Thursday, 26 July 2012



  Be well answered by our time to be walking the Earth. Be settling with Earth ways at the time of our truth. Be visited by our Teachers who will open all truth for those who seek it. See all who oppose our arrivals be well dealt with. As we begin the sorting many will better see who and why removals begin to rid the earth of harm caused by these transient spirits who occupy bodies and hide among humans.

  Understand that not all are humans of a soul being and many others are as humans but have another in them. These seeings will be shared by all as the way of settling with these whores will be well serving. All the people of Earth who are serving truth will soon be dealing with a new life as they wish it to be and not one of slavery, the spreading of poverty and the corruption of good souls.

  Be well answered and be well responding to our time together as all will be well explained and well understood. Now be ready and settle with Earth ways as all becomes well answered. Be well responding to our call as we will begin the sharing of information with all who are ready to open to this. 

  Tell yourselves that now is the time to answer back to the corruption of Earth and stop all people serving a system of control that takes all and returns nothing, saying that this is done for the people's good. But only a few have these rewards of hard work and the difficult ways of life continue for all the others. 

  These ways are soon changed because no one should live this way of depravity. All can be well served by Earth, as Earth was created to harvest for all and not for a price created by a few. Heal these ways of deception and understand uses of Earth ways will soon open to all who are ready to open to truth. Better ways are soon arriving and better Setu truths are soon here to respond to all questions of great seeings.

  Be well answering to our questions as we will begin to see all Setu beings return to themselves as they are with you on Earth and answering to all who wish to be helped and better their lives. Be well answered by our time to walk the Earth and be well seeing all good changes open to all who are ready to open to these times.

  Know now this. Because of the way wars are coming in the Middle East, many will be in danger for their lives. Be serving a time of quiet meditation for these souls who will be moving through death to answer to their answers to truth. As these times are soon here, no soul will be returning to reincarnation. All these souls will settle with Earth reincarnation and close these ways of Earth to renew with a new life of becoming oneself.

  These ways of looping reincarnations are only useful as a learning experience but were never meant to be controlled by one dominate user of souls. All souls have their own experiences to encounter and only they have a right to decide how they wish to open to their experiences before birth into a family. 

  These ways have been stopped and redesigned by Lucifer who created Hell on Earth for too many good souls, and added the dark ones to assure these souls would never complete their desired experiences and growth to be ready to return after these times. 

  Only telling these words heals but does not serve the whole truth about how these ways were agreed upon, as souls wished to understand these experiences and learn how evolution was part of them, as used truths (past history) were never enough to better see these ways. But all was corrupted by another who wished to gain power over all by stopping these learning experiences and creating his own plan to use souls as slaves and remove from them all possible memories to who they are as God's children.

  These times are now over and all life will well serve on Earth as the corrupted dark Beings are removed and dealt with. You will see these dark ones yourselves as they are not as you are and have no care of who sees them for who they are. Be careful of anyone who now wishes to tell you to call on Lucifer because the seeing of this monster will scare the bravest and the reason for this again is to cause torment and fear.

  Be certain we will remove this one, settling with him once and for all. As this happens, many of his servants will begin to fall as the control of them will be ended and they will open to a way of dying as their life source was connected only to Lucifer. 

  With these removals, a more trusting time will become well answered and dealt with. But many will better see how all starts with the way of our arrivals and our actions to vindicate them. Be seeing how we will serve understandings with the way of great truths and better serving knowledge at the time of sharing. See how all will be healed with our ways and our Setu truth as all starts with "Answer to Answers", the book that serves many of us as we better serve these truths.  

  Be serving many more seeings with us as we will explain many Earth truths uncorrupted by historians view of outcomes of wars and past civilizations that are not understood truth. Be understanding now how all came to be with us and you will see how your world has been dominated by corruption and dealings of darkness and lies.

  Now be well seeing as these ways are stopped a veil will lift. Many truths will be uncovered and serving a new time on Earth, as healing begins and opens to many more sources of truths and greater answers to all questions and better serving of our seen truth. Be ready and see how all serves to open to many as all heals and as all dealt with lies are no longer living in your history books.

  Know that all Setu understandings are settling with us as we are the ones who have created the Earth a long time ago and left Earth to better serve other worlds. Upon our return to our home, our scouts warned us of the many changes. Seeing these changes has caused us to allow an evolution that gives choice to every soul to accept us as we are your family, or refuse us as Lucifer hoped to achieve by the breaking of our Laws.

  Then the way back became more difficult for all and these understandings needed to be renewed with us, as we began to see how the loop of incarnation renewed with the loss of memories. These truths are not serving with you now because more are believing in Lucifer's vision than ours and do not see how they are caught in a snare.

  But now this cycle of death and rebirth is over. All who are in need of greater healing ways to help them see how all is, will undergo many more lives in other places in the Universes to help with their dealings of trust and truth. Be certain these ones are not evil but rather in need of more time to evolve the damage caused onto them, and they will be healing under our care and guidance. This includes all animals, as all animals have souls and this too is not understood by most.

  Be well settling with Earth ways and be ready to answer to our call, as all truths used to answer you will soon open to everyone who wishes to know how all heals. Be certain you will soon serve with better Setu seeings. Open your heart to all your families and friends who are waiting for you and are ready to resume their lives with you although these long separations have stopped these reunions for a long time.

  Tell yourselves that the time has come to end this Earth deception and open to all other possibilities that has not been seen in the consciousness of Earth people because of the continuous distractions of death, birth, war, poverty, illness and so many more other ways of stopping good evolution of the soul; as all this acquired knowledge has only caused pain, sadness and despair that weakens the soul and turns out light of greater knowledge. 

  Be well answered now my children, as these times are soon over. Ready yourselves to answer to our way that is your true way as you will rediscover this yourselves.


 Received July 26, 2012 by Za 

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