Be well served by our arrivals as we begin to walk the Earth. Be willing to open the way for yourselves and others who will need your help to answer to our ways of truth. Be Setu in all ways as you are seeing the used truth (past truth or history) of who we are and who you are, as all starts unraveling and settling with many. Be ready and open the way for all to answer to many more truths as all becomes well dealt with and answers are seen.
More than you are expecting arrives well into the coming days. You will soon be well answering to us as you begin to see all and settle with the evidence of our ways. Be well answered by our truth as all becomes well seen, and be ready to open to our ways as we begin the sorting. And know that all who are corrupted will be removed.
Be ready to answer to our call as all seeings will open to you and answer many more questions that you will ask. Be certain we are coming very soon as the wars erupt in the Middle East and open the way for our arrivals. Now see these words as you may but know all heals after these first attacks. Soon many more will answer to our call as we arrive to settle these actions against humans of Earth.
As we arrive, all armaments will be disabled and not one artillery weapon will be used against anyone. Be serving these understandings as we will help all renew without wars and we heal answers to all false wars said to be in the interest of democracy or Islamic beliefs. All will be dealt with and all will be ended by us, as these constructs are not of my words and never were.
As these understandings become accepted, you will renew with the truth about us and better see who we are. Open your hearts to us as we are your true family returning from a long voyage to better serve with the way of great telling of great truths. Be well responding to our call as all becomes well answered and be ready to open to our ways, as all starts with the truth of who we are and why we answer to great telling of many trusted ways of great truths.
Better times are answering you after the first few days after these wars, but know all shared ways of truth will soon answer so many people of Earth. Heal your broken hearts with us as we begin to open to many of our serving ambassadors who will be learning with our teachers. They will open to all who are ready to hear the truth of who they are and where their soul has emerged from.
Be dealing with us and answer to our call as we begin to walk the Earth and open to many who have been contacted before. Be certain all truth will be revealed to you as we begin the time of sharing knowledge. Be well prepared for these times of war and depravity but understand these ways will only be for a very short time. You will see how all are responding to "Answer to Answers" and settling with our truth.
These days will better answer to all your needs and will be renewing with new ways of living with healthier trusted ways and better food and better power to serve your needs. Heal with us and know all better truth opens to you as we begin to walk the Earth. Be ready to answer to many others who will need your help because of these changing times. Be very certain you will have all you need to be dealing with us, as all better ways are soon dealt with and well served by us.
Be serving a time of meditation as you become well serving of our truth. See how all our words will resonate and awaken all your desired memories of who you are and why you are on Earth and renewing with us at this time. All will be shared about who we are and all will be shared about our technologies as the dark ones are removed and dealt with.
Be preparing yourselves for the needs you have by storing food and water for a short time of approximately two months and maybe much less as all will be dealt with us, and then all will better serve you. See this as a precaution and nothing more as you will settle with these days many more ways than we can tell you. Be willing to answer to our ways and our telling words as all starts with the arrivals.
Be ready to answer to our truth and see how all becomes well serving with answers to our ways. Know we tell you this now to answer to your trusted needs and better Setu settling ways. Be well answered by us and be well settling with our answers at the time of our arrivals. And be certain you will better answer to answers as all starts with the good coming days.
More than you can imagine heals with all who are my children and many will understand why you have been so distrusted and abused by answers to many injustices at home, at work, at school and all other places, and judged because of who you are as children of God. These attacks respond to your awakening and are engineered to stop you because you are seeing all coming and many are feeling these days arriving better settling with these times.
The word now used to appease you "bullying" heals only part of the visible problems but in fact it serves nothing more than exposing the evident. As these abusers continue to abuse, healing with them heals nothing and you will be past on to another more hideous abuser as times draws near to end these ways. Abusers, bullies and psychopaths are meant to torment my children and this is what they are for.
Many see these offenders as victims of abuses themselves but see this for what it is as we know of this deception. Those who are abused and who answer back to their abusers are soon entrusted by others who are more abusive. Understand this is not a victim's desire or path but a series of actions well orchestrated by the attackers who well use their trained puppets to renew these abuses as the victims fall into fear, despair and often illnesses.
These actions are dealing with the plan to stop all evolution to become well serving and stops all who are trying to respond to their life experiences and awakenings. Many groups of people gather together as cults to begin this process with young children. They work these ways of great harm seen and unseen (as psychological abuse) to answer to these children's imprinted responses from past lives, and in many more ways causing death to re-imprint them with fear and pain.
This to us is an abomination of the greatest offense against us and this does not go unpunished with us as it does on Earth. Understand too many offenders are walking free on Earth with the truth of their actions unknown. We know each offender and what they are responsible for and this will not be left alone as we will uncover their deeds to respond to a better suited settling of their actions.
Be certain all will be vindicated and no stone will be left unturned. Be Setu as all heals because some of these abusers have well hidden their actions and we will see to the Setu way of dealing with them. Better to be quiet until this is done as the time for our truth will soon be well seen by our presence in body in all places on Earth.
More will be settled by us than you know of, as better solutions are coming to Earth to deal with any abusive actions against the innocent and the good hearts. Understand answers are soon well serving and many are waiting to open to you and better answer to your truth as you will see our truth. Be ready knowledge heals well soon with the way of great Setu renewals and all these horrors of Earth will soon be dealt with and be destroyed.
You will be allowed to continue your lives as it was intended from the first; to live in peace, security and serenity without the abuses, fears and despair caused to answer to your healing time. Many more good truths as we answer you, arrives soon. And be ready to answer to my call as I am soon with you.
Received July 27, 2012 by Za
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