Monday, 30 July 2012



  Be settling with Earth ways and answer to my call. Know that these are the end times and the times for a new beginning opening to all, including others from homes other than Earth. Be ready to welcome your families from other worlds and unite with us as we are as one to strengthen ourselves together. See these visits be arriving in the next few weeks.

  The way all comes, opens well into the coming days and will answer to many of your needs, many of your renewed telling of who you are and where you have emerged from. All answers you more now as all starts with the good settling days of Earth and of our time of arrivals. Be well answered by our truth as all starts with answers to our ways and as all becomes well seen.

  Be ready and renew with us as we wish to renew with you, and be dealing with answers to our ways settling with Earth ways. Now see these truths answer you and better answer to answers of our time together. 

  Know now this. The way of the telling of who we are as Beings of Light may seem as untrue to most, as the stories on Earth renewed with a great lie of who we are and the way our children were cared for by us. We are called 'gods of renown' but we are in many ways as humans in our looks. Be not surprised by this, and be ready to see how we are answering to our own, and how now is the time to awaken to these coming seen truths.

  We have been on Earth many times before and we have caused some of the great cataclysms to heal the problems with the Annunaki and their creation of monsters as the seen dinosaurs. But we are not the Annunaki and until we knew who they are, we could not deal with them and their renewed dealings of destruction of planets as they stole and took whatever they wanted to answer to their desires of control.

  Understand that these were one of the determined groups who wanted to profit from our creations and they answered many more ways from the uses of our truth by lies and deceptions for profit. These thieves, liars and murderers used humans as slaves from the very beginning of their arrivals, and these liars were serving our truths to use against us.

  We were called 'gods' by them to respond to their actions of terrorizing our Terran beings. They acted as a servant of ours but they were distrusted by so many in the Universes. Be seeing these travelers of the Universes for who they are, as they became well sought after criminals who are now part of the great problems of Earth.

  They used their own blood to spread on Earth as they controlled many parts of the planet and became the kings and queens of different parts of Earth, as this was divided among them. They dealt with their slaves with horror and abuses still practiced in your days as we see this ourselves. They used food made of animal flesh and created ceremonies to offer these animals by fire to appease their gods of terror.

  They are not us and we are not them in evidence of their ways and their actions against many races and many people. They mixed their kind with humans and only their kind were used for renewing with power, as they believed themselves to be more powerful than any others in the Universes. Be well answering to our call and be well settling with these dealers of lies.

  They are as reptiles as you see on Earth and they wanted their animals to be well serving of their ways on Earth, and caused them to feed off humans and animals until few were left. Renewing with this answered us and we were well served with these truths. So we caused the Earth to shift to destroy all the dinosaurs and free the surviving animals and humans from devastation.

  These were the times of the serving floods and ice age that renewed all things but did not destroy the blood of the Annunaki that continues to flow in some humans on Earth. These truths you will understand soon as we will open to these evolution problems with many of you who wish to see this. These beings are evidence of corrupted ways of dealing, as these visitors caused much harm on Earth.

  Be renewing with these words now as all becomes well served and dealt with, and see how all starts with the way all heals with the answer to our used ways. Better to answer to evidence than to deal with proof of our time together without knowing how we know these stories and humans do not. Be responding more now to our truth as we are soon arriving on Earth to begin the sorting.

  These ways of sorting are necessary for you to live better lives and settle with these actions of used lies and destructive answers to mixed breeding of aliens and humans who are renewing with many on Earth and causes ill telling to be accepted as fact. Questions about who we are will soon be clear as knowledge about the different races of the Universes are clear.

  The fallen angels are more seen as our kind but they are not. They are renegade opportunists that travel the Universes as pirates as you say on Earth, who cause trouble wherever they go and use all unknowing beings to answer to all their needs, as slaves to trade with things they want, and a food source. They are shape-shifters and share with answers to Lucifer's kind.

  Be responding to our ways of dealing with these answers, as all truth are well understood. Be well serving of our truth as you will soon see why these understandings are unknown to you now. These shape-shifters are called this way not because they can change their appearance but because they can use any bodies they want to access the control of it, whether human or animal, and make them obey to their desires.

  They use human bodies to have actions sorted to cause another person harm; or animal bodies to open to attacks or trouble. But usually they are only able to enter a body that has many health problems due to disease, or age, or uses of drugs and alcohol as this weakens the body to allow these spirits to immerse themselves into the brain and control the body.

  Healing with these truths will give you the answers to demonic possessions as seen on Earth. Be well answered by these troubling spirits removal from Earth. See many weakened bodies renew with an overdue time of death, as these ways of removal are done because these spirits can work a long time without life renewed with health.

  Now renew with our time to walk the Earth and see all start changing as we open to all. Settle with these ways of great endings on Earth to heal all the troubles caused by these invaders. See how all truths and lies open the way for our truth as all becomes well seen and well served by our ways. And be well responding to answers to knowledge, as arrivals become well serving and well settling with many.


  Received July 30, 2012 by Za

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