Tuesday, 24 July 2012



  You will renew with us well into the good Setu days and you will answer to answers in a short time. Be settling with Earth ways, and see how all starts with the view that answers to all seen truth. Be well answered as these days arrive and open to all Setu telling with the Setu understandings that all heals with used (past) truth, as all becomes well answered and dealt with. Be seeing how all starts with the way all settling ways are seen, and be certain used truths are soon answered by us. 

  Now see these truths be answered by all Setu seeing. Know we are ready to land and ready to stop all aggressive actions against anyone. These actions will serve as examples of our ways to intervene and respond to all renewed attempts to attack anyone or place. Be visited by many teachers of our kind who will show you all truth and all dealt with truth, as we begin the sorting to remove all corrupted souls in evidence of their intent to harm and cause actions to torment others.

  Understand we are not serving these ways ourselves and we will not serve these ways as all becomes well dealt with. See how we are used to opening the way for many other planet cultures in the Universes and we are now arriving near Earth in a short time. See this be the time of reckoning. And know we are ready to answer all your questions.

  Understand that Earth was ours a long time ago, healing settling errors of denials that we thought were harmless when we left it. But knowledge came to us and said that the people of Earth were being used by malevolent entities we had encountered before and dealt with as all abuses became dealt with. We will prove these words with you when we arrive to stop these actions, and serve better ways of dealing with answers to our truths.

  These ways of opening to worlds we use when we encounter these entities actions against people in other places in evidence of reports from our scouts. These years of torment upon humans has culminated drastically in the view of our intervention of healing actions, as we need to rid these demons from your planet. Be certain this heals all and answers to your freedom. 

  Know we are Setu Beings of Light in proving our time of great truth to be well answering to Earth needs as we become well serving of our time together. Be well answered by our truth and our ways of healing with you and all parts of Earth life as arrivals begin and open to all. Believe we are who we say we are with "Answer to Answers"; you will heal with our words and open to better ways of living and answering to truths.

  Be well settling with Earth ways and understand many things need to be changed. See to it that I am who I say I am and now is the time of reckoning. Be well answered by our seeings and be responding to many more truths and be certain all starts well into the good Setu renewing days. But tell yourselves to better serve these truths with well open hearts as these words may cause some to fear us, and we wish not to be feared by anyone on Earth.

  Be serving a time of deep meditation and better truth, as all starts with the good settling days. See how all starts with Setu seeings of great shared words. These words I share with you now is confirmation of our time of arrivals and great truths. Believe we are coming soon and our words are truth as this you will see for yourselves as we begin to remove all evil from the Earth in evidence of the harm they intentionally inflicted and continue to cause on humans and animals.

  Be well serving of our ways and be well served by our ways, as you will soon understand we are arriving to open the way for Earth to become a part of all worlds. These worlds open to the Universal Laws, and live free of torment and fear as we are all working together as one to answer to Earths' call for our help. Be this said, our time has arrived to better act on a great intervention responding to serving of our ways of dealing with the dark Beings who have corrupted your home planet.

  Answer my questions. Because of our renewing time on Earth, will you be open to our time to walk among you? Will you be wanting to hear our words? Will you be answering to your family members and answering to evidence of truth? Be certain we will open to many of you and dealing with the way all starts and deals with answers to truths renewed by all. 

  Deal with your broken hearts as you will discover how you were deceived in the belief that we are gods only as superior beings who control all outcomes, when we are the ones who tell you some tellings are true and some are lies. Together we will unravel these truths to help us understand each other. This is the best I can do for you to understand how all heals. 

  Now see this and be understanding how all truth with lies will be dealt with as we tell you our truth. You will uncover the lies said about who we are as these ways of seeing will open the way for you and your children. Be certain we ask you to open to our ways to better your lives and heal all the wrongs that have been corrupting your planet for a very long time.

  Be settling with us, as we are soon answering to many more trusted truths and answering to evidence of our understood ways of renewed seeing. Be ready as all starts well into the coming days and know we are to be with you and help you through these times of uncertainty as all begins to be well serving and dealt with. Evidence comes well into the coming days and we will soon be with you.


Received July 24, 2012 by Za

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