Now see these days be renewed by our arrivals; open to the way all heals and opens to answers of great truth and great healing times. Evidence of our ways are soon answering to answers to our truth and many will be well serving of our ways as all becomes well answered and well arriving with the way of great seeings.
Be well serving these days with serenity in your soul as you see these freeing times open to you. Be well answered now as you will meet with us, and know all my words are truth. Be well settling with Earth ways as our time of great meeting together comes. Be certain you will have all you need to be well renewing with all the truth we come to share with you.
At these words and as these times are here be well answering to my call. Be well aware of the coming days, as great cataclysms will come from the energy of the sun. This means the solar flares will intensify and cause electromagnetic fields that will disrupt the electrical power grids in many countries in Europe and in North Africa. Settling with the repairs of this will cause many to be held by uses of other means of energy, and this will be costly and only accessible for the wealthy.
These repairs may take a long time and many will suffer from the lack of power, as their needs depend on these ways of living. Better to prepare yourselves for this coming event than to question my words as you may doubt me now, but you will soon see how all is held together by power. Heal these ways as power can be used with simple means and will serve all without any cost or control.
Answer my questions. Will you see how all answers you as all arrives? Will you open to our ways as we have many better solutions to answer to your needs? Are you serving with evidence of our truth as I share these words with you? Or are you believing we are only trying to cause fear and dissension among humans?
The fear you have reflects the fear you experience on Earth as you are constantly told of wars, upcoming wars and depravity. And this is how control opens to many through this kind of imprinted past life experiences. Better times are soon answering you and this you will see for yourselves. Be ready and open to the knowledge of our ways of great truth and great Setu truth.
Be well answered as all starts settling with the ways of great truth and, be well answered by our time to be well answering you. Settle with answers to our truth and see how many are waiting to be free of the abuses they have been chained with from the moment of birth. This I will respond to quickly. This causes Earth to suffer the pangs of childbirth as these sufferings of soul being's energy shared with the destruction of nature depletes the life sources needed to evolve.
This heals with us as we begin to remove the negative beings who use others as slaves and certainly cause pain, distress and living ways that are substantially lower than needed for growth and evolution. This will be stopped well into the good serving days, as we will free these souls from the hard hands of corruption.
Healing this will be a long process for some and may require a healing of many better experiences. Most of these souls will ask to experience better lives elsewhere so they can be trusting more in who they are, and this we can help with, and this they can choose to better answer to. Be ready and see these days be well answered by us as we see many more troubles on Earth than you know of. And we will see to the healing of each and every good soul wanting to heal.
Now see to it that you are preparing for the two months I shared with you yesterday as this is precautionary only but will serve you greatly if needed. See to it you have all you need for your families and friends if they are not able to care for themselves as you can of course. Better to be safe than sorry, as you say, and because we answer to urgent needs first, we may not be able to answer to all at once.
The planned chaos is intended to make us go from one fire to another. We are well equipped to do this but there might be some delays. And here heals the truth of who we are, as we heal many problems as we can, but you must also be responsible and take care of your basic needs in these times of transitions, as these chaotic times begin to better be renewed.
Now take heed of my words and settle with the view we are sharing with you as these days draw near. Be well serving of our ways as all starts with arrivals, and settles soon after with the rebuilding of Earth. Be certain we ask you only this and nothing more, and be certain you will be cared for in later times as we begin the work of renewals.
Better to be ready for these times than to ask others for something you can do yourselves as the seeing of this may come well into the coming days of the war in the Middle East. These times renew very soon and these ways answer to all your settling truth and understood seeings.
No one heals without understandings. These words I share with you are meant to open to the present truth of Earth ways and the future truth of who we are, and why we must come to Earth to help you with all healing ways. Be well settling with Earth ways as all starts and at the time of our arrivals.
See to it that my warnings and cautions are serving you to care for yourselves until we reestablish a line of communication with all needs and sources.
See to it that my warnings and cautions are serving you to care for yourselves until we reestablish a line of communication with all needs and sources.
I am well answering you in evidence of what I know is healing you and coming your way, but also you as humans have many food and water needs that Earth has given you. Soon you will see how these ways are easily dealt with independently from your present seen sources of food. As we arrive, we will teach you many ways of settling with these ways and better ways of answering to your needs without needing to live for money to buy all that you need.
These ways are very easy and require only your attention in gardening ways but will answer your basic health needs and better your lives. Heal with us and see how all truth will serve you very well and open to the many better serving ways all starts with us. Share this knowledge with us soon and be well answered.
Received July 28, 2012 by Za
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