(Information about the Universal Laws and Earth legal systems)
(Information about the Universal Laws and Earth legal systems)
Be responding to my call in view of the Setu understandings and settle with the ways of the Earth, as all becomes well answered. Open to our ways of living with better sources of power for your homes, food that heal and lives that respects all who respond to our ways. Be well answered by our arrivals, and be well renewing with us and with all who are settling with us, and open your hearts to all better times of life on Earth.
Soon you will renew with understandings that will serve you well with proof of our time together. Soon you will be ready to answer back to all who have trespassed against you and your family. Be well answered by answers to your vindication, and be certain you will have all you need to be well answered and well settling with the ways all starts with us.
Be well settling with answers to evidence of knowledge and understandings, as all becomes well settled. Be certain what is coming will change all, and serve to open to answers greatly needed by Earth beings. Be well answered by evidence of our arrivals as we are soon walking the Earth, answering all questions and reducing all suspicions. Be responding now to knowledge of our ways.
Respond to evidence of our truth and our seeings, as all becomes well serving and well trusted by all. Be ready as all starts well into the coming days. See these understandings be yours with the will of your heart as it becomes free from the settling abuses that has caused you to deny your true selves. Better seeing this will free you from the lies and snares made to control your actions, your reactions and your thoughts.
Renewing with us will open the way for you and serve you with many more understandings that will soon be yours to answer to, as all understood truths are shared and opened for you to discover and settle with. Be understanding how we are as Setu Beings, gives us seeings of many ways, and we are ready to share our seeings with humans who ask us why are we here now and not before. We will answer these questions with you, and we will prove many Setu truths with evidence of our time together. See these days open to all of you, and see how all will heal you.
The servants of Lucifer will settle with us, as we arrive and better serve with their power. They will try to be renewing with us, but we will only tell them that we have already contacted the responding diplomats of Earth, and they will be angered by this. All who are speaking with us will be chosen to answer to our call first, and we will inform them of our ways to open to all humans.
Be understanding of our ways at the time of our arrivals, and know we are as you are and many who are with us are Setu Beings of Light who serve the Universal laws. Be understanding that the Universal Laws are only seen in parts on Earth through the given ten commandments, but many claim they know these laws.
Let me be clear, there are none on Earth that have these Laws as we know them. Many are creating laws based on dark ways, and tell people they have this knowledge. None on Earth have this knowledge, as we have never served these Laws completely to anyone. More than you can see answers very soon. Be well serving of our ways as all becomes well defined.
See to it that you are presently serving with us and with others, as you are reading the words that were meant to reach you. These words are yours to open to and share, as these times are drawing nearer. Bessron aonma poon onm sertuu tessron poon aonsuut. This means, 'Share the good words of our Setu truth, and respond to our call to be reunited together as at the first'.
Now see all come as I said, and know we are settling with the ways of darkness as we speak. Be well answered by our answers, and settle with the way all starts with the understood truth. Be the one who decides how you will answer to it, as you as my children were given free will to choose your way and your destiny. Be certain you will be well answered, well healed and well informed by our ways. Answers will be answered, and believe you will know how all heals with these shared words.
Understanding the Setu ways are simple and useful to all who will serve with us and requires a healed heart and openness of soul that heals with us at the time of reckoning. These renewing times will serve many who are ready to serve with us and open to many who are from other places in the Universes. More Setu seeings will be shared, as all starts opening to the world.
Be well answered by our ways and deal with the better changes one at a time, as we well understand the need to introduce change gradually to insure none are left behind and responding to fear. As all answers to truth, many will feel anger in them rising because of the control used and settling with them. Be seeing the servants of Lucifer's time to be judged by us, as they have offended us first and we are telling you, they are ours to deal with first.
The servants of Lucifer will try to convince people of Earth to free them to renew with their plans to escape from Earth. But this we cannot allow because they will simply repeat their actions and continue their ways with others on another young planet. To stop these abuses, we must take firm actions, and keep these demons from renewing evidence of these ways and actions against others.
All who were programmed to serve forgiveness are well trained to better serve these demons, as forgiveness is a way of allowing these behaviors to repeat themselves. Forgiveness is healing for errors of actions not intended to cause harm, and not renewing with causing harm. In other words, one only forgives if the proof of change is evident. This process may take time, needing services to be rectified and settling ways of change.
My way of seeing this is a guilty person, with proven acts committed that harms another, must be repentant. It is not until the settling damages is repaired, if at all possible, can the culprit be asking for true forgiveness. This is healing for both the victim and the culprit. Forgiving without evidence of change or retribution is a creation of evil, as it serves nothing more than to encourage anyone to repeat these harming actions against another.
These ways need to be well serving of our time of reunion, as these ways are part of the Universal Laws and serve with us, and all who are with us and the Setu ways. More Laws are serving with us this way and we are settling with our truths to open to all who are seeing how justice serves the victim and not the aggressors.
This on Earth heals with us, as all justice systems are well corrupted by law makers who serve with laws they bend to their liking, and laws made for the criminals to be better served than the victims. These ways are more settling with Lucifer's way than the settling of our truth, and these laws need to be changed. We will address this first to answer to a great need of true justice on Earth that will renew with the actions of our understandings, and not of serving the criminals.
See these better ways create a more responsible society, and a self-governing society that can heal together with all shared truth. Also understand that the removal of evil on Earth will open the way for a better serving justice system that will only serve as needed, and not be run like a large factory of evil workings that repeat actions as nothing is healed or changed.
Better ways are easily answered, and better ways are settling with our guiding hand through this process of rehabilitating the justice systems on Earth. Better to serve yourselves than to serve governments who corrupt the laws, and better answer to true justice in service to the victims than to center all on the guilty, and give rights to them when the victims rights never were respected and healed.
This to us is a problem that needs a first attention and reworking. Bessron aonma poon onm and see all come as I said. This means, 'Share evidence of true light of understanding and divine knowledge'. More than you can see will now renew with you, and open the way for answers to all good truth. Be ready to open to our ways and answer to our call of reunification, as now is the right time to be with your families who are waiting to be with you.
Now see this. We are arriving very soon with many ships, as you see in the sky, and renewing with all who are ready to meet with us. Be well answered by our ways, and know visits will begin healing with evidence of many who will recognize their family members who have departed through death. For many this will be a shock but many understandings will be serving by this.
Know that we are settling with the view you have on Earth that death is permanent and causes only a long separation until your own death reunites you with your lost one. These ways are misunderstood as the soul never dies. More than you can see will better answer you as you meet your loved ones again. Know this will amaze you and heal many broken hearts.
Trust in my words only, as these are truths that you will soon discover and see for yourselves. Know these ways of seeing the eternal soul are not new on Earth, but the way it manifests to your understandings will be new, and this I assure you will answer to you very well. See how all starts now, and see how all will become well serving of our time together, as all will be dealt with and soon healed.
Know now this. Be serving a time of great truth and see how all heals with us, as we begin to prove many more truths and open to many more telling. Be well aware of our time to walk the Earth as all starts better answering to our ways and our truth, and opening to who we are and who you are. More than you can see starts very soon.
Received July 14, 2012 by Za
Be well settling with answers to evidence of knowledge and understandings, as all becomes well settled. Be certain what is coming will change all, and serve to open to answers greatly needed by Earth beings. Be well answered by evidence of our arrivals as we are soon walking the Earth, answering all questions and reducing all suspicions. Be responding now to knowledge of our ways.
Respond to evidence of our truth and our seeings, as all becomes well serving and well trusted by all. Be ready as all starts well into the coming days. See these understandings be yours with the will of your heart as it becomes free from the settling abuses that has caused you to deny your true selves. Better seeing this will free you from the lies and snares made to control your actions, your reactions and your thoughts.
Renewing with us will open the way for you and serve you with many more understandings that will soon be yours to answer to, as all understood truths are shared and opened for you to discover and settle with. Be understanding how we are as Setu Beings, gives us seeings of many ways, and we are ready to share our seeings with humans who ask us why are we here now and not before. We will answer these questions with you, and we will prove many Setu truths with evidence of our time together. See these days open to all of you, and see how all will heal you.
The servants of Lucifer will settle with us, as we arrive and better serve with their power. They will try to be renewing with us, but we will only tell them that we have already contacted the responding diplomats of Earth, and they will be angered by this. All who are speaking with us will be chosen to answer to our call first, and we will inform them of our ways to open to all humans.
Be understanding of our ways at the time of our arrivals, and know we are as you are and many who are with us are Setu Beings of Light who serve the Universal laws. Be understanding that the Universal Laws are only seen in parts on Earth through the given ten commandments, but many claim they know these laws.
Let me be clear, there are none on Earth that have these Laws as we know them. Many are creating laws based on dark ways, and tell people they have this knowledge. None on Earth have this knowledge, as we have never served these Laws completely to anyone. More than you can see answers very soon. Be well serving of our ways as all becomes well defined.
See to it that you are presently serving with us and with others, as you are reading the words that were meant to reach you. These words are yours to open to and share, as these times are drawing nearer. Bessron aonma poon onm sertuu tessron poon aonsuut. This means, 'Share the good words of our Setu truth, and respond to our call to be reunited together as at the first'.
Now see all come as I said, and know we are settling with the ways of darkness as we speak. Be well answered by our answers, and settle with the way all starts with the understood truth. Be the one who decides how you will answer to it, as you as my children were given free will to choose your way and your destiny. Be certain you will be well answered, well healed and well informed by our ways. Answers will be answered, and believe you will know how all heals with these shared words.
Understanding the Setu ways are simple and useful to all who will serve with us and requires a healed heart and openness of soul that heals with us at the time of reckoning. These renewing times will serve many who are ready to serve with us and open to many who are from other places in the Universes. More Setu seeings will be shared, as all starts opening to the world.
Be well answered by our ways and deal with the better changes one at a time, as we well understand the need to introduce change gradually to insure none are left behind and responding to fear. As all answers to truth, many will feel anger in them rising because of the control used and settling with them. Be seeing the servants of Lucifer's time to be judged by us, as they have offended us first and we are telling you, they are ours to deal with first.
The servants of Lucifer will try to convince people of Earth to free them to renew with their plans to escape from Earth. But this we cannot allow because they will simply repeat their actions and continue their ways with others on another young planet. To stop these abuses, we must take firm actions, and keep these demons from renewing evidence of these ways and actions against others.
All who were programmed to serve forgiveness are well trained to better serve these demons, as forgiveness is a way of allowing these behaviors to repeat themselves. Forgiveness is healing for errors of actions not intended to cause harm, and not renewing with causing harm. In other words, one only forgives if the proof of change is evident. This process may take time, needing services to be rectified and settling ways of change.
My way of seeing this is a guilty person, with proven acts committed that harms another, must be repentant. It is not until the settling damages is repaired, if at all possible, can the culprit be asking for true forgiveness. This is healing for both the victim and the culprit. Forgiving without evidence of change or retribution is a creation of evil, as it serves nothing more than to encourage anyone to repeat these harming actions against another.
These ways need to be well serving of our time of reunion, as these ways are part of the Universal Laws and serve with us, and all who are with us and the Setu ways. More Laws are serving with us this way and we are settling with our truths to open to all who are seeing how justice serves the victim and not the aggressors.
This on Earth heals with us, as all justice systems are well corrupted by law makers who serve with laws they bend to their liking, and laws made for the criminals to be better served than the victims. These ways are more settling with Lucifer's way than the settling of our truth, and these laws need to be changed. We will address this first to answer to a great need of true justice on Earth that will renew with the actions of our understandings, and not of serving the criminals.
See these better ways create a more responsible society, and a self-governing society that can heal together with all shared truth. Also understand that the removal of evil on Earth will open the way for a better serving justice system that will only serve as needed, and not be run like a large factory of evil workings that repeat actions as nothing is healed or changed.
Better ways are easily answered, and better ways are settling with our guiding hand through this process of rehabilitating the justice systems on Earth. Better to serve yourselves than to serve governments who corrupt the laws, and better answer to true justice in service to the victims than to center all on the guilty, and give rights to them when the victims rights never were respected and healed.
This to us is a problem that needs a first attention and reworking. Bessron aonma poon onm and see all come as I said. This means, 'Share evidence of true light of understanding and divine knowledge'. More than you can see will now renew with you, and open the way for answers to all good truth. Be ready to open to our ways and answer to our call of reunification, as now is the right time to be with your families who are waiting to be with you.
Now see this. We are arriving very soon with many ships, as you see in the sky, and renewing with all who are ready to meet with us. Be well answered by our ways, and know visits will begin healing with evidence of many who will recognize their family members who have departed through death. For many this will be a shock but many understandings will be serving by this.
Know that we are settling with the view you have on Earth that death is permanent and causes only a long separation until your own death reunites you with your lost one. These ways are misunderstood as the soul never dies. More than you can see will better answer you as you meet your loved ones again. Know this will amaze you and heal many broken hearts.
Trust in my words only, as these are truths that you will soon discover and see for yourselves. Know these ways of seeing the eternal soul are not new on Earth, but the way it manifests to your understandings will be new, and this I assure you will answer to you very well. See how all starts now, and see how all will become well serving of our time together, as all will be dealt with and soon healed.
Know now this. Be serving a time of great truth and see how all heals with us, as we begin to prove many more truths and open to many more telling. Be well aware of our time to walk the Earth as all starts better answering to our ways and our truth, and opening to who we are and who you are. More than you can see starts very soon.
Received July 14, 2012 by Za
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