardianship of Earth health and responding to the respect of life. Settle with the eating of flesh as this is the cause for your health problems and early deaths. 

  Be well settling of your time on Earth as you have lived it. Heal with us and respond to more practices of better living and better health. Understand these ways are shared by most in the Universes. The practice of eating flesh is answering to Lucifer and his underlings as they are flesh eaters and require blood to feed off of. These practices are more to serve their kind and are seen as disturbing to us, as we do not see this as serving anything more than murder, death and diseases of the body and soul.

  Be ready to answer to our call as we are arriving well into the coming days and settling with these practices of flesh eating, as you will understand that these practices belong to another. Questions about these ways will open many more truths for you and will serve you well as you will discover how all this came to be and how you were all tricked to believe that these answers to killing were answers to your survival, but in fact it is causing your deaths earlier and destroying your planet. 

  The terror you ingest in your body spreads throughout the world as an energy of evil that intends to harm and kill. These ways open to wars and destruction as these ways settle with your auric field and emanate outwards to others and many problems escalate from these practices. You will see how these ways are not necessary and how all heals with better ways of living at the time of our arrivals. 

  Be ready and see all be very well answered by our Setu renewing ways. Be certain all will soon open to many truths as all starts with these Setu ways. Be responding soon to "Answer to Answers" the book that remains in my lap when I speak with you. Be ready and see all be as I said. Better answers are soon here as we arrive to better the lives of all who are searching for truth and greater telling of past truth.

  Now see all be as I said and question all our words as need be, but understand all will soon be changed to open to all people of Earth and remove all harmful ways of dealing with all life on Earth. See these days be soon and open to our ways and our truth. 


Received July 23, 2012 by Za       


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