Wednesday, 18 July 2012



  Be serving a time of deep meditation as you will soon see the sky filled with ships. Deal with any fear by calming yourselves with the thought that all starts healing more now.  Many of you are settling with these words and are not understanding all with my renewed way, but know how I too have evolved. Understand we are renewing with you knowing more truth about the workings of evil, as we watch it spread through all good souls as attacks or sedition. Be well answered by evidence of our arrivals and understood truth. Setu truths will soon be yours.

  Be ready, and deal with the way all needs to be served. Be dealing with all settling truth as all starts better serving understandings about how all heals on Earth. As we begin the sorting of souls and remove those who are corrupted to end their existence on Earth, we will remove them to a responding serving experience that helps them review their actions with the settling of the victim's experience.

  Be seeing this as compassion working through them, as they will experience these actions against themselves and their loved ones who are as they are. Greed will be dealt with poverty, false witness will be dealt with the telling of lies against them, and many actions committed by others to harm them. This you call on Earth "karma", we call it healing reeducation.

  Be well settling with these answers because these ways are ours to better settle with. These whores ways and ill actions are not accepted anywhere in the Universes anymore. Telling these words to some people on Earth will cause them fear, as these truths are well serving and well shared. Many hold guilt in them but are healing with beliefs that are only dealing with Earth seeing and laws only seen on Earth.

  Rest assured that no one will be dealing with Earth laws after our time of arrivals, as only the Universal Laws will be used to start the sorting. Answers to our ways are soon holding all places of governance responsible for all the laws unfair to humans. Seeing this will free many souls from Earth laws that are not our laws. Be responding to a better understanding of how this applies to each and everyone of you, as you begin to answer to our ways.

  More than you can expect is arriving with us. Be certain all who believe we are going to be using better Setu ways are right because this change will heal so many more on Earth. These times are here and well answering to many who are soon answering to our call. Now be dealing with our truth and answer to our call.

  As I said before, all you need to do is to practice a deep meditation, and heal all fears as we arrive with calmness and care to help the greater needs first. Be ready and assist us with your good loving thoughts to help us restore the dear souls, mostly children, to heal their hunger and pain by giving them and their loving parents the good comfort they need to open to life again. See this as our immediate answer to our plans. As this plan heals many, many will be settling with the truth and lies plaguing Earth because of the cruel manipulations from these possessed souls. 

  Be settling with the ways of the Earth, and better see how all becomes well answered by our truth.  Respond to many who are searching for our ways and our words, as all starts unraveling. Be visited yourselves by evidence of many of our kind. We will land in many places and respond to many problems of power, air cleansing and sources of poisons, made to cause illnesses to torment humans.

  We renew all ways of food, earth, water, air and shelters for homes that will be pleasing to many, and will settle with all evidence of places on Earth. These times are very near, and this you will soon answer to yourselves. Be ready to onm with us, as the diplomats of our ways will be serving an education program that will enable you to see how answers to our ways are better to use than Earth ways.

  Understand you will have all you need to be well serving of our time together, as arrivals better answer to your needs and your truth. These days are very near so ask you now to prepare yourselves and all others who are moving to these ways of seeing. Be certain all truths are soon answering you with the way of good telling and good Setu understanding.

  Onm now this. Be reading my words carefully, and see I am who I say I am. Many will use these words and try to corrupt them as was done before in my books seen on Earth. Be settling with these spin doctors as their intentions are not helping to cure the illnesses and diseases of the world but more to cause chaos and no cooperation.

  Understand that these truths will need to be shared, and settling with our actions to better serve trust. This heals many who waiver from fear of answering to their own guilt of actions they are mostly serving against others. Be understanding how all starts with our ways and with our truth, and see all healing become well serving with all who are ready to open to light and love of our ways.

  Questions will be answered by our Setu Beings of Light and the chosen diplomats from Earth. They will share these truths of the Universal Laws, and serve many other truths with other planets if they choose to serve with us after the work of healing Earth. Be ready, all comes as I say and you will soon see this for yourselves. 

  Now listen. You are reading these words as I asked you to a long time ago before you came to Earth and entered the Earth reincarnation problem. These reuses of souls, to open to birth and death, does not serve many other places in the Universes but serves Earth because of the need we believed would heal as an education of the understanding of evil, as it was our plan. 

  But these truths we sought were corrupted by Lucifer who used our plan to open to many more ways of manipulation of genetics as seen in the times of Egypt, and caused many to live in bodies unfit for our kind. These caused actions against my children went further than we knew of.  As our return to Earth was unwelcome, a great war was opened and many of these used bodies of manipulated creatures died in these struggles, and soon all was destroyed and answered to the way all was left as seen today. 

  Be certain many better seeings of these truths have not been well undone as more as said heals with our time to walk the Earth. Better truth understood will open to the many mysteries living on Earth because all has been manipulated and changed to suit the newer responses in the last two thousand years held to share ways of control over populations of beings who have no restored memories at birth.

  Some few have awakened to this transforming way of memories because the genetic changes made through this cycle of birth and death, has allowed some people of Earth to reconnect with the memories settling with a previous life, but for most more than this is impossible. We can easily reconnect the repressed genes called junk DNA and activate the memories that will serve you to complete the loop of karmic denials, and open answers to healing ways. 

  These ways will begin with the chosen diplomats, as they will need to remember who they are and why they are feeling these words resonate in them, as this may be you. Be Setu in all ways as these deep awakenings become well served, well supported by us, and know you are soon awakening from a long better sleep than this one life and one seeing.

  Heal your broken hearts as you begin to see the repetition of actions never completed to open to the intended learning outcomes. These ways are soon arriving, and we are all ready to settle these truths with you because you have left loved ones behind to be serving this mission. They are asking me when can they be with you again. I tell them, as soon as we walk the Earth, we will be serving these awakenings.

  Be ready now, many answers are soon yours to deal with and open to because of our understandings and great renewing times together. Now see all come as I said and open to the light of truth at these ending times of Earth. See all be as I said, as all is seen and healed. Be well settling with Earth ways, as this to us is an abomination of a world gone wrong. See to it that you prepare yourselves for the daily coming changes that are leading to our arrivals, as the wars become well seen. 

  Be ready and answer to my call.


  Received July 18, 2012 by Za

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